7 Essential Features of Great MVNO Providers

MVNOs, or Mobile Virtual Network Operators, are a fantastic consumer option. Rather than owning their own wireless network infrastructure, MVNOs maintain relationships with infrastructure owners and then resell access to the end user.

MVNO Providers

MVNOs, or Mobile Virtual Network Operators, are a fantastic consumer option. Rather than owning their own wireless network infrastructure, MVNOs maintain relationships with infrastructure owners and then resell access to the end user. As middle-men, MVNOs handle the difficult negotiating and are able to provide advantageous packages to consumers based on the bulk pricing they receive. 

If you are considering working with an MVNO, make sure that you look for these 7 essential features. These are the things that make an MVNO provider great. 

  1. Agreements with multiple networks for high speed access wherever their clients are. Some MVNOs have agreements with just one network, but great ones have agreements with multiple networks. This ensures coverage and redundancy, so that the end user never goes without the service they need. Working with an MVNO that maintains multiple agreements means better pricing, more coverage, and higher speeds.

  2. Advantageous pricing since MVNOs do not need to pay to maintain their own wireless networks. Most people assume that MVNOs mark-up wireless communication access in order to make money off of their contracts. Amazingly, the opposite is true. Since MVNOs do not have to maintain their own wireless infrastructure, their business costs are significantly less than the companies that do own their own networks A great MVNO will then pass those savings along to the consumer, making MVNOs the more economical choice.

  3. Provide perks like hotspot data, free gifts, and pricing promotions. Most people come to MVNOs for wireless network access, but some perks and incentives can change a satisfied customer to an elated customer. A great MVNO will offer their customer more reasons to love them. Things like hotspots, pricing promotions, and free devices can really move the customer satisfaction needle.

  4. Customizable packages to meet consumer needs. The big wireless access providers that own their own networks tend to provide the same services to everyone, regardless of their individual needs. Their packages are rigid, and if they don’t work perfectly for you, you are expected to adapt as the consumer. MVNOs enjoy more freedom than that, and good ones will offer customizable packages.

  5. Fantastic customer service. Large companies can be frustratingly hard to get in touch with when support is needed. It is not uncommon for consumers to sit on hold for hours on end before ever speaking to a rep. Since MVNOs do not have to maintain their own infrastructure, good ones choose to put their resources into fantastic customer support so that their customers can always quickly and easily reach out with frustrations and questions.

  6. Easy to use online service. Most people today prefer to handle everything online, which is why the most successful MVNOs invest in online services rather than brick and mortar stores. The easier online services are to use, the happier the customer.

  7. Strong marketing. Finally, great MVNOs make sure that the marketplace knows who they are! The biggest name in the industry are the companies that own their own networks. Most consumers do not even realize that MVNOs are an option. Great MVNOs market their advantages, and market them a lot in order to convert and maintain more customers.

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What makes a successful MVNO

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) play a crucial role in the market. They operate as the middlemen between mobile network operators who own wireless network infrastructures, and the end users who want to access wireless communications services.


Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) play a crucial role in the market. They operate as the middlemen between mobile network operators who own wireless network infrastructures, and the end users who want to access wireless communications services. Every day, people rely on MVNOs to place calls without even realizing it. The mark of a good MVNO is its ability to reliably and seamlessly provide services such that all but the most savvy customers do not even realize that they are a part of the service equation. If you are considering entering the MVNO space, it is important to understand what success looks like, and the steps you will need to take in order to be successful.

Here are three more qualities that make a successful MVNO:


Frustration surrounding dropped calls is largely universal. When people today pick up their phones to make a call, they are not thinking about the incredible technology that allows them to reach anyone, anywhere, at any time. They do not consider the satellites circling the globe, the wireless network infrastructures that had to be created, or how that infrastructure is leveraged in a way that allocates network connection to them. MVNOs fit into that last and final part of the equation. They ensure that the technology and infrastructure that supports wireless communication is actually delivered to the end user in ways that make them usable. Technology and infrastructure do an end user no good if they cannot access it and use it. A good MVNO ensures connection every single time - without fail and without interruption. 


By purchasing bulk access to network services at wholesale rates, MVNOs can provide customized service at price points that work for their target markets. For example, the big 4 providers (AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile) may not offer customized plans at the same level that MVNOs can. If your target market is price sensitive, as an MVNO you can slice and dice services in a way that is less expensive to the end user, and will therefore drive them to choose you over a large provider. 

Strong Relationships:

Successful MVNOs maintain fantastic relationships with the mobile network operators they purchase from. The fact is that MVNOs cannot exist without MNOs, so it is important for MVNOs not to bite the hand that feeds. Strong relationships led to better rates, quicker problem solves, and more services that MVNOs can eventually pass on to their clients. MVNOs that breed tension with MNOs do not last very long in the marketplace. This space is competitive, so in order to ensure success MVNOs have to network effectively.

How Telgoo5 Supports MVNOs:

Telgoo5’s modular platform offers an Omni Channel CRM, billing, online charging, and a payment engine that drives many of the global brands in the MVNO space. We handle business logistics so that MVNOs do not have to. We support connections between MVNOs and their target audience, and we are so effective that most end users do not even realize we are there. If you are looking to launch and/or maintain a successful MVNO, you need to work with Telgoo5.

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Price Versus Value; Which is More Important for Your MVNO?

Attempting to keep your head above water in the mobile industry is no easy feat no matter what network you are administering. For Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs)


Attempting to keep your head above water in the mobile industry is no easy feat no matter what network you are administering. For Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), the industry has become very competitive – even really promising start-ups may wind up out in the cold.

