Emerging Trends in Billing Solutions for Mobile Operators

The telecommunications industry is witnessing a paradigm shift in billing solutions, driven by technological advances and changing consumer behaviors. Mobile operators are at the forefront of this transformation, seeking innovative billing solutions that cater to the needs of a digitally-savvy customer base and the complexities of modern telecom services.

Billing Solutions for Mobile Operators

The mobile industry is witnessing rapid growth and technological advancements, leading to the emergence of new trends in billing solutions for mobile operators. In this blog, we will explore ten key trends that are shaping the landscape of billing solutions in the mobile operator sector. These trends are revolutionizing the way operators handle billing processes and improving the customer experience.

Real-Time Billing and Charging

Real-time billing and charging have become critical for mobile operators to meet the demands of their customers. With the rise of data-intensive services and the Internet of Things (IoT), subscribers expect instant and accurate billing. Real-time billing solutions enable operators to track and charge for usage in real-time, providing customers with up-to-date information on their expenses. This trend enhances transparency and empowers customers to have better control over their usage and expenses.

Personalized and Flexible Plans

Traditional one-size-fits-all plans are becoming outdated as customers seek personalized and flexible billing options. Mobile operators are now offering tailored plans that cater to individual needs and usage patterns. Customers can customize their plans based on their preferences, allowing them to optimize their usage and expenses. This trend promotes customer satisfaction and improves loyalty as subscribers feel their specific requirements are being met.

Digital Wallet Integration

The integration of digital wallets into billing solutions is gaining traction in the mobile operator industry. Customers increasingly prefer digital payment methods, and integrating digital wallets into billing systems provides convenience and security. By offering digital wallet payment options, operators streamline the payment process and enhance the overall user experience. This trend aligns with the growing popularity of mobile financial services and contributes to a seamless payment ecosystem.

Usage-based Billing

Usage-based billing is gaining momentum as mobile operators aim to offer fair and transparent pricing models. Instead of fixed monthly plans, operators are exploring billing based on actual usage. This approach allows customers to pay for the services they consume, promoting cost control and eliminating unused resources. Usage-based billing encourages efficient resource allocation and helps operators optimize their network capacity.

Enhanced Analytics and Insights

Mobile operators are leveraging advanced analytics and insights to gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing billing data, operators can identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for personalized offerings. Enhanced analytics enable operators to provide targeted recommendations, promotions, and proactive customer support. This trend enhances customer satisfaction and helps operators optimize their billing processes for improved efficiency.

Subscription-based Services

Subscription-based services have gained significant popularity in the mobile operator industry. Operators offer bundled services, such as music streaming or video-on-demand, for a recurring fee. This model provides customers with access to a wide range of services while ensuring a consistent revenue stream for operators. Subscription-based billing fosters customer loyalty and enables operators to forge partnerships with content providers, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Blockchain-enabled Billing

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing billing processes in the mobile operator industry. By leveraging decentralized networks, operators can ensure secure and transparent billing records. Blockchain-enabled billing enhances data integrity, reduces fraud, and streamlines settlement processes. This trend opens up opportunities for innovative business models, such as micro-payments and peer-to-peer transactions. Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the billing landscape and improve trust among operators and customers.

Multi-Channel Billing

Mobile operators are adopting multi-channel billing strategies to provide customers with a seamless and consistent experience across various touchpoints. Customers can receive bills and make payments through multiple channels, such as mobile apps, online portals, or even physical stores. This trend accommodates diverse customer preferences and enhances convenience by offering flexibility in bill management.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Billing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being integrated into billing solutions to automate processes and enhance efficiency. AI-powered systems can analyze billing data, identify patterns, and optimize billing processes. Chatbots powered by AI can handle customer inquiries and provide real-time support, reducing the need for human intervention. This trend enables operators to streamline billing operations, reduce costs, and improve customer service.

Enhanced Security and Fraud Prevention

With the increasing complexity of billing systems, mobile operators are prioritizing security and fraud prevention. Advanced security measures, such as encryption and tokenization, safeguard customer data and billing transactions. Operators are also implementing fraud detection systems to identify and prevent fraudulent activities. This trend ensures customer trust and protects operators from potential financial losses.


The evolving mobile industry demands innovative billing solutions, and mobile operators are embracing emerging trends to meet customer expectations. Real-time billing, personalized plans, digital wallet integration, usage-based billing, enhanced analytics, subscription-based services, blockchain-enabled billing, multi-channel billing, AI integration, and enhanced security are transforming the billing landscape.

By adopting these trends, mobile operators can optimize their billing processes, enhance customer satisfaction, and stay competitive in the dynamic mobile market. These trends pave the way for a more efficient, transparent, and customer-centric billing experience, driving the growth and success of mobile operators in the digital age.

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How AI is Transforming Billing Providers for Mobile Operators

The incursion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the telecom arena is upending traditional billing systems and ushering in a new age of efficiency and personalization for mobile operators. AI's transformative power is permeating the core of billing operations, offering an unprecedented opportunity to overhaul the billing process in ways that were unimaginable just a decade ago.

Billing Providers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, and the field of billing solutions for mobile operators is no exception. AI technologies are transforming the way billing providers operate, offering enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and customer experience. In this blog, we will explore the top ten ways in which AI is revolutionizing billing providers for mobile operators.

Automated Billing and Invoicing

AI-powered systems are streamlining the billing and invoicing processes for mobile operators. With AI automation, billing providers can generate invoices, calculate charges, and handle complex billing scenarios with minimal human intervention. This reduces errors, enhances efficiency, and accelerates the billing cycle, resulting in faster payments and improved cash flow for mobile operators. AI algorithms can extract relevant data from various sources, such as usage logs and customer profiles, to automate the billing process accurately.

Intelligent Billing Analytics

AI-driven analytics enable billing providers to extract valuable insights from vast amounts of billing data. These analytics help identify patterns, trends, and anomalies, allowing operators to make data-driven decisions. Billing providers can analyze usage patterns, customer behavior, and revenue trends to optimize pricing strategies, detect potential revenue leakage, and identify upselling opportunities. AI algorithms can process and analyze massive datasets in real-time, providing actionable insights for mobile operators to improve their billing strategies.

