Your Telgoo5 Dictionary

Discover a valuable resource in the Telgoo5 dictionary, demystifying telecom terminology. Telgoo5's expert explanations empower you to grasp essential concepts with confidence.

Familiarize yourself with online charging dictionary now so that there are no surprises when it comes time to set up real-time charging.

Telgoo5 Dictionary

Looking for a new billing system for your telecommunication company? Well Telgoo5 is the solution for you. Our real-time charging engine processes millions of transactions every day, and we keep our standards high by measuring against over a thousand possible parameters. Our system can adapt to your unique and evolving business model in a way that ensures that you are always processing payments without interrupting the customer experience.

But before you decide whether or not the Telgoo5 system is right for you, there is some industry-related jargon you need to understand. Below is your online charging dictionary. These are terms you are going to come across if you choose to work with an online charging system. Familiarize yourself with them now so that when you are ready to set up your real-time charging, there will be no hiccups.


These acronyms refer to ‘Business support system’ and ‘operations support system’, respectively. Basically, the OSS refers to everything that Telgoo5 can offer you. Our OSS can be customized to your business, and features a subscriber management system, sales chain management, config and admin panels, reporting and analytics, and inventory management. Our OSS allows you to outsource your billing concerns to us.


This acronym stands for a mobile virtual network operator. This refers to a wireless communications services provider that does not actually own the infrastructure over which it provides services to clients. This is essentially one way in which you can operate your business. Whether you already have one or are looking to launch a new one, our team will be here to support you.


This stands for mobile virtual network enabler, and it refers to a company that actually owns and provides wireless infrastructure. If you own the network that you use to provide services, then you are an MVNE. We can help you turn your MVNE into a profit machine by optimizing your operations, expanding your reach, and growing your subscriber base.


This stands for Internet of Things and refers to a billing system in which all connected devices take part. Think of it as a mini Internet between only the enabled devices. Our services support IoT transitions by capturing and billing for them.


This is machine-to-machine communication, and it refers to two devices sharing data without human interference. This type of sophisticated M2M communication is made possible by the data shared over IoT devices.


A call detail record is a detailed account of a telecommunications transaction. It will include anything that passes through an enabled device.


The billing support system encompasses everything related to the billing process. Telgoo5 uses a postpaid billing system that requires the collection of CDRs so that we can process charges based on actual usage. Our BSS includes CDR mediation process, call barring services, call exception services, CDR rated bills, payment gateway integration, postpaid tariff plan creation, subscriber provisioning (activation and deactivation), and either real time or manual invoice generation.


API refers to an application programming interface (API). It is essentially software that allows two different applications to communicate with one another. It is what processes and delivers your request to the system you are requesting from. At Telgoo5, MNOs and MVNAs receive API control.

This jargon may seem intimidating at first, but once you understand that these acronyms all describe basic processes and services, you will be able to speak the telecom billing and charging language without any problems!

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MVNE: Everything You Need to Know

Dive into the comprehensive guide to MVNEs and their significance in the telecom landscape. Telgoo5's insights provide a holistic understanding of how MVNEs drive innovation and efficiency.


MVNEs connect providers and operators who do not own their infrastructures. MVNEs play a key role in helping MVNOs establish themselves in the market on a low budget. Before we can dig much further into the subject, let us begin by first defining what an MVNE is.

An MVNE is an organization that provides network infrastructure as well as other related services such as operations and administration support systems to MNVOs. This in turn allows MVNOs to offer various services to their subscribers using their specific brands. Because MNVEs provide network enablement services and platforms, they do not have any direct relationship with the subscribers.

Benefits of using MVNEs

To deliver their services and products, MVNOs require two things;

  • Access to MNO networks

  • A system to manage subscribers and products

The great news is that MVNEs facilitate both of these. The specialty of MVNEs lies in their implementation, management, and planning of mobile services.

When a new MVNO seeks the services of an MNVE, the organization is able to pick up much more quickly, with very minimal start-up costs. On top of that, MVNEs also offer reduced airtime costs due to the fact that MVNE hosts several MVNOs within a single platform. All this is done to enable a reduction of the total cost of running the MVNE.

An ideal MVNE should provide sim configuration and provisioning, CRM, value-added service platforms, and customer billing.

At Telgoo5, we not only offer a much smoother launch process for new MVNOs but we also allow MVNOs to tap into our previous experience. By using our services, you will be able to keep your operations focused and simple.

Choosing the right MVNE

It’s important to point out that not all MVNEs offer the same level of service or have the same level of experience. Thus, when choosing an MVNE, it’s important to choose one that will help you get your MVNO up and running fast, while also keeping costs low. With that said, here is what you should be on the lookout for;

Network: The enabler should be connected to an MNO with a solid reputation. The services and products offered by MVNOs are only as good as the network that they use.

Experience: What level of experience does the MVNE have? Make sure that the company you are partnering with has many years of experience and many success stories to share.

Financial flexibility: Always look for an MVNE that will be able to meet your financial requirement. An ideal MVNE should be affordable when it comes to pricing, thereby ensuring that you do not have to spend an exorbitant amount of money when setting up.

Case studies/experience: You should be able to establish whether the prospect will be able to provide any case studies or reference which shows how they have assisted other MVNOs. Don’t hesitate to ask for references; a good company will have many happy clients who are happy to share their experiences.

Platform: A suitable MVNE should provide the right tools that will help you manage your products so that you will be able to respond to new trends with ease. An efficient and reliable platform is essential to keeping customers happy.

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Price Versus Value; Which is More Important for Your MVNO?

Attempting to keep your head above water in the mobile industry is no easy feat no matter what network you are administering. For Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs)


Attempting to keep your head above water in the mobile industry is no easy feat no matter what network you are administering. For Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), the industry has become very competitive – even really promising start-ups may wind up out in the cold.

To get your MVNO to the next level, you need to consider anything and everything that can be done to improve it. That leads to a very interesting discussion. On the surface, it would appear that price would be the most vital characteristic as all these types of operators exist to offer cheaper services in the first place.

That said, with the vast array of platforms already available, there is only so low you can offer your services in order to stay in the competition. In today’s age, the focus of your brand should be prioritized on one word; value.