To get your MVNO to the next level, you need to consider anything and everything that can be done to improve it. That leads to a very interesting discussion. On the surface, it would appear that price would be the most vital characteristic as all these types of operators exist to offer cheaper services in the first place.

That said, with the vast array of platforms already available, there is only so low you can offer your services in order to stay in the competition. In today’s age, the focus of your brand should be prioritized on one word; value.

Indeed, Value is More Important

The pricing models that your wireless MVNO offers can drive traffic to your network and enhance the chances of it succeeding. When compared with value, however, they will not hold the same level of importance.

One must consider – what can you do to increase the value of the offerings that you have in store? Many providers will deliver what are known as Value Added Services to their consumers. You see, your MVNO service is already going to include the core and primary service packages.

By including Value Added Services, you can vastly improve the quality of your brand by making the overall experience more convenient for your consumer base. In addition to that, they will bring in more revenue per user.

So, instead of simply scaling down your prices, you can offer unique and effective Value Added Services into the fold. Some added services can even place an increased demand on your standard services.

What Types of Options Are Out There?

The exciting news is there are a ton of different offerings out there and tons of unique software that you can invest in and provide to help both you and your customers. There are programs out there that will enable diverse communication between different types of mobile applications and various systems.

This can allow for data to be reused and can help to streamline the entire communication process. On the customer end of things, you can invest in Value Added Services that allow for certain transactions and tasks to be possible. Again, this adds convenience and in the modern world of technology, that is what it is all about.

When it all comes down to it, both price and value are essential but the latter’s importance continues to increase all the time. That makes it all the more important that you carefully consider what Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE) you partner with.

With our exclusive and top-of-the-line platform coupled with our vast understanding of the industry, you can feel confident partnering with Telgoo5. Our team is always happy to discuss how we can help your brand and answer any inquiries you may have.

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Key Features of using MVNOs

When it comes to MVNOs, there are many options to consider, not the least of which are the features offered by the MVNO. Knowing what features are available and what is in demand is essential in making the best decision for your needs. The following are some key features to look for when using an MVNO.


When it comes to MVNOs, there are many options to consider, not the least of which are the features offered by the MVNO. Knowing what features are available and what is in demand is essential in making the best decision for your needs. The following are some key features to look for when using an MVNO.

What is an MVNO?

Before discussing the key features one should be looking for when using an MVNO, it is essential that you understand what an MVNO is and what it does. Mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) are phone carriers that offer phone services generally at lower cost than what you find with the big-name phone companies. These smaller carriers have contracts with big companies that allow them to utilize their service areas.

The MVNO then offers these areas to customers through plans that are generally more accessible and cost effective than utilizing services directly through the big company. Many of these plans include prepaid services that are customizable to fit specific needs and wants. This customization translates into the customer being able to decide which services they truly want to pay for and which ones they don’t. These decisions often allow users to pay less than they would with other larger phone companies by only paying for what they need.

What Features Should You Be Looking For?

Now that we have discussed what exactly an MVNO is, it is time to discuss the features you should be looking for from your provider. One big reason for choosing an MVNO over a big phone company is flexibility. Partnering with the right MVNO will offer you a plan that is customizable to fit your needs and budget. This flexibility allows you to be in control of what you spend and how often you spend it. Your MVNO’s features should also include real-time billing, which will enable you to see and control your usage and expenditures in real-time, not after you have already gone over and have no way of going back.

The coverage area is another feature to pay attention to. Just because a company works with a carrier that features service in your area, does not mean the MVNO will have service in your area. It is essential that you choose an MVNO that provides coverage in your desired area. Finding a company that works with more than one of the big-four carriers will give you better access to coverage areas where ever you need to be.

One final consideration when it comes to features is whether or not you have access to the elements for your device. In other words, will your phone work with your service, are hot spots available, do you have enough data and can it be increased when needed or decreased when not utilized. Each of these will be vital in receiving the service expected from your MVNO.

Choosing the Right MVNO for Your Needs

Now that you are aware of what to look for, you are probably wondering how to find the right MVNO for your needs. The team you choose needs to offer all of the features listed above and many more. When you decide to partner with Telgoo5 supported MVNO for your phone needs, you will get the reliability you need with the flexibility you desire. MVNOs partnered with Telgoo5 offers plans that are customized for you, real-time billing, and through Telgoo5’s partnerships and integrations with the major phone companies and vendors, all of your needs are easily within reach.

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Unlocking the Secrets to the Success of Data MVNO amidst Competition

Competition is a two-way street. On one hand, it diminishes profits as telcos are required to reduce the price of their offerings, but at the same time it pushes them to innovate. The situation is especially difficult for a data MVNO that does not have ample resources at its disposal.


Competition is a two-way street. On one hand, it diminishes profits as telcos are required to reduce the price of their offerings, but at the same time it pushes them to innovate. The situation is especially difficult for a data MVNO that does not have ample resources at its disposal. 

Challenges faced by Small-Scale MVNOs

MVNOs have become an integral part of telecom operations. Depending on the types of MVNOs, they can be divided into the following categories:

  • Branded reseller

  • Service provider

  • Enhanced SP MVNO

  • Full MVNO

While full MVNOs have control over every service except from network and spectrum (which they get from MNOs), the other three MVNOs depend on MNOs and MVNEs for performing different functions like:

  1. Delivering applications and services to the users

  2. Billing

  3. Activation of customers

  4. Marketing

  5. Customer services

  6. Management of SIMs

  7. Distribution and sales

  8. Management of devices like smartphones, tablets etc.

Due to their dependence on other entities, they work in restricted capacities. Hence, it is important for a data MVNO to choose an MVNE that offers a platform that is conducive to modern-day telecom operations.

How to Unlock Success for Data MVNO?