Predictive Revenue Management

AI algorithms can predict future revenue based on historical data, market trends, and customer behavior patterns. By leveraging predictive analytics, billing providers can forecast revenue with greater accuracy, enabling operators to make informed financial decisions. This trend helps mobile operators optimize resource allocation, plan investments, and develop effective revenue growth strategies. AI-powered predictive models can factor in various variables, such as customer churn rates and market demand, to generate accurate revenue projections for mobile operators.

Fraud Detection and Prevention

AI-powered fraud detection systems have become a crucial asset for billing providers. These systems analyze billing data in real-time, flagging suspicious activities and potential fraud. AI algorithms can detect anomalies, identify fraudulent patterns, and minimize revenue losses due to fraudulent activities. By leveraging AI for fraud detection and prevention, billing providers enhance security and protect the financial interests of mobile operators. AI can continuously monitor transactions, identify unusual patterns, and raise alerts for further investigation.

Personalized Billing Experiences

AI enables billing providers to offer personalized billing experiences to mobile operator customers. By analyzing customer data and preferences, AI algorithms can generate customized bills, payment reminders, and tailored promotions. This personalization enhances customer satisfaction, improves engagement, and fosters long-term loyalty. AI-powered systems can dynamically present billing information based on customer preferences, such as preferred payment methods and communication channels.

Chatbots for Customer Support

AI-powered chatbots are transforming customer support for mobile operators. Billing providers can deploy chatbots that handle billing-related inquiries, provide real-time assistance, and resolve common issues. Chatbots offer 24/7 support, reduce wait times, and improve overall customer experience. They can answer billing queries, explain charges, and even assist with payment processes, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex customer issues. AI-powered chatbots can learn and improve over time, providing increasingly accurate and personalized support.

Intelligent Payment Processing

AI technologies are revolutionizing payment processing for mobile operators. Billing providers can leverage AI algorithms to automate payment reconciliation, detect payment discrepancies, and streamline the payment collection process. This reduces manual errors, accelerates payment processing, and enhances the accuracy of financial records. AI can analyze payment data, identify patterns, and reconcile payments from multiple sources, ensuring accurate and efficient payment management for mobile operators.

Usage-based Billing Optimization

AI algorithms can analyze usage patterns and optimize usage-based billing for mobile operators. By understanding customer behavior and preferences, billing providers can recommend optimal plans, identify opportunities for cost savings, and proactively communicate with customers regarding plan upgrades or downgrades. AI-driven usage-based billing optimization enhances customer satisfaction and ensures fair and accurate billing. AI can analyze usage data, identify trends, and provide personalized recommendations based on individual usage patterns.

Intelligent Debt Collection

AI technologies are transforming debt collection processes for mobile operators. Billing providers can use AI algorithms to identify delinquent accounts, segment customers based on risk profiles, and develop personalized debt collection strategies. AI-powered debt collection systems can send automated reminders, negotiate payment plans, and escalate cases when necessary, resulting in improved debt recovery rates and reduced bad debt. AI can analyze customer payment histories, predict default risks, and optimize debt collection efforts.

Revenue Assurance and Leakage Prevention

AI-driven revenue assurance systems help billing providers identify and prevent revenue leakage. By analyzing billing data and cross-referencing it with network usage, AI algorithms can detect discrepancies, identify billing errors, and ensure accurate revenue recognition. This trend enables mobile operators to protect their revenue streams and improve financial performance. AI can compare billing data with network activity logs, identify inconsistencies, and proactively address potential revenue leakage issues. By implementing AI-powered revenue assurance systems, billing providers can minimize revenue losses and optimize revenue streams for mobile operators.


Artificial Intelligence is transforming billing providers for mobile operators in numerous ways. From automated billing and invoicing to intelligent analytics, predictive revenue management, fraud detection and prevention, personalized billing experiences, chatbots for customer support, intelligent payment processing, usage-based billing optimization, intelligent debt collection, and revenue assurance, AI is revolutionizing the billing landscape.

Mobile operators can leverage AI technologies to enhance efficiency, accuracy, customer satisfaction, and financial performance. As AI continues to evolve, the potential for further transformation in billing solutions for mobile operators is immense, promising a future of streamlined operations and improved customer experiences.

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Exploring Subscription-based Billing Models for MVNOs

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) operate in a highly competitive industry, where differentiation is key to success. One way that MVNOs can differentiate themselves from their competitors is by offering subscription-based billing models.

Billing for MVNOs

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) operate in a highly competitive industry, where differentiation is key to success. One way that MVNOs can differentiate themselves from their competitors is by offering subscription-based billing models. Subscription-based billing models offer predictable and recurring revenue streams, which can help MVNOs to better manage their cash flow and plan for future growth. In this blog post, we will explore subscription-based billing models for MVNOs and the benefits they offer.

What is Subscription-based Billing?

Subscription-based billing is a model where customers pay a recurring fee for access to a product or service. This model is commonly used by streaming services like Netflix and Spotify, where customers pay a monthly fee for access to a library of content. Subscription-based billing models can also be used by MVNOs for mobile services.

In a subscription-based billing model, customers pay a fixed fee for access to a set of services. This fee can be charged monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the terms of the subscription. The subscription fee can cover a range of services, including voice, text, and data.

Benefits of Subscription-based Billing for MVNOs

Here are some of the benefits of subscription-based billing for MVNOs:

Predictable Revenue Streams

Subscription-based billing offers predictable and recurring revenue streams, which can help MVNOs to better manage their cash flow and plan for future growth. With subscription-based billing, MVNOs can forecast their revenue more accurately, which can help them to make better investment decisions.

Customer Loyalty

Subscription-based billing can also help to build customer loyalty. Customers who subscribe to a service are more likely to remain loyal to the service provider, as they have already made a commitment to the service. This can help MVNOs to retain customers and reduce churn.

Better Customer Experience

Subscription-based billing can also provide a better customer experience. Customers who subscribe to a service can enjoy a range of benefits, including predictable pricing, access to exclusive content or services, and personalized support. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and reduce customer complaints.