Indeed, Value is More Important

The pricing models that your wireless MVNO offers can drive traffic to your network and enhance the chances of it succeeding. When compared with value, however, they will not hold the same level of importance.

One must consider – what can you do to increase the value of the offerings that you have in store? Many providers will deliver what are known as Value Added Services to their consumers. You see, your MVNO service is already going to include the core and primary service packages.

By including Value Added Services, you can vastly improve the quality of your brand by making the overall experience more convenient for your consumer base. In addition to that, they will bring in more revenue per user.

So, instead of simply scaling down your prices, you can offer unique and effective Value Added Services into the fold. Some added services can even place an increased demand on your standard services.

What Types of Options Are Out There?

The exciting news is there are a ton of different offerings out there and tons of unique software that you can invest in and provide to help both you and your customers. There are programs out there that will enable diverse communication between different types of mobile applications and various systems.

This can allow for data to be reused and can help to streamline the entire communication process. On the customer end of things, you can invest in Value Added Services that allow for certain transactions and tasks to be possible. Again, this adds convenience and in the modern world of technology, that is what it is all about.

When it all comes down to it, both price and value are essential but the latter’s importance continues to increase all the time. That makes it all the more important that you carefully consider what Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE) you partner with.

With our exclusive and top-of-the-line platform coupled with our vast understanding of the industry, you can feel confident partnering with Telgoo5. Our team is always happy to discuss how we can help your brand and answer any inquiries you may have.

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Adapting to changes in the MVNO industry

Why the MVNO Game is Changing

Immediately after the first appearance of the MVNO model, many experts predicted that a number of non-Telcom business to consumer brands were going to take advantage of the opportunity and diversify into mobile. With very limited exceptions this new wave never came to realization.


Why the MVNO Game is Changing

Immediately after the first appearance of the MVNO model, many experts predicted that a number of non-Telcom business to consumer brands were going to take advantage of the opportunity and diversify into mobile. With very limited exceptions this new wave never came to realization.

Many organizations have faced various challenges including the dependency of an unpredictable relationship with the host network. Other challenges faced included the complexity that was involved in managing and building the systems required to make the services work.

Knowledge of the challenges

For many years, our team has monitored the MVNO market and analyzed outlooks and new trends. Our team has a detailed understanding of the various challenges that MVNOs face while striving to customer expectations and the fast-changing customer usages.

Our team are constantly in touch with MNOs with the goal of aiding new MVNOs. Our deep knowledge of the MVNO ecosystem in turn allows us to not only participate but also propose several tailor-made solutions in line with a proven methodology.

Service offering for MVNOs and MNOs

Telgoo5’s offering is centered on positioning and strategy, partnership and negotiation and performance and development. As an experienced enabler our main goal is to assist MVNOs to develop both their operational efficiency and their business. We study the specific needs of all clients, and then determine the type of support needed.

On top of that we also allow multiple services within the same service. For instance, thanks to our technology, users can use our platform without having to experience any type of challenges. This is because our OSS solutions have been built in a way which does not require any type of special technical skills to be operated.

Furthermore, our software has been developed to offer a vast and ever-growing number of features within a single platform. From billing of content, to tracking customer usage to monitoring service performance, our software allows users to execute all kinds of functions through the OSS software.

Flexibility and Analytics

With the game constantly changing, it’s important to settle for a software that will allow you to optimize operations. For instance, you have the ability of launching global services without requiring any form of support from us.

Our OSS will allow you to incorporate new functionalities without any hassle. On top of that, it’s also supported by many vendors and platforms, thereby ensuring that we are able to meet the needs of our clients at all times.

With market trends constantly changing, MVNOs should have platforms that not only report information but also allow users to be able to analyze data related to things like subscriptions, revenue and retention rates. Telgoo5’s OSS not only collects data, but also processes the data to report such that MVNOs can be able to view and analyze these sets of data.

Revenue Management and Billing

When choosing an MVNE, it’s important to choose one that has an efficient billing system. As a leader in the telecom industry, Telgoo5 has a billing software that ensures that users are billed for the services that they are using. On top of that, the software also ensures that any revenue leakage and fraud is detected at all times.

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The Strongest Benefits to Starting Your Own MVNO

Let’s face it; starting your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) is not going to be a walk in the park. In fact, it is going to be a long, grueling, stressful, and time-consuming endeavor that will probably have you questioning whether the end game is worth it several times throughout.


Let’s face it; starting your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) is not going to be a walk in the park. In fact, it is going to be a long, grueling, stressful, and time-consuming endeavor that will probably have you questioning whether the end game is worth it several times throughout.

Due to the competitive nature of the industry and the manner in which it evolves, you have to be at the top of your game (at all times) to maintain and build a successful MVNO network. Thankfully, Telgoo5 can be a go-to source for you (but more on that later).

For now, while you are still pondering the thought of whether or not you want to start your own MVNO, perhaps you would be interested in learning about some of the main advantages of doing so?

You Would Basically Be a Retail Business

Arguably one of the best benefits of pulling the trigger on this ordeal is your business would virtually act as a retailer. Remember, MVNOs do not provide their own cellular network coverage. Mobile network operators (MNOs) take care of this task and as an MVNO you would basically be leasing the coverage.

Therefore, the pressure of providing reliable cell service to your consumers is mitigated. While there will be a plethora of other concerns for you and your network, this is not going to be one of them.

Support is Always There

Do not make the mistake of believing that you and you alone will need to develop and start your own network. As with any business, getting it up and running can quickly become overwhelming and it is something you should not be doing by yourself.

Here is the good news; MNOs are not your enemies. In fact, they will become your best friends with the infrastructure support that they are willing to provide. However, they will not partner with just any brand, as you need to have all the technical details in hand.

Furthermore, there are also mobile virtual network enablers (MVNEs) that can help you through your journey. Backend support, such as customer service and outsourcing, can be delivered by such businesses. This is where Telgoo5 can lend a helping hand.

Our track record speaks for itself and when it comes to helping your network with the ins and outs (such as billing and customer service). Our clients are our biggest fans.

You Can Help Consumers Save Money

Not all of society is willing to pay the outrageous service charges that most MNOs offer. This is where MVNOs hold an advantage as they are able to provide cheaper monthly plans and services overall.