A small-scale data MVNO cannot change the dynamics of its operations, but it can maximize its outreach by choosing a partner that has the following functionalities:

APIs for different business use cases

An MVNO does not have the financial clout to purchase new software or customize an existing platform to accommodate for new services. As telecom industry is always evolving, it won’t be possible for a data MVNO to keep up with the requirements. For such scenarios, APIs serve as the best resort. A partnering MVNE that offers APIs for different functionalities can help an MVNO to fulfill ad hoc requirements without spending exorbitantly. APIs can help businesses in tasks like:

  • Instant partnerships with new vendors e.g. install an API and access the services of a shipping vendor without going through the red tape.

  • Integrate new databases e.g. APIs from Telgoo5 can be used to access NLAD database.

Convergent billing with OCS

An Online Charging System (OCS) performs real-time convergent charging. This allows MVNOs to send descriptive invoices with the mention of all service charges in a single bill. True real-time convergent charging prevents customers from exceeding data limits, lets them know exactly how much data/calls they have used and hence, promotes transparency between virtual operators and their clients.

Complete reporting and analytics

For an MVNO to be successful, it needs to create new and interesting plans that evoke subscriber interest. A data MVNO needs all the information about its subscribers e.g. their preferred roaming locations, data pack size, income group etc. At Telgoo5, you get access to a slave database that is directly updated by a master database located at the MVNE site. You also get analytics that are integrated into the billing system. With analytics capability, you can receive timely insights about your subscribers’ behavior and immediate needs.

Support for new services

New technologies in telecom industry like IoT and 5G are quite complex to deliver for a small-scale MVNO. But, with the right telecom services platform that offers complete scalability and multi-tenancy, you can handle the voluminous requirements created by the new tech with ease.

Telgoo5 is one of the best MVNEs in the telecom domain because it always updates its platform according to the industry changes. It has many years of experience in the field, and can help you deliver telecom services that are in line with modern-day subscribers’ requirements and preferences.

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5 Key Trends in MVNO Service Providers

New research shows that by 2025 the global MVNO service market will reach about $95 billion, growing annually at 7.6 percent. The continued growth in mobile users worldwide and the rise in demand for data services has created a large market opportunity for MVNO providers. The expansion of services, such as mobile cash, M2M (machine to machine) and cloud is driving the demand further for MVNOs.


New research shows that by 2025 the global MVNO service market will reach about $95 billion, growing annually at 7.6 percent. The continued growth in mobile users worldwide and the rise in demand for data services has created a large market opportunity for MVNO providers. The expansion of services, such as mobile cash, M2M (machine to machine) and cloud is driving the demand further for MVNOs.

Here are five evolving trends that MVNO operators should recognize in order to enhance their scope of services industry-wide.

Innovators will Seize Leadership

While there is going to be a market for the conventional MVNOs for the type of consumer-oriented services they provide, innovation will create new challenges and lead to the emergence of new market leaders. MVNO network connectivity is no longer the critical differentiator. The new model of connectivity and a gamut of packaged offerings must now center around data-driven capabilities, vertical integration, super specialization, and improved customer experience.

Moving Data to Deliver Superior Customer Value

Unlike the traditional MVNO mobile model, the new model will focus on moving data in ways that provide greater value for customers, both individuals and businesses. Process automation could assist in moving of the data. It could move from business to consumer, consumer to business, or machine to machine – to and from multiple endpoints, delivering useful information and driving targeted actions.

Focus on Niche Market Segments and Specific Value Propositions

MVNOs are increasingly recognizing the need to offer customized value propositions for targeted client segments. This allows them to widen the subscriber base by bringing new segments without diluting the brand focus of the host operator network. In a sense, the MVNO serves as the operator’s “sub-brand” to enable them to provide mobile services to wider and diverse populations.

Service offerings of MNVOs are moving away from voice and text and becoming increasingly data-centric. Some are even trying to differentiate their value propositions by integrating with other products and services, such as enterprise cloud or gaming.

Technology Enablers to Expand MVNO Opportunity

Cutting-edge technology enablers are set to drive unprecedented market opportunities for MVNO providers. These include:

  • e-SIMs

  • NFV and SDN (Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks)

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) with data analytics

  • Blockchain

  • Edge Computing

These technologies will support more personalized services for customers, help provide data related to IoT device performance, apart from boosting reliability and efficiency in areas such as supply chain management, mobile banking, mobile payments, and microloans.

Next Generation MVNOs will be Enabled with 5G

Network slicing getting enabled through 5G deployment is likely to be another game changer for MVNOs. A new breed of MVNO service providers will emerge with a focus on verticals offering AI, big data, and cloud solutions, creating new opportunities for enterprises looking to take advantage of these advanced technologies.

Telgoo5 is Here to Help!

Whether you are an MVNO/MVNE or looking to launch one, Telgoo5 has the perfect solutions to augment your business. For any inquiries you can send us an email at sales@vcaremail.com or contact us online.

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Operating Your Own MVNO Platform? Here are a Few Tips to Keep in Mind

If you run your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) platform or have done your research to Become MVNO, you may instantly agree that managing such a network is no mean feat. From resolving problems to meeting expectations, you have to go through difficult challenges every single day to keep your MVNO Platform going. At the surface, it may seem as easy as finding a proper mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE) and being done with the task. But in reality, it goes far beyond that essential requirement.


If you run your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) platform or have done your research to Become MVNO, you may instantly agree that managing such a network is no mean feat. From resolving problems to meeting expectations, you have to go through difficult challenges every single day to keep your MVNO Platform going. At the surface, it may seem as easy as finding a proper mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE) and being done with the task. But in reality, it goes far beyond that essential requirement.