Increased Efficiency

Subscription-based billing can also help to increase efficiency. With a fixed fee for a set of services, MVNOs can more easily manage their resources and plan their operations. This can help to reduce costs and improve profitability.

Types of Subscription-based Billing Models

There are several types of subscription-based billing models that MVNOs can use. Here are some of the most common models:


Pay-As-You-Go is a subscription-based billing model where customers pay for the services they use. This model is commonly used for data services, where customers pay for the amount of data they use. Pay-As-You-Go can be a good option for customers who use their mobile services infrequently.

Tiered Pricing

Tiered Pricing is a subscription-based billing model where customers pay a fixed fee for a set of services. The fee can vary depending on the level of service provided. For example, customers may pay a different fee for a basic service package compared to a premium service package.

Unlimited Usage

Unlimited Usage is a subscription-based billing model where customers pay a fixed fee for unlimited access to a set of services. This model is commonly used for data services, where customers pay a fixed fee for unlimited data usage. Unlimited Usage can be a good option for customers who use their mobile services frequently.

Challenges of Subscription-based Billing for MVNOs

While subscription-based billing offers several benefits for MVNOs, there are also some challenges associated with this billing model. Here are some of the challenges:

Revenue Recognition

MVNOs need to recognize revenue over the term of the subscription. This can be challenging, as the revenue is earned over a period of time, rather than at the time of sale. MVNOs need to have the accounting processes and systems in place to manage revenue recognition for subscription-based billing.

Customer Churn

Customer churn can be a challenge for MVNOs using subscription-based billing. Customers who are unhappy with the service may cancel their subscription, which can lead to a loss of revenue. MVNOs need to have the processes in place to manage customer churn and retain customers.

Upfront Costs

Subscription-based billing can require significant upfront costs for MVNOs. MVNOs need to invest in the infrastructure and technology required to support subscription-based billing. This can include systems for managing subscriptions, billing, and customer support.

Payment Collection

MVNOs need to have the processes in place to collect payments for subscription-based billing. This can be challenging, as customers may cancel their subscription or fail to pay on time. MVNOs need to have the technology and processes in place to manage payment collection for subscription-based billing.

MVNOs should carefully consider their target market and the services they offer when deciding on a subscription-based billing model. Pay-As-You-Go may be a good option for customers who use their mobile services infrequently, while Unlimited Usage may be a good option for customers who use their mobile services frequently. Tiered pricing may be a good option for customers who want a range of service options at different price points.

To successfully implement subscription-based billing, MVNOs need to have the right technology and processes in place. This includes systems for managing subscriptions, billing, and customer support. MVNOs also need to have the ability to manage revenue recognition over the term of the subscription, and to manage customer churn and payment collection.

In conclusion, subscription-based billing offers MVNOs an opportunity to differentiate themselves from their competitors, increase customer loyalty, and improve their cash flow. However, to successfully implement subscription-based billing, MVNOs need to carefully consider their target market and the services they offer, and have the right systems, processes, and technology in place.


In conclusion, subscription-based billing offers several benefits for MVNOs, including predictable revenue streams, customer loyalty, better customer experience, and increased efficiency. Subscription-based billing can also present challenges for MVNOs,including revenue recognition, customer churn, upfront costs, and payment collection. However, with the right systems, processes, and technology in place, MVNOs can successfully implement subscription-based billing and take advantage of the benefits it offers.

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MVNEs and OCS’s Absolute Guide

At Telgoo5, we allow MVNE and MVNO’s to charge in real-time based on service usage. You’ll need to provide a real-time telecom billing system to display the most up-to-date usage for customers.


MVNE Contingent on accurate Online Charging Systems

In today's world of telecom providers, the MVNE plays a pivotal role in behind-the-scenes operations. MVNE or Mobile Virtual Network Enabler can be thought of as the backbone of MVNOs. They are a telecom solution for network infrastructure and other services such as administration, operations support systems, SIM provisioning, and business support systems. An MVNE specializes in the planning, implementation, and management phases of companies that offer mobile services.

Given the wide range of responsibilities that MVNE has, they will need support from many aspects, such as an Online Charging System (OCS). The industry has grown in complexity over the years. Telecom providers offer more services, giving their customers more choices. As a result, every MVNE will need an online charging vendor to simplify its process and provide real-time tracking.

At Telgoo5, we allow MVNE and MVNO’s to charge in real-time based on service usage.

You’ll need to provide a real-time telecom billing system to display the most up-to-date usage for customers. This prevents payment confusion that could ruin the customer experience. Telgoo5 also offers session-based charging and event-based charging allowing your business to customize your offerings.

How to Choose the Right Online Payment Method for Your MVNE Needs?

While many companies offer telecom billing systems, you'll want to find the solution that matches your MVNE needs. Here are some features that every online charging system provider needs.


As your business grows, you'll need to handle a larger customer base. A system that loses its functionality during peak hours or can't handle an increase in subscriber count won't fit your needs. Make sure the OCS can handle both vertical and horizontal scalability.


Every online charging system should come with real-time charging and convergent billing. Convergent billing is the sum of all service charges into one invoice allowing customers to view the different services used easily.

Convergent billing offers many advantages such as:

●     Cross-service discounts so that customers can receive preferential pricing

●     Support for both pre-paid and post-paid billing

●     Maximize revenue streams and minimize leakage

Cloud-based System

A cloud-based online charging system continually works for you 24/7. This eliminates potential errors or system issues that a non-cloud-based system would have. Using the cloud ensures you can provide accurate charging, especially for MVNE companies, which must provide accurate usage to MVNOs or other clientele. Cloud systems can provide accurate billing for data, calls, SMS messages, and more.

Security Encryption

When it comes to customer records, their information must be encrypted and never compromised. The security encryption technology should be updated frequently to handle future cyber threats. Telgoo5 leverages Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure to ensure the complete safety of data and accurate processing.

Customer Service

Excellent customer service should always be a consideration with any vendor you work with. When it comes to wireless network infrastructure, data session failures or disrupted calls or texts may occur. As a result, you'll need instantaneous responses to serve your clients best. Choose a vendor that puts its customers first and has friendly representatives who quickly provide solutions.