Chances are you have been in the shoes of such consumers so why not make a difference yourself?

No Concern of Cell Towers

This is somewhat obvious but is still worth mentioning. As an MVNO, you will simply be utilizing the cellular coverage that is provided by the larger carriers. Due to this, overall maintenance, cost, and concern of the cell towers themselves will not be under your control.

Indeed, there are several reasons why you should strongly consider starting your own network. The beginning is going to be one of the roughest periods but always know that we are here to help. Feel free to reach out, the Telgoo5 team is happy to answer any questions, anytime.

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Operating Your Own MVNO Platform? Here are a Few Tips to Keep in Mind

If you run your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) platform or have done your research to Become MVNO, you may instantly agree that managing such a network is no mean feat. From resolving problems to meeting expectations, you have to go through difficult challenges every single day to keep your MVNO Platform going. At the surface, it may seem as easy as finding a proper mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE) and being done with the task. But in reality, it goes far beyond that essential requirement.


If you run your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) platform or have done your research to Become MVNO, you may instantly agree that managing such a network is no mean feat. From resolving problems to meeting expectations, you have to go through difficult challenges every single day to keep your MVNO Platform going. At the surface, it may seem as easy as finding a proper mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE) and being done with the task. But in reality, it goes far beyond that essential requirement.

To help you run your MVNO service with ease, here are a few tips to ensure its smooth operations. Learning them will help you strike a perfect balance between your MVNO and MVNE expectation and delivery, respectively.

Ensure Your Data Services is Up to Par

In today’s day and age, where smartphones are increasingly replacing high-end computers, you must provide high-speed Internet through your MVNO platform.

In 2018, nearly 69.3 percent of global users subscribed to mobile data services. With many MVNOs focusing on affordable content delivery through specially designed data packages, you need to make sure that your data services are up to par as well.

To ensure that you aren’t falling behind your competitors, gather their data rates through extensive market research. Then, compare them with your current MVNE, its quality of service, and your public prices. Crafting competitive data packages and delivering faster internet speeds allows you to become an MVNO service that is a perfect fit for modern mobile users.

Make Sure That You Offer Accurate Billing

Whether you want to become MVNO or already running your platform, you must offer accurate billing services to your customers.

This concept applies to both postpaid and prepaid users, who want to use reliably billed services that steer clear of duplicate charges, late deductions, or incorrect costs. Not providing such services can lead you to receive customer complaints, refund requests, and even cancellations – all of which could be avoided by making your billing as accurate as possible.

With this in mind, make sure that your MVNO and MVNE are capable of delivering precise and easy to understand billing for every customer. This concept doesn’t only keep your customers happy, but also saves your staff from handling an influx of inquiries or complaints that arise from ambiguities in billing.

Save an Ample Amount for Marketing

Even if you find a reliable MVNE for your MVNO platform, set up your virtual infrastructure, and launch your services publicly, it doesn’t amount to tangible success if no one knows about what you are offering to them.

With nearly 140 MVNO brands in the U.S. alone, the competition is nothing less than fierce in this segment of wireless services. When you add the national carriers, namely AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon, this picture gets even more severe. But while it may seem daunting to establish yourself as the primary solution for those seeking an MVNO, it is not that difficult when you follow a holistic marketing plan.

That is why you must allocate ample resources towards marketing to reach out to your target audience. Choosing the right service which can help spread the word for your MVNO platform is essential in this regard. This concept makes sure that you are not just spending money down the drain, but that it is returning the required results to you in terms of new subscriptions.

At Telgoo5, we specialize in helping MVNOs scale to their desired level of success. Whether you run an existing MVNO service or want to become MVNO, we can help you build your digital infrastructure and reach your target audience. This concept makes us a holistic service that is fit for all your needs.

Whether you want a demonstration of our services, or want to discuss more details, feel free to reach out to us today. We will be glad to answer any questions you have and help you deploy modern MVNO solutions that cater to your specific needs.

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Transition From Legacy Systems To Modern Infrastructure with Telgoo5

We at Telgoo5 know that the ability to scale despite challenges and adapt to changes is crucial to your success in the telecom sector. This notion is especially true when it comes to online charging technologies – and dealing with the issues of legacy charging systems.


We at Telgoo5 know that the ability to scale despite challenges and adapt to changes is crucial to your success in the telecom sector. This notion is especially true when it comes to online charging technologies – and dealing with the issues of legacy charging systems.

With new requirements and technologies at every corner, you have to be quick on your feet in meeting customer demands. Further, you must keep an open mind to making changes at a moment’s notice. Additionally, you must stay on top of the latest advancements.

In essence, we at Telgoo5 know that you must be ready for everything that your legacy charging system will not allow you to do.

Legacy Charging Systems Set You Up for Failure

If you have made it this far with a legacy charging system, the first thing you require is substantial applause. The next thing you need is to instantly look for a better Online Charging System (OCS) such as Telgoo5.

Remember that if you stick with the limitations of a legacy charging system, you introduce your customers to a world of trouble. In a day and age where customer experience reigns supreme, your consumers will find themselves stuck with tolerating problems from the past.

Standing by your legacy Charging System even in the face of better alternatives can expose your service to a host of issues. The following examples highlight the most glaring of these problems.

Latency Problems

You can face high-latency issues frequently if your network infrastructure is not set up for modern communication.

This can be quite a problem for data-savvy customers, which describes every customer segment in today’s day and age.

Charging Delays

Apart from overall latency, you can also face online charging delays.

This causes massive headaches for your customers and your billing department alike. Inaccuracies in billing could very well cause your whole operations to crumble with their consequences.

Poor Customer Experience

When performance issues become an everyday instance for your customers, they take pride in describing their overall experience as a bad nightmare.

Customers don’t know, and they frankly don’t care what is going on behind the scenes with your OCS. What they need is a better service, and failure to deliver on this promise can affect your overall brand.

Loss of Consumers

With better OCS services being offered at other providers like Telgoo5, it is not long before your customers start looking for a change for the better. Switching providers proves easier than sticking with your service. As a result, your customers decide to leave in favor of better service experiences.

Sticking with your legacy charging system drives your operation into the ground faster than you can think. It is absolutely necessary to get your ducks in a row and proceed towards better Online Charging Services.