To help you run your MVNO service with ease, here are a few tips to ensure its smooth operations. Learning them will help you strike a perfect balance between your MVNO and MVNE expectation and delivery, respectively.

Ensure Your Data Services is Up to Par

In today’s day and age, where smartphones are increasingly replacing high-end computers, you must provide high-speed Internet through your MVNO platform.

In 2018, nearly 69.3 percent of global users subscribed to mobile data services. With many MVNOs focusing on affordable content delivery through specially designed data packages, you need to make sure that your data services are up to par as well.

To ensure that you aren’t falling behind your competitors, gather their data rates through extensive market research. Then, compare them with your current MVNE, its quality of service, and your public prices. Crafting competitive data packages and delivering faster internet speeds allows you to become an MVNO service that is a perfect fit for modern mobile users.

Make Sure That You Offer Accurate Billing

Whether you want to become MVNO or already running your platform, you must offer accurate billing services to your customers.

This concept applies to both postpaid and prepaid users, who want to use reliably billed services that steer clear of duplicate charges, late deductions, or incorrect costs. Not providing such services can lead you to receive customer complaints, refund requests, and even cancellations – all of which could be avoided by making your billing as accurate as possible.

With this in mind, make sure that your MVNO and MVNE are capable of delivering precise and easy to understand billing for every customer. This concept doesn’t only keep your customers happy, but also saves your staff from handling an influx of inquiries or complaints that arise from ambiguities in billing.

Save an Ample Amount for Marketing

Even if you find a reliable MVNE for your MVNO platform, set up your virtual infrastructure, and launch your services publicly, it doesn’t amount to tangible success if no one knows about what you are offering to them.

With nearly 140 MVNO brands in the U.S. alone, the competition is nothing less than fierce in this segment of wireless services. When you add the national carriers, namely AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon, this picture gets even more severe. But while it may seem daunting to establish yourself as the primary solution for those seeking an MVNO, it is not that difficult when you follow a holistic marketing plan.

That is why you must allocate ample resources towards marketing to reach out to your target audience. Choosing the right service which can help spread the word for your MVNO platform is essential in this regard. This concept makes sure that you are not just spending money down the drain, but that it is returning the required results to you in terms of new subscriptions.

At Telgoo5, we specialize in helping MVNOs scale to their desired level of success. Whether you run an existing MVNO service or want to become MVNO, we can help you build your digital infrastructure and reach your target audience. This concept makes us a holistic service that is fit for all your needs.

Whether you want a demonstration of our services, or want to discuss more details, feel free to reach out to us today. We will be glad to answer any questions you have and help you deploy modern MVNO solutions that cater to your specific needs.

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Steps to Starting Your Own MVNO

Running an MVNO you have started is not a simple task. This does not mean you should stop pursuing this kind of business. All you need is to have steps that can ensure you do not fail before you begin. So what do you need to know?


Running an MVNO you have started is not a simple task. This does not mean you should stop pursuing this kind of business. All you need is to have steps that can ensure you do not fail before you begin. So what do you need to know?

Starting Out

An MVNO, like any other business, is risky. Clients will expect you to provide several services that will not fail from day one. With this in mind, you need to know the exact needs of your prospective customers before you begin. Once you understand their needs there is a need of being nimble in your response to maintain the current clientele while winning new ones.

The only way to succeed in starting is ensuring you make meticulous preparations. In essence, you need to have the following three things:

  • A strategic and effective plan to allow you to reach your proposed target segment. This should include how to package and offer services to successfully get your message out there.

  • Access to technology that will enable your business to deliver the services your target clients require during the kick-off.

  • You also need to know how to quickly adapt your portfolio as demand for new services arises.

Crafting a Plan

Considering the specific dynamics of a market you are trying to reach is a complex task. Generally, there are two ways you can efficiently compete with your competitors.

The first step involves an intimate understanding of a particular set of clients. Access to detailed client information will help you better tailor services to suit their needs. For example, this can be bundling third-party digital services, tailored pricing and offering specific communication services to create an unparalleled service experience.

Secondly, you need to consider new services or a different way of offering your current services. As an MVNO that can identify pricing models, packaging solutions or services, you are on the right track to win clients from a wide range of various segments.

When you craft such a plan, you have made a crucial step to start your MVNO. You should not relax at this point. You need to make sure you learn from your clients to consistently improve your services.

Finding and Getting the Technology Required in Place

Once the plan has been crafted to perfection, the next step is ensuring you have access to technology that will efficiently work with the plan. The technology needed in this case includes those that are initially required and services you may require for you to grow as the market changes.

When you are selecting your technology platform, you need to make sure you will gain sufficient control and assistance over service configuration and creation. The telecom market can change at any time. It sometimes moves quickly, sometimes in a matter of hours. As an MVNO, you need to make sure you set up with a platform that will allow you to receive updates to your service packaging and portfolio as soon as they arise.

Bottom Line

At Telgoo5, we have the experience and professionalism required to help you start your own MVNO business. Our current clients regularly express their happiness in their decision to use our service to start their MVNO businesses. Contact us today so we can help you start an MVNO business that will not fail.

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Finding an Easy to Use MVNO Software? Here’s How Telgoo5 Can Help

Launching your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) services is no easy feat. From obtaining infrastructural support to deploying your services to customers, the road to becoming an MVNO can be long.


Launching your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) services is no easy feat. From obtaining infrastructural support to deploying your services to customers, the road to becoming an MVNO can be long.

One of the most crucial aspects of this process is perhaps finding an easy to use MVNO Software. It is because your operations support system (OSS) is the lifeblood of your MVNO platform. If it is intuitive, then it can help you scale your MVNO to the next level. On the other hand, if it is too complex to be operated, even by your trained staff, then it can take down your whole operation.