Reporting and Analytics

Any OCS should offer telecom billing analytics that provides data into usage, behavior, and other stats. As an MVNE, gaining insight into your customer's behaviors allows you to see how you can better serve your clients and shape your operations to meet the ever-changing demands of the telecom industry.


At Telgoo5, we offer innovative online charging systems specifically geared towards the telecom industry. We support the latest services, including 5G and IoT. Our cloud-based system offers real-time charging and convergent billing to keep your customers happy. Furthermore, Telgoo5 lets mobile operators customize their solutions by providing pre-paid, post-paid, IoT, and Machine to Machine services. As a result, MVNE, MVNO, and MVNA’s can tailor their services to meet the demands of their customers.

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Data MVNO, Skinny MVNO, Light MVNO, Full MVNO Telgoo5 Contributor Data MVNO, Skinny MVNO, Light MVNO, Full MVNO Telgoo5 Contributor

How to Become an MVNO- What Are Your First Steps?

Starting a MVNO can be quite lucrative, but it is not easy. Set yourself up for success by researching exactly what goes into starting and MVNO, and starting off with a solid plan and strong partners.

How to Become an MVNO

Starting a MVNO can be quite lucrative, but it is not easy. Set yourself up for success by researching exactly what goes into starting and MVNO, and starting off with a solid plan and strong partners. 

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) provide services to subscribers without needing any radio access network equipment. They are virtual operators only. This means that becoming a MVNO is much easier than it would be should it require any speciality equipment. It is a great option for companies looking to enter the provider space without a significant investment. The first step in becoming a MVNO is establishing a relationship with an MNO (or mobile network operator). Once a roaming agreement is in place, the next step is determining what type of MVNO you want to be. 

What kind of MVNO does your company want to be?

  • Skinny MVNO: This type of company is lean and mean. A skinny MVNO does not own or operate any of their own equipment. They establish a strong relationship with an MNO and simply own their customer service/support, sales, and marketing.

  • Light MVNO: This is a slightly more significant type of MVNO. They still rely on a strong relationship with an MNO, but in addition to owning customer support, sales, and marketing, they also control the distribution operations of their service and can set their own service prices. 

  • Think MVNO: Now we are moving into a more full-service provider. This type of company supports their customers with their own infrastructure. They own their own GMSC (Gateway Mobile Switching Center) for voice, GGSN (gateway GPRS support node) for data, subscriber services, and an independent billing system.

  • Full MVNO: This type of MVNO owns their own core network infrastructure. The only thing they lack is their own radio network, for which they still need a relationship with an MNO.

Once you have determined which type of MVNO is right for you, the next step is defining your target market.

Different market segments have different needs and wants. For example, a community of individuals who are 65+ may not have a huge need for data and texting services. In contrast, a millenial or gen Z audience are going to expect a plan with a lot of data availability. Once you have figured out your target market, you can build a business plan. 


Lastly, find reliable partners to handle back office outsourcing needs.

Telgoo5 is a fantastic mobile virtual network enabler. We have years of experience helping MVNOs grow and scale. We can handle billing, customer issues, security, and infrastructure. Once you have your plan in place, allow us to help you to implement.

Telgoo5 is an end-to-end cloud based SaaS platform that powers telecommunication services to MSPs, MNOs, MVNOs, MVNEs, and MVNAs. We are established, reliable, and a fantastic partner for you. Whether you are looking to enter this space as a newbie, or an experienced MVNO operator, Telgoo5 is the right partner for you.

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How to Empower Customers with Self-Care Solutions

Telecom billing is a complicated space. Every day, Telgoo5’s end to end cloud based SaaS platform powers Cable and Internet service providers (MSP’s), Mobile operators (MNO’s), Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO), Enablers (MVNE) and Aggregators (MVNA).

Telecom billing

Telecom billing is a complicated space. Every day, Telgoo5’s end to end cloud based SaaS platform powers Cable and Internet service providers (MSP’s), Mobile operators (MNO’s),  Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO), Enablers (MVNE) and Aggregators (MVNA). Our modular platform offers an Omni Channel CRM, Billing, Online Charging and payment engines.

All of that sounds like greek to consumers. 

All the consumer is concerned about is their own individual service, and consumers today like to feel empowered. They often prefer to manage their own services and bills without having to speak to service provider representatives, and they definitely are not interested in learning all of the acronyms and jargon that exist in this space. Forcing a consumer to burn mental calories trying to figure out how to work with your company is an easy way to discourage them. If you are interested in engaging your consumer base and leaving them with a positive impression of your company, even when you are asking them to pay a bill, then you need to consider a customer self-care solution.

A self-care solution empowers your customers to manage their own accounts online. By putting the power directly in the hands of the consumer, you will both reduce your own customer care costs and increase customer satisfaction. It is truly a win-win solution. When you start to consider a customer self-care solution, make sure to take the following key features into account.

This is what your customers are expecting to see

  • A quick view into their service usage. A lot of customers like to monitor their usage month-over-month. By making their individual usage highly-visible within a self-care solution, you can save yourselves from a lot of customer support calls. It is best practice to break down service usage by voice, text, and data. 

  • The ability to change plans from within the self-care solution. Customers like to have autonomy. Give them the option to upgrade or downgrade their plans themselves.

  • Payment solutions & options. Auto-pay solutions help customers to manage their bills and help to ensure that you get paid. Providing payment solutions and invoice tracking is a great way to ensure that everyone is happy.

How self-care solutions benefit your company

  • Increased efficiency. The more that your customers can handle themselves, the less time, money, and effort your team has to spend on customer care. Self-care solutions can help to reduce support calls, and free up your team to work on larger strategic projects. 

  • Increased flexibility. Self-care solutions can be customized based on customer needs. Regional customizations can be made, service-level customizations, and more. This is a fantastic way to personalize the experience for your consumers.

  • Improved reporting. Engagement metrics from your self-care solution can help your company to make better, more informed strategic decisions when it comes to customer usage and service offerings. 

As your telecom billing provider, Telgoo5 is invested in your success. Self-care solutions are a great way to bring your business to the next level. Check back here for more tips and advice from Telgoo5. Your success is our success. 