The Ability to Scale and Adapt to Better Systems is Crucial Here

Fortunately, upgrading from your legacy charging system is not that difficult. All you need is an efficient online charging system provider. The rest falls in line if you know what you are doing. Most importantly, it gets easier when you show the ability to scale and adapt in the face of change.

Telgoo5 offers new technologies such as real-time charging and allows you to better serve your customers better. Along with improved customer experience, it also helps you cut unnecessary costs that come with the upkeep of legacy charging systems.

That is the reason why most companies are actively looking into upgrading their legacy charging systems.

Adapting to Change Doesn’t Cost You Much, But Provides a World of Benefits

We at Telgoo5 know that with the right Online Charging System Provider, proper upgrades will not cost you an arm and a leg. It doesn’t require you to pay a fortune in upkeep costs. And it will not ask your customers to start dealing with higher tariff prices.

Also, with that, you still receive smoother service delivery, timely modification features, and a better overall customer experience for your target market. This strategy effectively resolves any issues caused by your legacy charging system.

To understand the improvement process and its effects on your specific network, don’t hesitate to reach out to Telgoo5 today. We at Telgoo5 will be glad to answer any questions you may have and set you up with improved online charging services right away.

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How MVNOs are Staying Relevant in 2019 & Beyond

Becoming a virtual mobile network operator (MVNO) in the U.S. telecom and communications sector is a feat that not everyone can achieve successfully. Whether you are a big tech conglomerate or a famous entertainment giant, your current level of success might not be relevant in the competitive MVNO segment.


Becoming a virtual mobile network operator (MVNO) in the U.S. telecom and communications sector is a feat that not everyone can achieve successfully. Whether you are a big tech conglomerate or a famous entertainment giant, your current level of success might not be relevant in the competitive MVNO segment.Why?

Well, running a MVNO service is more than just leasing the required network infrastructure. It is more work than designing lucrative pricing packages. And it is more time consuming than holding flashy pitch meetings.

But there’s a key to appreciating the importance of these requirements. It lies within understanding how these factors played out against those who did not pay attention to them. From there, it is a matter of avoiding those mistakes to run your own successful MVNO platform.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most hyped MNVOs of the past, how they met their downfall, and how you can avoid a similar fate with your telecom venture.

First Things First: What is a MVNO?

If you made it to this post, then you might already know what is an MVNO is and how it works. But let’s do a quick refresher to jog your memory.

Simply put, a MVNO works through a virtual telecom network that relies on traditional network infrastructure to run its operations. For instance, in the U.S., a MVNO typically relies upon the physical infrastructure of companies such as AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint. The MVNO rents out a part of the physical infrastructure’s resources at wholesale pricing and sells it at a retail price to its target audience.

In other words, a MVNO is simply a large-scale reseller. What sets it apart from its original network partners or other counterparts are the services that it offers.

Why Do MVNOs Attract So Many Investors?

Those who know about the ins and outs of MVNO companies would know how several entities in the past took MVNOs as a “get rich quick” scheme.

The program was simple. Just spend a large amount of capital, lease existing infrastructure, and market your services to your target audience.

But if only it were as straightforward as that.

Not getting a realistic picture of the requirements, companies such as ESPN, Amp’d, and Disney all went down the path to launch their MVNO service anyway. Much to the predictions of industry experts, they all ended up failing rather spectacularly.

The main reason behind their disappointing results and subsequent shutdown were a lack of planning, vision, and long-term sustainability in terms of infrastructure support.

Whenever a company is about to launch a MVNO platform – it is necessary to get all its affairs in order.

In simple terms, experts advise any investors only to enter the sector if they are doing so with a clear plan of long term operations. If they don’t have a sustainable and easy way to run their MVNO companies, then it is more or less a doomed operation.

With that, if they keep a few factors in mind, then they could very well turn their new venture into a long term business.

How Can MVNOs Succeed in Today’s Day and Age?

Apart from well-devised planning, targeted marketing, and super-smooth presentations, running a MVNO service requires you to put in the work with a holistic approach towards your operations.

There’s no denying that you need to be at the top of your game in terms of networking and communications. But at the same time, you also have to be extremely focused on your customers’ expectations.

Similarly, you have to strike the perfect balance between uptime and quality, coverage and delivery, as well as billing and marketing.

Companies that follow these guidelines have shown particularly successful metrics against their efforts. This is especially true in markets outside of the U.S., which is judged by how the current number of MVNOs surpasses the psychological figure of 1,000 different providers. To put matters in perspective, these MVNO companies collectively serve over 10 percent of mobile users all over the world.

How to Make Your Mark in a Market Such as the U.S.?

When it comes to the success of a MVNO platform, the U.S. market is a bit different. New players in the telecom sector not only have to offer lucrative prices, but they also have to provide more flexible data plans. They have to deliver exceptional clarity in voice services. At the same time, they also need to provide consistent uptime in data and billing services.

Here’s the kicker. They have to do all of that while having exceptional support over pricing and quality. While this sounds extremely difficult, it is not impossible at all. MVNOs such as Google Fi is proof of that.

At Telgoo5, we exhibit all the necessary tools to turn your budding MVNO service into a success story. With exceptional billing, infrastructure, and a holistic MVNO platform, we make the process of launching your MVNO companies as easy as the click of a few buttons.

Apart from exceptional onboarding, we also take pride in our easy to use MVNO service management solutions. Whether you want to optimize your services, increase your number of customers, or expand your outreach, we are there for you every step of the way. With dedicated account managers and 24 x 7 NOC support, we are just a call away from helping you with any pressing issue.

Whether you want to launch your MVNO platform, or need to optimize your current service, feel free to reach out to us today.

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Telgoo5 Mobile Virtual Network Enabler

The Telgoo5 MVNE is a cost-effective billing and customer care platform that is capable of hosting an unlimited number of MVNO’s or brands. The platform does so with complete flexibility, caters to the needs of all ​major MVNO models and provides seamless connection with different protocols on any network.

The Telgoo5 MVNE is a cost-effective billing and customer care platform that is capable of hosting an unlimited number of MVNO’s or brands. The platform does so with complete flexibility, caters to the needs of all ​major MVNO models and provides seamless connection with different protocols on any network.