That is why it is imperative that your MVNO Software is not only highly functional but that it is also simple to use. With that being said, finding a MVNO Platform that strikes a balance between functionality and ease of use is not that simple.

Keeping this in mind, Telgoo5 has developed a state of the art MVNO Software Solution that maintains the required balance between functionality and simplicity. As a result, you can enjoy all the OSS tools you need to Become MVNO through a very easy to use platform.

To help you determine how Telgoo5 can help, here’s a list of some of the core features of our software solutions that can take your MVNO to the next level.

You Can Manage Multiple Services Under the Same Umbrella

Unlike most other MVNO solution providers that are very complex to use, the OSS solutions from Telgoo5 are purpose-built to make convenience shine through its functions.

That is why Telgoo5’s MVNO software is developed to provide an array of features through a single platform. From activating features to monitoring service performance, and from billing for content to tracking customer usage, you can execute crucial functions right through the OSS itself.

This way, your staff doesn’t have to jump from software to software to perform every single function. As a result, you can enjoy higher productivity and enhanced service delivery.

You Can Grow Your Subscriber Base Efficiently

Most other MVNO Solutions only help you Become MVNO and leave you to do the rest. But at Telgoo5, we make sure to be with you every step of the way and assist you in not only Becoming an MVNO, but also establishing your services as a credible provider.

As a result, we have made sure that our services do not only help you launch global services in just a few weeks but that they also come with the ability to optimize your operations.

With that, we also hold extensive experience in expanding our customers’ reach and growing their subscriber base through targeted programs that are bound to provide tangible results. If you are looking for a service that helps you scale your operations, then Telgoo5’s OSS might be the perfect fit for you.

All of this is done through the same, simple, and easy to use MVNO Software that has become the heart and soul of Telgoo5.

Our Holistic Billing Solutions Ensure Improved Services

Since accurate billing serves as the foundation of any telecom provider, we have ensured that our billing services follow a holistic structure.

Online charging system (OCS), taxation mechanisms, interactive voice recording (IVR), and customer relationship management (CRM) are just a few of the components in our MVNO Software that let you get the most of your telecom billing.

With simple to deploy billing solutions, these services set Telgoo5 apart from the run of the mill providers. To provide further accuracy, we also have an in-house service monitoring team that ensures all our components are running flawlessly. This makes sure that your services are not only being provisioned in an easy to use manner but that they are also error-free even in their most complex form.

With a growing list of partners all over the world, we are more than happy to help even more credible entities Become MVNO in their selected regions. If you are currently looking to launch your MVNO Services, or enhance your current breadth of solutions, feel free to reach out to us today.

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How to Start a Successful MVNO Business

Every day more and more people are turning to mobile devices for daily tasks. These devices help people with many aspects of their daily lives using IoT and apps. An MVNO is a business that ensures it supplies clients with great speeds. If you want to start an MVNO business, there are several things you need to consider:


Every day more and more people are turning to mobile devices for daily tasks. These devices help people with many aspects of their daily lives using IoT and apps. An MVNO is a business that ensures it supplies clients with great speeds. If you want to start an MVNO business, there are several things you need to consider:

Get the Right MVNE

The only way your MVNO business can succeed is by ensuring you use a good network. The right partner will ensure you have the tools to manage subscribers, manage the services you offer and have a good platform for efficient reporting and financial flexibility. You should get an MVNE with a lot of experience as it will be integral to the success of your MVNO business.

Pay Attention to Technology

Research by various MVNOs shows that 49% of survey respondents have indicated they will invest in technology soon. Once you have planned your business, you will know the technology you need to use. This is when you will need to do some research on what services are available.

For instance, you will need an analytics tool irrespective of the size of your business. Take note there is no point in investing in a business that does not generate meaningful data. There are companies, such as Telgoo5, that have developed robust analytics solutions. You and your clients need data that is complete and accurate.

Use Your Users as a Base for Your Business

The majority of technology companies have a weakness in which they base their business on the company’s own needs and desires rather than those of their client. For your MVNO business to succeed, you must understand that the services your business provides must be geared towards your clients. Things to consider include but are not limited to, customer service, operational processes, value-add bundle, and helpful products.

Optimize Marketing Efforts

Every business needs a strategic marketing plan. Without marketing, your business will fail before it starts. For an MVNO, you need to plan marketing initiatives based on your value proposition and user persona. You should consider doing things that other MVNOs do not do. This way, you can challenge and beat your competition, while reaching your particular audience. High-quality marketing will always guarantee an ROI (Return on Investment).

Focus on Operational and Customer Excellence

Do some research on successful businesses, MVNOs or not. For instance, companies such as Apple and Amazon have ensured their customers expect a certain level of service. These clients have zero tolerance for operational hold-ups and glitches.

With this in mind, you should ensure your clients get the best speed and excellent service. If your MVNO does not provide this, customers will switch to one that does. Support features such as a dedicated call center is a of necessity to run an efficient MVNO.

Bottom Line

All the above are major factors you should consider when starting an MVNO. The demand for MVNOs is consistently on the rise and is expected to grow. Starting such a business is a great opportunity for success.

The business will be successful as long as the focus is kept on the user and you have solid planning. Contact us now so we can help you start an MVNO business that will challenge and surpass the rest in the market.

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Best Practices to Building a Reliable MVNO Network

The massive infrastructural developments in the telecom sector have given way to many new business models. Voice over IP (VoIP) solutions, tracking services, and automated charging are just a few of the aspects that come to mind. But perhaps none of them are as impactful in their influence as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO).