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Improve Telecom Billing Across the Board with Revolutionary Billing Software

Telecom billing is one of the most important assets of a telecom operator. In order to win its customer over, a telecom operator requires a billing system that offers true revenue assurance. The evolution in telecom billing domain is happening fast, and what is new today might get old very quickly tomorrow.

Telecom Billing Software

Telecom billing is one of the most important assets of a telecom operator. In order to win its customer over, a telecom operator requires a billing system that offers true revenue assurance. The evolution in telecom billing domain is happening fast, and what is new today might get old very quickly tomorrow. So, a billing software solution should be designed to meet future requirements for it to be considered a worthwhile asset for a telecom business.

What is a Revolutionary Telecom Billing Software?

The telecom support market is flooded with several telecom billing offerings. But when it comes to MVNOs, the choices are exorbitantly price and not always a perfect match. A revolutionary software solution like Telgoo5 offers all the essential and advanced functionalities without burning a hole in your pocket. It is revolutionary in every aspect:

Convergent billing

Get the ability to print consolidated invoices that reflect every service charge for every service used by your subscribers. Modern-day customers desire convenience and convergent billing is essential for that. Now, you can print the same invoice for prepaid, postpaid and broadband services without running separate systems.

Faster monetization

Telgoo5 ensures the quickest monetization of telecom service offerings. Have a plan? Quickly launch Telgoo5 and create custom packages for your customers to meet their most pressing demands. For example, in Covid-19 situation you can offer special low-cost offerings to bring in a new segment of customers who cannot afford expensive high-speed data services. The faster you launch your plans, the better are your chances to acquire new customers. Telgoo5 ensures that you are always one-step ahead of the competition.


Make sense of the vast amount of data generated by billing systems. The revolutionary Telgoo5 analytics allow for greater understanding of customer behavior. Complete reporting of every detail along with analytics allow you to stay proactive and address customer requirements quickly.

Greater revenue assurance

Telgoo5 is a very accurate software solution as it uses a state-of-the-art Online Charging System. Rapid charging of services ensures the most accurate billing, which is important for fostering transparency and trust amongst customers.

Support for future technologies

Telgoo5 is geared up to meet the requirements of evolving technologies. As a next-gen billing and B/OSS solution, it can easily scale to meet the requirements posed by IoT and 5G. Telgoo5 platform integrates a world-class CRM along with several intuitive APIs. It allows your customer service and support department to excel and meet the requirements of customers quickly.

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Harness Power of Innovative Next-Gen Telecom Billing Services to Succeed in 2021

To overcome the numerous challenges, it is vital that a modern-day telecom operator uses telecom billing systems that have the necessary functionalities.

Harness Power of Innovative Next-Gen Telecom Billing Services to Succeed in 2021.png

In this age of technology, you need to be one step ahead of your competitors at all time. When it comes to the telecom industry, the competitive struggle is more intense because there are different types of operators in the industry. MNOs, MVNOs, ISPs and OTT service providers collectively form the entire telecom domain. Every player in the industry needs to be competent when it comes to telecom billing solutions, if it really wants to make a mark.

The Challenges for Telcos in 2021

2021 is expected to be extremely challenging for telcos, especially for the smaller players like MVNOs. Have a look at some challenges for telcos in the present times:

Revenue assurance

You simply have to deliver services as per your contract with the customers. Therefore, it is important to have complete revenue assurance. Considering the number of telecom services delivered these days, it is quite a challenge to be 100% accurate with revenue assurance.

Quick monetization of innovative plans

To break away from the crowd and provide unique telecom services, you need to have a billing system that allows flexibility in monetization. As a telecom operator, you should be able to combine disparate services and deliver them in an attractive manner. Also, the monetization needs to be quick if you want to exploit the trends prevailing in the market. For example, in the times of lockdown, you can provide conference calling as part of the package as more and more professionals are looking to connect remotely with their peers.

Management of third-party partnerships

There are simply too many things that an operator has to manage these days. It is impossible to grow one’s service catalogue – horizontally and vertically – at the same time without third party partnerships. Therefore, the complexity and challenge is huge, unless you have access to pro telecom billing services that offer APIs for third-party partnerships. A flexible system can manage various third-party partnerships with suppliers, video streaming vendors, payment gateways and shipping services. You can even manage an interconnect partnership for roaming services through an intuitive telecom billing platform like Telgoo5.

To overcome the numerous challenges, it is vital that a modern-day telecom operator uses telecom billing systems that have the necessary functionalities. Telgoo5 is an outstanding telecom support platform that simplifies day-to-day tasks and makes the challenge in 2021 simpler. The system comes with cutting-edge APIs that add new functionality and help in the evolution of telecom businesses.

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Get Your Business on Track with Convergent Real Time Telecom Billing Solution

Telecom billing has come a long way from yesteryears Offline and Intelligence Network based billing for postpaid and prepaid customers. Now, we are living in the age of consolidated billing that depends on an Online Charging System (OCS). An OCS is a real time component of the telecom billing system, and has the potential to alter both monetization and billing aspect of telecom operations.

Get Back on Track with a Superior Telecom Billing Solution

As things stand, the telecom industry is in a state of flux. There are frequent changes that are taking place, so that telcos can compete against Over the Top (OTT) and other industry players. With profit margins receding, the best way to keep customers’ happy is by providing them superior solutions. And to do that, you require the services of a superior telecom billing service provider who has expertise in this domain:

Access convergent billing solutions with no revenue loss

A true OCS architecture is needed to ensure that your billing system works as intended. For example, it is required that the interface between PCEF component and OCS component should be both direct and real time. But many companies, in order to save money, employ uncertified solutions that are lacking in both respects. Thus, in spite of using a real time charging platform, telcos are unable to excel at their service delivery and billing.

Complete reporting and accountability

A telecom operator requires frequent insights, so as to alter its business strategies according to market requirements. Therefore, thorough reporting of every customer transaction is a must. Modern-day telecom billing systems like Telgoo5 come with analytics, which improve insight generation, so telcos can make better decisions.

Intuitive interface

Both small time and large-scale vendors require an easy interface for their telecom billing solution. As they have to train their workforce on monetization and other critical tasks, an intuitive and easy-to-understand interface is necessary. Telgoo5 is exceptional in this regard as it has one of the best interfaces for its telecom billing solution and B/OSS platform.