In the highly competitive telecommunications global market, agility and ability to market quickly are important factors for any MVNO that wants to be successful. The Telgoo5 MVNE platform backed by our support expertise and unmatched systems integration will enable any MVNO to benefit from a wide range of deployment models, functionality, scalability, and integration.

Telgoo5 MVNO platform is designed to form the foundation of any MVNO network while connecting the MNO partner with all MVNO back-office systems. It caters for hybrid, pre-paid and post-paid packages as well as various segments including Closed User Group (CUG) and residential communities.

System growth is fully scalable without any limitations on the number of brands or MVNO’s. It is only limited by hardware. We target businesses that would like to onboard devices rapidly, either into their proposed or existing managed-service infrastructures.

Why Choose Telgoo5 Enabler Solutions

Agile Project Management

  • We provide organization and expertise

  • We provide a personalized follow-up when it comes to delivering services

  • We adapt to each customer’s project needs

  • We deploy a project methodology that has been tried and tested

Technical Architecture

  • We offer top-notch functionalities such as fixed-mobile convergence, pay as you go, pay monthly and real-time control

  • We define interconnection models

  • We design services based on the technical independence level you want

  • We determine complicated call flows

Business Model Flexibility

  • We help clients negotiate their contracts with MNOs

  • We help clients optimize their business plans

  • We provide billing customization to enable clients to control their P&L

  • We determine technical optimizations for optimum financial performance

Telgoo5 MVNE Benefits

Seamless Integration – Our platform connects seamlessly with any protocol on any network, including GSM and CDMA.

Flexible – Our platform is designed to provide complete flexibility and to enable each MVNO to define its own services and processes.

Convenience – The platform takes care of all ​major MVNO models and can host many MVNO’s or brands.

Reduced Opex – This feature-rich and cost-effective platform will reduce the total cost of ownership as well as operational expenditure.

Individualization – The platform allows individual MVNO’s to tailor their currency, language, and more.

Easy Service Construction – Reduces deployment and development time, making it easy to focus on building your services.

Reduced Capex – Telgoo5 utilizes the latest technologies when developing software. This enables us to customize our software cost-effectively and quickly, depending on each MVNO’s business requirements, hence saving on Capex.

Get Started

Whether you are an MNO (Mobile Network Operator) or an MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator), whatever the business or technical models you want to set up. Telgoo5

enabler solutions bring you the expertise and flexibility to help you make your MVNO project a reality or ​launch your project​. ​Contact us​ today to get more information.

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Why You Need a Multi-Tenancy Platform

To optimize IT costs and create operational efficiencies, you need to leverage SaaS trends of multi-tenancy. In order for you to realize the need for multi tenancy you need to understand the importance.

To optimize IT costs and create operational efficiencies, you need to leverage SaaS trends of multi-tenancy. In order for you to realize the need for multi tenancy you need to understand the importance.

Importance of a Multi-Tenancy Platform

A multi-tenancy platform is important to any ICT and telecommunications organization. This is why:

Low Ownership Cost

Users can access their services from one platform. This means it is easier to access frequent and automatic updates. As a user you will not need to pay for new functionalities and customizations. An added advantage is the inclusion of new updates and releases on the subscription. Users are always informed of irregular changes.

Worry Free Capacity

A multi-tenancy platform offers your company, whether big or small, the ability to reside within the same data center and infrastructure. It is commonly known as “worry free capacity”. You will not have a need for more computing and server capacity, and your operation support system will never be encumbered. This is our responsibility as Tegloo5 to grow our data center while supporting your growth.

To optimize IT costs and create operational efficiencies, you need to leverage SaaS trends of multi-tenancy. In order for you to realize the need for multi tenancy you need to understand the importance.

Importance of a Multi-Tenancy Platform

A multi-tenancy platform is important to any ICT and telecommunications organization. This is why:

Low Ownership Cost

Users can access their services from one platform. This means it is easier to access frequent and automatic updates. As a user you will not need to pay for new functionalities and customizations. An added advantage is the inclusion of new updates and releases on the subscription. Users are always informed of irregular changes.

Worry Free Capacity

A multi-tenancy platform offers your company, whether big or small, the ability to reside within the same data center and infrastructure. It is commonly known as “worry free capacity”. You will not have a need for more computing and server capacity, and your operation support system will never be encumbered. This is our responsibility as Tegloo5 to grow our data center while supporting your growth.


In the past it used to take a lot of time to roll-out any updates/releases. It is a lengthy process that requires coding for each client. This is what most multi-tenancy platform services offer. Our difference is we can send updates and releases suited to your particular needs.

The benefit of this move is that you will never have to go through processes such as performing Q&A and customizations. The change in production will automatically synchronize the moment an update or release is available.

If you have customers in the hundreds or thousands, such a move is a challenge. Our company ensures we handle everything to perfection. Our support team is dedicated to provide seamless updates and releases. Your benefit is faster access to innovative features for management of communications and IT, while ensuring your client is not interrupted.


A multi-tenancy platform will improve your business, large or small, to levels that you can compete with your competitors on the same level. Contact us to find a solution that will take you to the next level. We also offer latest billing solution along with OSS solution to meet any of your operational requirements.

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Why You Need an OSS

OSS (Operations Support Systems) are designed to be integrated in an enterprise’s telecommunications resources. These solutions are aimed at supporting telecommunication networks. They are classified into:

  • TPS(Transport Processing Systems)

  • MIS (Management Information Systems)

  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)


OSS (Operations Support Systems) are designed to be integrated in an enterprise’s telecommunications resources. These solutions are aimed at supporting telecommunication networks. They are classified into:

  1. TPS(Transport Processing Systems)

  2. MIS (Management Information Systems)

  3. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Understanding what each of them do and how they work will ensure you understand the importance of OSS in any telecommunication business.


A Transport Processing System focuses on the processing and recording of transactions in the business. The entire gamut of daily routines is encompassed by any TPS. Routines may include, but not limited to, billing, sales order processing and financial accounting. The general structure of a Transport Processing System is determined by the type of transactions in a company. For instance, a financial accounting system structures financial related transactions. That can include be invoices, payments and receipts. Each of these transactions are processed by a specific module.