The massive infrastructural developments in the telecom sector have given way to many new business models. Voice over IP (VoIP) solutions, tracking services, and automated charging are just a few of the aspects that come to mind. But perhaps none of them are as impactful in their influence as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO).

Since an MVNO network brands itself as a new network while using the infrastructure of current telecom providers, it brings a lot of competition to the telecom sector. Racking up existing prices, providing new services, and establishing a new brand is all part of building a scalable MVNO service.

But as easy as it sounds in writing, it can be quite tricky when you are putting all of this into practice. That is why if you are currently in the process of developing your own MVNO platform, it is extremely beneficial to have assistance and guidance.

Understanding this need, we have put together the most crucial aspects of building a successful MVNO. By keeping these best practices in mind, you will be able to develop your own MVNO network with ease.

Keep Your Competitors in Mind

Market Research is vital in every business model. But it is perhaps the most relevant when it comes to a reselling business such as an MVNO service.

That is why the first step towards building an MVNO platform comes in the form of knowing your competitors. Researching factors such as their pricing, their subscription models, their brand, and their marketing strategies will help you get an idea of what your competitors are doing. At the same time, it will also let you know what they are not doing well.

This awareness will help you build a compelling brand that steers clear of being a mere copycat. On the contrary, you can shape your own MVNO Network to have a distinctive yet appealing image that speaks to your target audience.

Be Careful in Setting Your Prices

If knowing your competitors is the foundation of building your MVNO Service, then offering competitive pricing is the very first step.

As mentioned above, in a reselling business model, it is the pricing that matters the most in setting your services apart from others. If your pricing is a lot higher than your competitors, then it will not provide you with potential higher advantages. But if it’s too low, then it might reflect poorly on the quality of your services.

This is why you should ensure that your pricing is set with a conservative perspective in mind. If you are planning to broach the market with low pricing, ensure to justify it to your target audience and design a marketing campaign that clears any doubts in their mind. Doing so will help you attract more customers without giving them any reasons to question the effectiveness of your MVNO Platform.

Keep Data Delivery in Mind

In today’s day and age, mobile data and resulting internet access are just as important as voice service itself. After all, it is the data service that lets customers enjoy video calls, social media, web browsing, instant messaging, and media exchange. In other words, it is what puts the “smart” in the smartphone.

That’s why, if your MVNO Network offers competitive voice services but falters on data plans, then you might as well shelve it on day one.

It is essential to make sure that you are launching your MVNO Service with a focus on data subscription plans. Make them as affordable as possible without degrading the quality of services, and you will be able to attract a wide variety of customers who want to access the internet and its related services on the go.

As evident through these suggestions, they are some effortless yet some very valid points to implement. If followed, these crucial yet straightforward best practices will help you build an MVNO Platform that’s created with success in mind.

If you need further guidance on how to launch your MVNO Network successfully, please feel free to give us a call today. We at Telgoo5 will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you build an MVNO that stands out of the plethora of other services out there.

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Does Your MVNO Give You the Best Service?

You have an MVNO that is working. So how do you know if you are getting the best service? There are several factors to consider that will help you know if you have the best service:


You have an MVNO that is working. So how do you know if you are getting the best service? There are several factors to consider that will help you know if you have the best service:

Does the MVNO support CDMA or GSM?

So you may be thinking of switching from your carrier to another. Cellular carriers use GSM or CDMA. The majority of MVNOs use both. Most phones work with CDMA or GSM. As an MVNO, you need to find a service that handles both. Take note some Motorola models, and most current generation Google-branded phones and iPhones have antennas that can use CDMA and GSM.

If you want your MVNO business to succeed, you need to connect with a carrier that supports GSM and CDMA. This way, you will ensure you do not lose clients who would prefer both systems.

Is a Mobile Hotspot Included in the Plan?

Longtime subscribers of MVNOs have some issues they would like addressed. For instance, they would like to know if a mobile hotspot is included. Users have tried to game MVNO systems with a third-party hotspot app. The problem is most, if not all, of these apps, do not work.

The truth is that a hotspot option, sometimes referred to as tethering, is not available with many MVNO service providers. Those that offer hotspots do not do so with lower-cost plans. This means you should check if the feature is included to ensure your subscribers get the service at competitive market rates.

Is Visual Voicemail Supported?

If your subscribers rely on or are accustomed to visual voicemail, make sure you can get it from your carrier. A good number of service providers do not offer the same. You may need to do due diligence to find out if they offer visual voicemail. Some subscribers find it tedious dialing into a voicemail archive to listen to one message after another.

Do Advanced Features Work?

Currently, most people have phones that support things like Wi-Fi calling or VoLTE (HD voice calls). They are great features for those who use them. However, most of the time they are network or phone-specific. Some MVNO service providers may not have them at all because advanced calling features are possible with specific phones.

Are You In Need of a Family Plan?

Most MVNOs cater to individuals. As such, a family plan may be a challenge to find. If you are getting into the MVNO business, you need to find a service that offers a family plan. Although most subscribers will not need a family plan, it is a good option to offer them. This way, you will have an extra edge over your competitors.

Bottom Line

These are five of the most crucial factors to consider when you are looking for an MVNO service provider. Not only will these increase the chances of success in your business, but they will also give an upper hand over your competitors. At Tegloo5 we have the best options to ensure the success of your MVNO business. Contact us today to get all of these features and more.

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How MVNOs are Staying Relevant in 2019 & Beyond

Becoming a virtual mobile network operator (MVNO) in the U.S. telecom and communications sector is a feat that not everyone can achieve successfully. Whether you are a big tech conglomerate or a famous entertainment giant, your current level of success might not be relevant in the competitive MVNO segment.