API for adding new functionalities

A telecom billing solution by itself might not be enough to get the job done for telcos. They require new APIs from their telecom billing service provider, which can help them in adding new functionalities to the system. For example, APIs are needed to start a new association with a payment gateway vendor, so that you can provide different options to your customers for receiving monthly payments.

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Why Research is Essential for Any Telecom Business

Uncover the pivotal role of research in the telecom industry. Telgoo5's insights shed light on how comprehensive research can drive informed decisions and pave the path to success.


There are hundreds of steps that a telecom business must employ to ensure that they become a success and remain a success for years to come. These steps will differ depending on the type of business, but if there is one essential variable that all business owners can find useful – research

Business research is something that constantly needs to be implemented to ensure the utmost flourishment of a business. Trends come and trends go but the value of proper and practical research will never cease to exist and here are a few reasons why.

It Can Boost Your Sales

The only true way to grow a successful company is to deliver the services and/or goods that consumers are craving. No matter the niche of your business, understanding the demand of your customers and potential customers is critical.

But how is regular research going to lead to more profits? A unique method of research known as quantitative research is the answer. This will allow, for your convenience, the ability to get first-hand insight into the perspective of your clientele.

Employing quantitative research can be achieved via different types of consumer surveys (such as online and telephone surveys). The information you gather can answer some burning questions you may be having. For example, through said surveys, you can determine if your users are satisfied with the services you are offering and can identify which (if any) changes need to be made.

Allows for the Observation of Competitors

Businesses are always in competition with one another. This is especially true in the telecom industry, where so many similar phone plans are being offered. The more consumers you can draw the better, and businesses are constantly at battle with one another to increase their customer base. That said, in order to surpass your competition, you must first gain insight into their business practices.

Focusing on your specific industry, you can gather a list of the businesses you feel you need to compete with (keeping in mind location, company size, and other things of that nature). From there, document the types of services they offer, the demographics they are attempting to reach, and what makes them unique.

Being aware of these types of attributes can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors in an attempt to draw a wider audience. When you know what services your competitors are offering, you can find a charging system that will go above and beyond to ensure your services exceed customer expectations and help differentiate your business from your competitors.

You Can Properly Track Market Trends

It can’t be stressed enough that remaining stagnant in the business world can be detrimental. Regardless of the market that is being focused on, it is always important to understand the direction that the market is heading in.

Keeping an eye out for upcoming trends can allow you to tailor your goods and/or services in a manner befitting the ever-growing needs of your consumers. If old and outdated trends are being marketed, it could result in a loss of customers. Maintaining a modernized platform should be a top priority as most people will be looking for the best.

Continuing to keep up with new billing trends and practices will prove to be extremely beneficial. Telgoo5 offers solutions for any and all online charging needs. We are always happy to share our expertise and talk about how our platform can add benefits to your brand.

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Setting Up Convergent Billing? Implement These Best Practices With Telgoo5

When customers are using your services, they want to spend more time on their calls, texts, and data exchange than dealing with billing issues. We at Telgoo5 know that in today’s competitive environment, not getting this convenience can cause them to switch to another provider right away. To make matters worse, this all happens before you even have time to turn things around for the better.


When customers are using your services, they want to spend more time on their calls, texts, and data exchange than dealing with billing issues. We at Telgoo5 know that in today’s competitive environment, not getting this convenience can cause them to switch to another provider right away. To make matters worse, this all happens before you even have time to turn things around for the better.

That’s why almost all telecom companies use convergent charging for improved customer experience.

Simply put, convergent billing helps your customers deal with different charges on their accounts in a single invoice. They no longer have to pay individual payments for multiple services or devices. Everything is now present in a single bill. This presentation makes their lives that much easier in a day and age where customization is the most critical factor in utilizing telecom services.

If you are integrating convergent billing through your mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE), it is essential to ensure they are set up the right way. Being mindful of the following best practices can help you determine if you are fulfilling the crucial requirements of this segment.

Best Practices for Convergent Billing

As mentioned above, ease of use should be your guiding force throughout the setup process for convergent billing. Remember to keep this simple rule of thumb in mind. Set up your convergent charging in a way that ensures optimal customer retention.

But apart from ease of use, the following tips by Telgoo5 are also crucial in setting up this billing mechanism. This strategy allows your customers to make the most out of the simplicity you are offering to them.

Make It Simple to Understand

Since you are representing all of your charges in a single invoice, it is paramount for that bill to be as transparent as possible.

Separate and segment your invoice into different sections, such as data and voice charges. If there are any other charges that you think need a separate section, make sure to list them accordingly as well. Setting up your backend convergent billing interface with this goal in mind is the key to achieving more straightforward billing delivery.

This distinction makes the invoice easier to read, and your customers appreciate this transparency as well. This process also reduces your call and inquiry volume that is related to resolving basic billing questions.

Make It Easy to Set Up

Convergent charging should be as easy to set up as it is simpler to understand. Ensure that your customer relationship management (CRM) application makes it easy to assign different charges to your customer profile. This refinement helps your representatives in delivering on-call changes without getting into unnecessary complexities.

This also holds for your customers’ end as well. Don’t use convoluted mechanisms. Don’t go for complex interactive voice recordings (IVRs). Don’t assign complicated service codes to use. Make everything as straightforward as possible.

This process helps your customers change their services promptly. With the assurance of a consolidated bill in mind, this easy setup translates to better customer experience.

Have a Clear Difference in Service Charges

While setting up convergent billing, you must offer a variation in charges through your MVNE.

Make sure to take a look at what your competitors are offering and develop your subscription packages to be better in delivery. With this, also ensure that your packages are different from each other to offer a diverse range of experiences.

Having little to no difference in subscription costs kills the whole concept of convergent charging. If you have a clear difference in subscription packages, it translates to a charging system telecom consumers find much easier to use. This notion also goes a long way in customer retention.

Contact Telgoo5, an Experienced MVNE, Today

To make sure that you are setting up complex convergent billing in an easy to use way, having an experienced MVNE is of paramount importance.