This system is designed to meet the needs of managers, specifically with regards to the past and current operations. The majority offer a summary report of the enterprise’s operations. Some have the option of an on-line link to each transaction. MIS improves the efficiency of an enterprise by ensuring managers can perform their duties easily and as fast as possible.


Traditionally MIS has been based on inputs from transaction based processing systems. As such, they have continued to be designed around different types of transactions. With this in mind, organization structures determine the design of MIS. Under MIS, information is provided in the form of reports that will be needed for different departments. MIS modules would be based on the kind of departments in an organization’s structure. Currently, MIS is starting to lose its relevance. This is due to the increasing relevancy of flexibility involved to reorient MIS to a changing business environment. The buzzword of today is business process reengineering. This means enterprises need to change their approach towards business processes. Advancement in telecommunication technology has led to the emergence of a new information system known as ERP. An Enterprise Resource Planning system integrates each process of an organization with customer satisfaction while planning the management of resources. Such solutions help an enterprise to focus on production capacities, working out financial consequences of every decision and managing logistics, rather than just computing costs. Integrating business processes at all levels is the basic philosophy of an Enterprise Resource Planning system. It works by treating every resource in an enterprise as a common resource designed to cater to the various needs of clients. ERP systems recognize that the needs of clients are always changing. It offers adaptability to these changing needs with a faster response.

Bottom Line

All telecommunication enterprises need more than one of the above mentioned OSS sub-categories. We at Tegloo5 have come up with a number of systems to ensure your telecommunication business runs as smoothly as possible. In the event your business module is unique, we can design and develop an OSS that will meet and even surpass your needs. Contact us today so we can figure out how to come up with the best OSS for your business.

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Customer Experience – A Key MVNO Differentiator

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) are on a rise across the globe. According to the GSMA Intelligence report are a total of 1017 MVNOs in the world. Today MVNOs outnumber the total number of mobile network providers across the globe. In 2015 alone 210 MVNOs either shut down their business or merged with some other business. Start, peak, filtering, and stabilization is perhaps the expected business curve for MVNOs. Here to reach the point of stabilization and to sustain once stable MVNOs need to be smart and innovative.

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) are on a rise across the globe. According to the GSMA Intelligence report are a total of 1017 MVNOs in the world. Today MVNOs outnumber the total number of mobile network providers across the globe. In 2015 alone 210 MVNOs either shut down their business or merged with some other business. Start, peak, filtering, and stabilization is perhaps the expected business curve for MVNOs. Here to reach the point of stabilization and to sustain once stable MVNOs need to be smart and innovative.

Superior customer retention rate and ability to add new customers is now than ever before directly linked to ‘Experience’, which will help MVNOs stand out and receive higher ARPU. Many studies suggest operators differentiating themselves based on customer experience are likely to stay in business in the long run. According to Telesperience’s recent research into the MVNO market differentiator, better customer service has been cited by almost 67% of MVNOs.

Below are few innovative touchpoints with which MVNOs can differentiate themselves from the competition and delight their customers.

  • Loyalty Programme: For a long time, loyalty programs have been used as differentiators by service providers across industries. They are a great way to award loyal customers and inspire loyalty amongst new customers.

  • Customization: This is when an MVNO provides its users the flexibility to design their plans which will best suit their requirement.

  • Control: Offer control to customers by providing them access to customer care portal and Mobile application through which they can get real-time data about their usage, talk time, subscription plan, etc.

  • Localization and Personalization:

    • Target demographic segments by designing an offer for various demographic groups

    • Segmentation: design and develop segment-specific plans for corporates, schools, etc.

    • Design plans for expats, students, etc. with specialized features like unlimited talk time to selected numbers, free message service to their homeland, etc.

This is where a highly sophisticated billing system will play a key role in enabling MVNOs in creating customized plans with configurable product catalogs, visibility of usage to customers, allowing the customer to subscribe for services real-time and empowering them to discontinue services as and when they wish to. Telgoo5’s solutions will allow you to take absolute control of crucial area like billing and will allow you to create new services, bundle promotions and provide real-time data.

Companies using Telgoo5’s billing services have a competitive edge over others as Telgoo5’s billing system allows MVNOs to efficiently manage their billing and revenues. Our billing services will satisfy both the MNO and the customers. Billing services must be able to spot any instances of fraud and revenue leakage. Telgoo5’s Billing Services are apt to do this and will protect the MNO from any revenue loss due to frauds. Telgoo5’s billing system supports prepaid-postpaid integration method of billing. This feature makes the billing system all the more efficient and reliable. More and more MVNOs’ are showing an inclination towards billing systems that are powered by analytics which will empower them to get accurate reports on subscription, revenues, customer retention, and churn. Telgoo5’s billing system is equipped with all these special features, to know more please visit

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Data MVNO, MVNO, MVNO & MVNE Telgoo5 Contributor Data MVNO, MVNO, MVNO & MVNE Telgoo5 Contributor

Step By Step Instructions For How To Start Your Own MVNO

It’s hard to underestimate the importance of MVNO virtual network operators in the market. They are starting to outpace traditional providers and it’s really no surprise why! They offer customers tailored solutions, are generally less expensive, and can focus on niche markets.

It’s hard to underestimate the importance of MVNO virtual network operators in the market. They are starting to outpace traditional providers and it’s really no surprise why! They offer customers tailored solutions, are generally less expensive, and can focus on niche markets.

It’s only logical that MVNO solutions are emerging as a powerhouse in the telecom space. Today’s customers require an unprecedented level of choice and customization, and smart MVNOs understand how to make that happen. That being said, starting up your own MVNO is a little trickier than it might seem!

Understand The Start-Up Funding Costs

You will need some capital to start up your own MVNO. There is a lot more that goes into it other than simply purchasing airtime and data. You need to partner with a company that will provide you with the support infrastructure to keep your customers happy and your business flowing. After all, you’ll need to field customer calls, implement a billing system, and account for emergencies like loss of service.

Funding is critical, so start thinking about where it will come from. There are several routes that you can take to get the money that you need to start up your MVNO.

  • Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists- if you go this route, you’ll have to have a solid business plan in place that will show your investors how they will make money on the backend. Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists are not altruists, and they want to see a clear return on their investment. Scoring venture money is great, but you need to have all of your ducks in a row.