Becoming a virtual mobile network operator (MVNO) in the U.S. telecom and communications sector is a feat that not everyone can achieve successfully. Whether you are a big tech conglomerate or a famous entertainment giant, your current level of success might not be relevant in the competitive MVNO segment.Why?

Well, running a MVNO service is more than just leasing the required network infrastructure. It is more work than designing lucrative pricing packages. And it is more time consuming than holding flashy pitch meetings.

But there’s a key to appreciating the importance of these requirements. It lies within understanding how these factors played out against those who did not pay attention to them. From there, it is a matter of avoiding those mistakes to run your own successful MVNO platform.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most hyped MNVOs of the past, how they met their downfall, and how you can avoid a similar fate with your telecom venture.

First Things First: What is a MVNO?

If you made it to this post, then you might already know what is an MVNO is and how it works. But let’s do a quick refresher to jog your memory.

Simply put, a MVNO works through a virtual telecom network that relies on traditional network infrastructure to run its operations. For instance, in the U.S., a MVNO typically relies upon the physical infrastructure of companies such as AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint. The MVNO rents out a part of the physical infrastructure’s resources at wholesale pricing and sells it at a retail price to its target audience.

In other words, a MVNO is simply a large-scale reseller. What sets it apart from its original network partners or other counterparts are the services that it offers.

Why Do MVNOs Attract So Many Investors?

Those who know about the ins and outs of MVNO companies would know how several entities in the past took MVNOs as a “get rich quick” scheme.

The program was simple. Just spend a large amount of capital, lease existing infrastructure, and market your services to your target audience.

But if only it were as straightforward as that.

Not getting a realistic picture of the requirements, companies such as ESPN, Amp’d, and Disney all went down the path to launch their MVNO service anyway. Much to the predictions of industry experts, they all ended up failing rather spectacularly.

The main reason behind their disappointing results and subsequent shutdown were a lack of planning, vision, and long-term sustainability in terms of infrastructure support.

Whenever a company is about to launch a MVNO platform – it is necessary to get all its affairs in order.

In simple terms, experts advise any investors only to enter the sector if they are doing so with a clear plan of long term operations. If they don’t have a sustainable and easy way to run their MVNO companies, then it is more or less a doomed operation.

With that, if they keep a few factors in mind, then they could very well turn their new venture into a long term business.

How Can MVNOs Succeed in Today’s Day and Age?

Apart from well-devised planning, targeted marketing, and super-smooth presentations, running a MVNO service requires you to put in the work with a holistic approach towards your operations.

There’s no denying that you need to be at the top of your game in terms of networking and communications. But at the same time, you also have to be extremely focused on your customers’ expectations.

Similarly, you have to strike the perfect balance between uptime and quality, coverage and delivery, as well as billing and marketing.

Companies that follow these guidelines have shown particularly successful metrics against their efforts. This is especially true in markets outside of the U.S., which is judged by how the current number of MVNOs surpasses the psychological figure of 1,000 different providers. To put matters in perspective, these MVNO companies collectively serve over 10 percent of mobile users all over the world.

How to Make Your Mark in a Market Such as the U.S.?

When it comes to the success of a MVNO platform, the U.S. market is a bit different. New players in the telecom sector not only have to offer lucrative prices, but they also have to provide more flexible data plans. They have to deliver exceptional clarity in voice services. At the same time, they also need to provide consistent uptime in data and billing services.

Here’s the kicker. They have to do all of that while having exceptional support over pricing and quality. While this sounds extremely difficult, it is not impossible at all. MVNOs such as Google Fi is proof of that.

At Telgoo5, we exhibit all the necessary tools to turn your budding MVNO service into a success story. With exceptional billing, infrastructure, and a holistic MVNO platform, we make the process of launching your MVNO companies as easy as the click of a few buttons.

Apart from exceptional onboarding, we also take pride in our easy to use MVNO service management solutions. Whether you want to optimize your services, increase your number of customers, or expand your outreach, we are there for you every step of the way. With dedicated account managers and 24 x 7 NOC support, we are just a call away from helping you with any pressing issue.

Whether you want to launch your MVNO platform, or need to optimize your current service, feel free to reach out to us today.

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Telgoo5: The MVNE You Never Knew Your MVNO / MNO Needed

With 15 years in the industry, (v)WeCare is very well aware of the ever-changing landscape the telecommunications industry is facing today. That’s a decade-and-a-half of providing BSS, online charging, MVNE, Diameter and other expert technical and sales support, and as you’ll see, much more.

With 15 years in the industry, (v)WeCare is very well aware of the ever-changing landscape the telecommunications industry is facing today. That’s a decade-and-a-half of providing BSS, online charging, MVNE, Diameter and other expert technical and sales support, and as you’ll see, much more.

We’ve partnered with countless telecom organizations to transform their MVNO/MVNE by optimizing operations, expanding their reach, and growing their subscriber base overall. Furthermore, (v)WeCare has empowered companies just like yours to globally launch their MVNO/MVNE in a matter of weeks instead of months, and we even provide dedicated account managers as well as 24/7 NOC Support.

However, these partnerships actually evolved into a bit of symbiotic relationship as well. As our clients learned from us, we learned a lot more about their operation’s deeper needs.

That’s where Telgoo5 comes in. An end-to-end billing support system (BSS) and Online charging system (OCS) that is tailored to fit the specific needs of telecom companies.

The Telgoo5 Difference

There’s no denying that the ever-changing environment of the telecommunications industry can make proper management more than a bit of a challenge. With Telgoo5, that becomes a whole lot easier.

Imagine having the ability to provision and activate features on the fly, monitor service performance, track customer usage, bill for content, ensure revenue capture, and so much more. And we really, really mean so much more.