The Telgoo5 team can assist, with extensive experience in setting up convergent charging systems, we can help you achieve your goals with ease. Our targeted setup and delivery mechanisms setup convergent billing in a way that’s easy to use for your customers and even simpler to deploy for your company.

At the same time, we deliver these services at competitive rates, which is due to the modern infrastructure that we have built for our operations.

If you are looking for an MVNE to set up convergent billing or improve your existing online charging systems, don’t hesitate to call Telgoo5 today. The Telgoo5 team will be glad to discuss your needs and help you deploy better services for your customers in no time.

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Five Reasons Why Your Employees Need KPIs

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are an exciting buzzword that gets tossed around in business circles. You might have heard of it, but don’t exactly know what it means. Essentially what KPIs do is enable everyone in your company to understand what needs to be done on a daily basis to reach big goals and milestones. Without them, your company is floundering around without any real mission in mind!

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are an exciting buzzword that gets tossed around in business circles. You might have heard of it, but don’t exactly know what it means. Essentially what KPIs do is enable everyone in your company to understand what needs to be done on a daily basis to reach big goals and milestones. Without them, your company is floundering around without any real mission in mind!

Just as your C-Suite executives need to have KPIs worked into their daily routines, so do your support staff. It’s imperative for everyone to be working their best on the goal at hand; to make your company as great as it can be. Why are KPIs so critical? Let’s break it down


Your Employees Understand The Big Picture And Their Role In It

This is the most important reason why you need KPIs for all of your employees. Employees at all levels are far more enthusiastic about and invested in, a company when they understand how they are important. KPIs let your staff know that their daily contributions are helping the company meet its ultimate goals.

(v)WeCare empowers our employees with the KPIs that they need to understand their importance to the company. They respect the process of limited hold wait time and understand our mandate to actively try to fix customer issues on the first call. Since they know what success looks like, they are able to streamline customer issues and deal with anything that comes their way. Having a crystal-clear indication of how everyone is important is critical to business success.

Employee Reviews Will Be Far More Constructive

Have you ever given one of your employees a negative review, only to have them stare back at you in confusion? Don’t worry. It happens all the time to businesses, and there is a simple reason- your employees were not given actionable KPIs that they could use to measure their own success.

Of course, some employees will simply ignore the KPIs that you give them, but trust us, that makes it all the easier to penalize them for not performing up to scratch! KPIs actually work to make employees and management a team, rather than opposing forces. At (v)WeCare, we understand the importance of a harmonious working environment, which is why our Project Managers are expertly trained on multiple disciplines and able to extend project-specific KPIs to their staff. This not only keeps the projects running smoothly but also allows them to address any issues that might arise!

There Is An Objective Measure Of Success For Everyone

Nobody wants to talk about favoritism in the workplace, but it’s a complaint that often gets tossed around. Perceived favoritism is something that can sink workplace morale and lead to disgruntled and unmotivated employees. Having KPIs specific to each job will eliminate the suspicion of favoritism and keep the workplace operating at an optimal level.

(v)WeCare strives to keep our workplace as professional as possible, and that means putting in specific KPIs for all of our reps. They know that we are operating on the level, and they are committed to helping drive success!

The Establishment Of Milestones And Goals Will Help Your Company Scale

Fast scaling is one of those things that tends to throw a company into disarray quickly. Suddenly jobs and responsibilities are changing, which can be stressful for everyone. It’s even more stressful when you don’t have KPIs in place to guide people into their new roles. Effective KPIs will enable your company to run as efficiently as possible in times of change.

Since (v)WeCare puts a premium on flexibility and the ability to help companies scale, we understand how transparent KPIs go a long way to quickly mobilizing your team to reach their new goals. We do it all of the time with our massive professional network and superstar outsourcing staffs!

KPIs Help Keep The Office As Productive As Possible

A confused office is an unproductive office. If employees don’t know what they are supposed to be doing, they will make something up. Sometimes that is okay, but most of the time, it just leads to more confusion! If you want your office to be as productive as possible, give your employees KPIs.

Productivity and harmony are two cogs in the well-oiled machine of the workplace. (v)WeCare understands this, which is why we have extensive training for all of our outsourcing employees. We empower them to succeed by giving them the building blocks and milestones that they need to make success a reality!

KPIs can help your business go from mediocre to superstar. Start employing them today, and you’ll be amazed by the results!

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Why CDR Meditation Is an Essential Part of Telecom Billing?

Telecom billing is probably the most confusing and scrutinized task in the telecom industry. The scrutiny comes from customers who are more often than not dissatisfied with their bills. This leads to confusion amongst the telecom vendors who start looking everywhere for new telecom billing solutions. Mostly, this problem arises because the telecom billing software used by them are subpar and do not meet the high requirements of modern-day businesses.

Telecom billing is probably the most confusing and scrutinized task in the telecom industry. The scrutiny comes from customers who are more often than not dissatisfied with their bills. This leads to confusion amongst the telecom vendors who start looking everywhere for new telecom billing solutions. Mostly, this problem arises because the telecom billing software used by them are subpar and do not meet the high requirements of modern-day businesses.

Why Telecom Billing Solutions Are Important?

All the efforts made by telecom service providers in setting up a network will amount to nothing if telecom billing is not up to standards. This is why, telecom billing solutions become important as they play a crucial role in accounting for those services. Not only is the revenue generated by a telecom provider dependent on billing, customers’ trust is also directly connected with the quality of the billing services. For instance, if a customer starts receiving wrong bills, his trust in the services nosedives from that moment onwards. On the other hand, if the billing services are sound, the customer stays faithful and brings in new customers.

CDRs: The Fundamental Unit of Telecom Billing Process

CDR (Call Data Record) is the fundamental unit of telecom billing process. All interactions between the user and telecom networking elements are captured by CDRs. A CDR has the following attributes:

  1. Date and starting time of the call

  2. Duration of the call

  3. Calling party

  4. Called party

  5. Type of call e.g. voice, SMS, data etc.

  6. Unique record sequence number that is used for identification

The captured CDRs are vitally important for the proper operation of a billing system. However, these CDRs are raw in nature, which means they cannot be interpreted by a billing system.