  • Crowd-funding- you can go on any number of different crowd-funding platforms to try to raise money organically. You’ll have to present a tangible reward for people who contribute, so consider what you can offer carefully. Perhaps it’s the ability to get in at the ground floor, a few free months of service, or even a small share in the company.

  • Self-funding- if you are able to swing the startup costs yourself, do it!

Know What Sets Your MVNO Apart

Like any other business venture, successful MVNOs rely on the ability to speak directly to their niche and deliver products that they want. Think about who you want to target and offer plans directly for them. For example, if you’re targeting Millenials, you might want to have plans that are heavy on data and texting, but lighter on actual phone call time.

Additionally, think about your niche when you choose an outsourcing call center. If your customers have concerns, and they will, you’ll want to have reps who can speak with them in their language. Millennials value instant gratification, so call center employees who can use Live Chat and Social Media will be better equipped to deal with their needs. (v)WeCare reps are skilled in all new technology, which is what makes us a great partner for companies that want to reach younger demographics.

Find A Good MVNE

Finally, you’ll need a supportive partner that can handle all of your back office outsourcing needs. The last thing that you want is for your customers to suffer because you don’t have your administrative ducks in a row! Get yourself an MVNE that can support you on the backend.

Don’t try to take on MVNO billing, customer service, and all of the other infrastructure needs that go with running a successful MVNO on your own. In the best case scenario, you’ll burn out. The worst case scenario is that customers will flee and give you terrible reviews. Not working with a quality MVNE can sink your business. Telgoo5 has years of experience helping MVNOs scale effectively while handling all customer needs from soup to nuts. We deal with billing, customer problems, security, and infrastructure. Our comprehensive MVNO billing software is really second to none and offers seamless billing with all customer data backed up in the cloud. We also conduct weekly calls with all of our MVNO partners so you’re always in the loop. If you’re going through a rapid scaling phase, we’re flexible, equipped and able to transition smoothly. Our mission is to make you look like a superstar to your customers, and we have a proven track record of success! Telgoo5’s billing system was designed to be all about you- our trusted partner!

Starting an MVNO can seem a little bit daunting, but it’s doable if you follow the steps outlined in this article. Why not be on the cutting edge of a brand new industry?

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Is Your Billing On Point

Billing is one of those things that businesses sometimes don’t give a lot of thought to, but smart companies in the telecom industry know that consistent and accurate customer billing is one of the cornerstones of a successful MNVO.

Billing is one of those things that businesses sometimes don’t give a lot of thought to, but smart companies in the telecom industry know that consistent and accurate customer billing is one of the cornerstones of a successful MVNO.

Some MVNOs handle billing in-house, tasking one or two staff members with what should realistically be the job of an entire department. The truth is, your if your billing is not on-point, your customers will suffer and look for other MVNO’s to get their service from. Since telecom billing is notoriously tricky, smart companies trust their billing to expert MNVEs.

Look For Flexibility

The telecom industry is always shifting and changing, which puts MVNOs in a challenging situation when it comes to billing, especially if they are poised to start scaling. As you get more end customers, your billing needs are going to adapt to different business situations. You need an MVNE that can adapt with you and offer real-time solutions to your customer’s needs. Smaller organizations simply don’t have the bandwidth to be able to support the level of growth that most MVNOs will experience, leading to customer frustration and annoyance on the part of the MNO.

At Telgoo5, we understand the importance of flexibility and ability to scale. Our sophisticated infrastructure was built to withstand shifting company demands and rapid scaling. What’s more, we can offer all of our MVNO partners CRM and BSS as well as a real-time view of business performance and trends!. Many of our long-term MVNO partners are US based companies that love working with us because they know that they will be able to scale with us and, we will be there to support their needs in a prompt and outstanding manner!

Look For Added Value

If you have an in-house billing department, or if you contract out to a smaller or less flexible MVNE, you won’t necessarily get bare-bones service, but you also won’t get all of the perks that come alongside working with a company that can address all of your needs on multiple fronts. Distribution and inventory management goes hand-in-hand with billing, and if your chosen MVNE doesn’t have the capacity to handle all three, you’ll have to find another one to attend to these services. Anyone who runs a business knows that dealing with multiple vendors can be costly and time-consuming.

Telgoo5 offers distribution and inventory as value added services to their billing plan, so you won’t need to be hopscotching between different vendors to get your customers the services that they need. With us, you can rest easy that it will all be handled in one secure, professional place!

Support Is Key

It’s hard to over-emphasize the importance of quality customer and tech support. You and your chosen MVNE are a team, and it should feel like a partnership. This is especially true if you’re scaling, taking on new customers or dealing with additional products. Customers depend on detailed, accurate and itemized bills for their telecom service, so you need to know that your MVNE has your back. That’s why you should be in regular contact with your MVNE about billing and other areas of your business.

At Telgoo5 we pride ourselves on taking our relationship with all of our MVNOs very seriously. You have an account manager who is responsible for handling your needs, and weekly calls to handle any concerns that might crop up. Additionally, we have an escalation procedure that is specifically designed to get to the root of any problem as efficiently and effectively as possible. We prioritize consistency and organization because we know that they are the cornerstones of a successful MVNO/MVNE relationship.

Anyone in the telecom industry knows that billing can be the trickiest part of the business. When you’re dealing with multiple customers and a host of different services, getting billing down perfectly poses something of a challenge. That’s why it is imperative to make sure that your billing is on point. The best way that you can do that is linking up with a smart MVNE that has your best interests at heart. Let an MVNE like Telgoo5 take billing off your plate so that you can focus on growing your business!

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How MVNOs Can Increase the Bottom Line of a Mobile Network Operator?

Customer churn is a major problem associated with telecom business nowadays. Due to an increase in competition amongst CSPs (Communication Service Providers), customers are receiving newer and better options with attractive pricing and features. Hence, they are changing their telecom service providers faster than ever before. This trend has made the task of making profit for an MNO (Mobile Network Operator) extremely challenging. However, evolving technologies and development of MVNO platform has provided an innovative way to increase the bottom line for a telecom company.

Customer churn is a major problem associated with telecom business nowadays. Due to an increase in competition amongst CSPs (Communication Service Providers), customers are receiving newer and better options with attractive pricing and features. Hence, they are changing their telecom service providers faster than ever before. This trend has made the task of making profit for an MNO (Mobile Network Operator) extremely challenging. However, evolving technologies and development of MVNO platform has provided an innovative way to increase the bottom line for a telecom company.

Utilizing MVNO and MVNE for Triple Advantage

For a large scale MNO, it is hard to create customized services that meet the requirements of every mobile user in a particular area. Hence, some subscribers feel left out and show their anger by terminating their subscription. This directly influences the revenue generation of the MNO. All the effort it has put into buying frequency spectrum, procuring infrastructure and creating alliances with mobile phone manufactures is offset by subscribers’ decision to move out.

The MNO is left with vast resources that are underutilized due to customer attrition. It cannot sell the frequency spectrum and infrastructure to competing companies as it will dilute his brand. Also, it is not a wise decision to rest on its laurels and watch its business stagnate due to customer migration. In this situation, MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) come as a ray of hope for such an MNO.

Not only an MVNO can help an MNO in sustaining his business, it also offers a triple
advantage, if utilized carefully. Have a look at the three advantages below:

First advantage: Revenue from customers who have left you

For an MNO, a partnership with an MVNO is like selling your resources such as voice minutes, data, SMS etc. in wholesale. In actuality, you are allowing an MVNO to use your spare spectrum and infrastructure, so you get consistent revenue through resources that otherwise would have been unused.

So, when you forge a partnership with an MVNO that covers the same region as yours, a major share of the customers that leave you go straight to that MVNO and subscribe to its services. When this happens, you indirectly profit from the same customers that have left you in the form of the revenue generated by your partner MVNO.

Second advantage: Revenue from customers who have left your competitors

If your competing MNOs’ customers also decide to leave them, then your MVNO can become an option for them. A major share of such customers will join your MVNO and indirectly provide revenue to you.

Third advantage: Revenue from new customers

With new mobile users entering the market, your MVNOs income will grow and so will your revenue.

The abovementioned example brings to light the advantages offered by a single MVNO. However, the same advantages can be leveraged by partnering with multiple MVNOs. The best way to accomplish this is by using an MVNO and MVNE platform.

Role of MVNE in MVNO Service

An MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler) is directly related with an MVNO’s performance and service. MVNE is called an enabler of services because it plays a vital role in creation of smaller MVNOs. An MVNE provides OSS/BSS solutions to the MVNOs along with setting up their virtual network. While bigger MVNOs have their very own OSS/BSS software and are generally responsible for billing their own customers, it is the smaller MVNOs that profit the most from MVNEs. Some of the major benefits of MVNE with regards to MVNO service and performance are listed below:

Better negotiations for pricing – An MVNE can be considered as a common link between multiple small MVNOs and an MNO. It has the responsibility of buying resources in bulk from an MNO. And we all know, bulk buying is considerably cheaper than buying a small amount. Hence, MVNEs are able to negotiate better deals with MNOs and procure resources e.g. calling minutes and SMS at a lower price. This helps an MVNO greatly and it is able to survive in the competitive telecom world.

More time to handle customer-facing tasks – With network setup, accounting and  billing-related activities handed over to an MVNE; an MVNO is able to focus more on offering day-to-day services and building its brand image.

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Why CDR Meditation Is an Essential Part of Telecom Billing?

Telecom billing is probably the most confusing and scrutinized task in the telecom industry. The scrutiny comes from customers who are more often than not dissatisfied with their bills. This leads to confusion amongst the telecom vendors who start looking everywhere for new telecom billing solutions. Mostly, this problem arises because the telecom billing software used by them are subpar and do not meet the high requirements of modern-day businesses.

Telecom billing is probably the most confusing and scrutinized task in the telecom industry. The scrutiny comes from customers who are more often than not dissatisfied with their bills. This leads to confusion amongst the telecom vendors who start looking everywhere for new telecom billing solutions. Mostly, this problem arises because the telecom billing software used by them are subpar and do not meet the high requirements of modern-day businesses.

Why Telecom Billing Solutions Are Important?

All the efforts made by telecom service providers in setting up a network will amount to nothing if telecom billing is not up to standards. This is why, telecom billing solutions become important as they play a crucial role in accounting for those services. Not only is the revenue generated by a telecom provider dependent on billing, customers’ trust is also directly connected with the quality of the billing services. For instance, if a customer starts receiving wrong bills, his trust in the services nosedives from that moment onwards. On the other hand, if the billing services are sound, the customer stays faithful and brings in new customers.

CDRs: The Fundamental Unit of Telecom Billing Process

CDR (Call Data Record) is the fundamental unit of telecom billing process. All interactions between the user and telecom networking elements are captured by CDRs. A CDR has the following attributes:

  1. Date and starting time of the call

  2. Duration of the call

  3. Calling party

  4. Called party

  5. Type of call e.g. voice, SMS, data etc.

  6. Unique record sequence number that is used for identification

The captured CDRs are vitally important for the proper operation of a billing system. However, these CDRs are raw in nature, which means they cannot be interpreted by a billing system.

CDR Meditation System: The Unsung Hero of Telecom Billing Solutions

To ensure the captured CDRs are converted into a format that is understood by the billing system, a CDR meditation system is employed. The meditation system receives the unformatted CDRs, converts them into the necessary format and sends them to the billing system. Besides conversion, it also performs the operation of filtering out calls that do not meet set criterion by the telecom vendor. For example, if a call with duration less than 10 second needs to be filtered out, it is done by CDR meditation system. Moreover, if some extra information needs to be provided that is crucial for billing procedure, the meditation system gathers that information based on certain attributes and then sends it to the billing system via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is required for transfer of this information as both billing software and meditation modules are installed on different systems.

After the billing system receives the formatted CDR, it is able to interpret the information and rate the services utilized by customers.


Billing system in telecom is quite complex and requires processing of data at different levels for accomplishment of billing-related tasks. Although the user is not aware of what goes on behind the scenes, the role of systems like meditation system that converts raw CDRs into formatted CDRs is extremely important. All telecom billing solutions require correct formatting of CDR for reliable and accurate completion of billing tasks.

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