CDR Meditation System: The Unsung Hero of Telecom Billing Solutions

To ensure the captured CDRs are converted into a format that is understood by the billing system, a CDR meditation system is employed. The meditation system receives the unformatted CDRs, converts them into the necessary format and sends them to the billing system. Besides conversion, it also performs the operation of filtering out calls that do not meet set criterion by the telecom vendor. For example, if a call with duration less than 10 second needs to be filtered out, it is done by CDR meditation system. Moreover, if some extra information needs to be provided that is crucial for billing procedure, the meditation system gathers that information based on certain attributes and then sends it to the billing system via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is required for transfer of this information as both billing software and meditation modules are installed on different systems.

After the billing system receives the formatted CDR, it is able to interpret the information and rate the services utilized by customers.


Billing system in telecom is quite complex and requires processing of data at different levels for accomplishment of billing-related tasks. Although the user is not aware of what goes on behind the scenes, the role of systems like meditation system that converts raw CDRs into formatted CDRs is extremely important. All telecom billing solutions require correct formatting of CDR for reliable and accurate completion of billing tasks.

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The One Thing You Did Not Know About Telecom Billing Software

Telecom billing is a thankless task. You can be right 99 times out of 100, but if you make a single error, all the good work you have done previously goes down the drain. Just like politics, customers have short memories when it comes to the telecom services they use. Politicians have the advantage of evoking the right emotions at the time of elections but telecom operators do not enjoy such a luxury. They have to be right all the time and then some.

Telecom billing is a thankless task. You can be right 99 times out of 100, but if you make a single error, all the good work you have done previously goes down the drain. Just like politics, customers have short memories when it comes to the telecom services they use. Politicians have the advantage of evoking the right emotions at the time of elections but telecom operators do not enjoy such a luxury. They have to be right all the time and then some.

Not so long ago, when telecom billing systems were not as evolved as today, it was even harder to provide accurate bills to the customers. But at that time, the competition in the telecom industry was relatively low. At the sight of a wrong bill, customers used to think twice before crossing over to another provider. Not anymore! In this age of information and evolving telecom market, the playing field is a lot more competitive. Every year we see new entrants who try to lure away customers with flashy schemes and minimum tariff plans. This trend makes life difficult for established players in the market, especially for those who are still using outdated OSS telecom billing software.

“Hello! Have You Heard About Our New and Improved Telecom Billing Software?”

Do you know what most telecom operators do after hearing this line from a sales representative? They disconnect the line. It is not as if all the telecom billing software solutions made by IT companies are good and work well for every business. Not at all! However, complete disdain for something that you automatically think of as an exorbitant expense. Doesn’t make good business sense!

If till now, you have refrained from purchasing OSS telecom billing solutions because you thought they cost too much, you are in for a surprise. Most telecom entrepreneurs, in spite of their vast knowledge, do not know that telecom billing software can be procured as Software as a service (SaaS). If you are still not clear how this can help…read on.

Telecom Billing Software as SaaS

One of the least expensive ways of employing telecom billing software in your business operations is via SaaS model. With SaaS, you do not have to purchase any license or acquire any infrastructure. You can even decide on whether to host the services on your company’s cloud or employ the billing platform already operating in a cloud provided by the vendor.

This approach best suits startups and organizations with a limited budget. Enterprises that wish to integrate the billing software ASAP have to wait for only a day or two before beginning the use of billing software as part of SaaS model.

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Can Blockchain Make Telecom Billing System Better?

Ever wondered how many people have invested in bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies? As per a survey performed by Cambridge University, somewhere between 2.9 million and 5.8 million people utilized a cryptocurrency wallet in 2017. This number is staggering, especially when we look at the way governments of different countries are doing their best to stop people from using it.

Ever wondered how many people have invested in bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies? As per a survey performed by Cambridge University, somewhere between 2.9 million and 5.8 million people utilized a cryptocurrency wallet in 2017. This number is staggering, especially when we look at the way governments of different countries are doing their best to stop people from using it.

Many governments deem it illegal, others tell the people that it is unsafe for their hard-earned money and some even go as far as saying that it is downright immoral (some people use cryptocurrency for purchase of drugs and illegal video content). Right or wrong, we are not here to discuss about the virtues of cryptocurrency. We are here to analyze what makes it click. Which is that unseen force behind this phenomenon that people trust? The answer is simple: Blockchain.

Bitcoin is an unregulated and de-centralized currency, which means that there is not one single entity that controls it. The power lies in the hands of people. It is the best form of democracy when it comes to financial transactions. And, it has been made possible by the use of blockchain. For a layman, blockchain is like a ledger that is made available to all users. The data and transactions are completely transparent, which is clearly seen by all the users at all times. It won’t be wrong to think of it as a Google Doc spreadsheet, which can be edited at any time and the changes are there for all to see. Due to transparency in all transactions, people are ready to put their faith in it and hence, cryptocurrency has become so popular.

Use of Blockchain in Other Fields

Although, blockchain hasn’t been used in any other field, its promising start as part of the cryptocurrency operations makes it a wonderful option for other domains. In a field like telecom, where customers are often worried about the telecom billing system employed by their service provider, it won’t be a bad idea to give blockchain a try.

However, an immediate overhaul of the system is not advised and companies should look to integrate it slowly with their telecom billing solutions. Some of the benefits that can be extracted by its implementation in telecom are listed below:

  1. Solution to the problem of roaming – Blockchain can help overcome the major hurdle of operators that require them to integrate expensive systems, so they can offer authentication/access settings for starting roaming calls. Blockchain addresses this problem by enabling complex datasets across multiple parties, in real time and with great reliability.

  2. Better Connectivity – Use of blockchain along with telecom billing and payment software will make it easier to offer several local hotspots along with Wi-Fi accessibility based on permissions. The transparency that comes with blockchain can go a long way in fostering trust amongst customers with regards to billing for these difficult-to-track services.

  3. Telecom providers can become remittance providers – Remittance is the action of transferring money in a different country. By using blockchain, telecom providers will be able to serve their clients better by offering remittance services.

  4. Reduction in cost of operation – Last but definitely not the least, the implementation of blockchain will automatically lower the requirement of infrastructure, which will in turn lower the cost of operation.

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