With Telgoo5’s BSS, you get a subscriber management system that is efficient, quick, responsive, and provides subscribers with excellent customer service. You also gain the ability to setup custom sales chain based on your business needs with sales chain management that supports 3 levels and has the ability to be customized for more.

Furthermore, with Telgoo5 and the BSS features, you have access to the following:

  • A config and admin panel that facilitates effective user management and enables you to define permissions, create plans, and gain greater control overall.

  • Reporting and analytics that provide in-depth subscriber data, giving you further insight and helping you manage and monitor your sales more easily and efficiently.

  • Expanded abilities to manage inventory status, reassignment, and reconciliation, spawning more efficient management and distribution of inventory units.

Even if that was the end of the list of benefits of Telgoo5 it would be rather impressive, but as we said above, there’s much more.

The key features of the BSS side of Telgoo5 are not only impressive, they can actually be critical in helping you meet the demands of today’s industry. Efficient billing is key to the survival of any organization but this can be evermore so true for telecom organizations.

Telgoo5’s Postpaid Billing System has a slew of impressive tools that are destined to transform your operations, including:

  • Payment gateway integration.

  • Real-time or manual invoice generation.

  • Postpaid tariff plans.

  • CDR rated bills sent in XML.

  • CDR mediation process.

  • Call barring services.

  • Call exception services.

  • And More!

Need a wholesale billing system? Telgoo5’s Online charging system has that covered too with additional key features for MNOs/MVNAs:

  • API controls.

  • Ability to create ‘n’ number of MVNOs.

  • Separate logins for MNOs/MVNAs and MVNOs.

  • Built-in online user guides that provide instant assistance whenever needed.

  • And once again, much more.

Have a little better understanding for why we said that your MVNO/MNO needs Telgoo5? If you’re ready to move forward with transforming your telecom into an entity ready for both today and tomorrow, give us a call at 206-384-4669.

If you still have questions about Telgoo5, you can visit our website or contact us directly and we’ll reply as quickly as possible.

Put years of experience and expertise to work for you with Telgoo5 augmenting your telecom business.

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Customer Experience – A Key MVNO Differentiator

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) are on a rise across the globe. According to the GSMA Intelligence report are a total of 1017 MVNOs in the world. Today MVNOs outnumber the total number of mobile network providers across the globe. In 2015 alone 210 MVNOs either shut down their business or merged with some other business. Start, peak, filtering, and stabilization is perhaps the expected business curve for MVNOs. Here to reach the point of stabilization and to sustain once stable MVNOs need to be smart and innovative.

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) are on a rise across the globe. According to the GSMA Intelligence report are a total of 1017 MVNOs in the world. Today MVNOs outnumber the total number of mobile network providers across the globe. In 2015 alone 210 MVNOs either shut down their business or merged with some other business. Start, peak, filtering, and stabilization is perhaps the expected business curve for MVNOs. Here to reach the point of stabilization and to sustain once stable MVNOs need to be smart and innovative.

Superior customer retention rate and ability to add new customers is now than ever before directly linked to ‘Experience’, which will help MVNOs stand out and receive higher ARPU. Many studies suggest operators differentiating themselves based on customer experience are likely to stay in business in the long run. According to Telesperience’s recent research into the MVNO market differentiator, better customer service has been cited by almost 67% of MVNOs.

Below are few innovative touchpoints with which MVNOs can differentiate themselves from the competition and delight their customers.

  • Loyalty Programme: For a long time, loyalty programs have been used as differentiators by service providers across industries. They are a great way to award loyal customers and inspire loyalty amongst new customers.

  • Customization: This is when an MVNO provides its users the flexibility to design their plans which will best suit their requirement.

  • Control: Offer control to customers by providing them access to customer care portal and Mobile application through which they can get real-time data about their usage, talk time, subscription plan, etc.

  • Localization and Personalization:

    • Target demographic segments by designing an offer for various demographic groups

    • Segmentation: design and develop segment-specific plans for corporates, schools, etc.

    • Design plans for expats, students, etc. with specialized features like unlimited talk time to selected numbers, free message service to their homeland, etc.

This is where a highly sophisticated billing system will play a key role in enabling MVNOs in creating customized plans with configurable product catalogs, visibility of usage to customers, allowing the customer to subscribe for services real-time and empowering them to discontinue services as and when they wish to. Telgoo5’s solutions will allow you to take absolute control of crucial area like billing and will allow you to create new services, bundle promotions and provide real-time data.

Companies using Telgoo5’s billing services have a competitive edge over others as Telgoo5’s billing system allows MVNOs to efficiently manage their billing and revenues. Our billing services will satisfy both the MNO and the customers. Billing services must be able to spot any instances of fraud and revenue leakage. Telgoo5’s Billing Services are apt to do this and will protect the MNO from any revenue loss due to frauds. Telgoo5’s billing system supports prepaid-postpaid integration method of billing. This feature makes the billing system all the more efficient and reliable. More and more MVNOs’ are showing an inclination towards billing systems that are powered by analytics which will empower them to get accurate reports on subscription, revenues, customer retention, and churn. Telgoo5’s billing system is equipped with all these special features, to know more please visit www.telgoo5.com

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The Difference between an MNO and MVNO

MNO and MVNO are both mobile operators who provide communication services to their clients. The biggest distinction between the two is that MNO can operate independently while MVNO will need MNO so it can fully function. Both MNO and MVNO being mobile networks, they are able to provide services such as voice calls, billing services, and customer care services (among other services) to end-users.

MNO and MVNO are both mobile operators who provide communication services to their clients. The biggest distinction between the two is that MNO can operate independently while MVNO will need MNO so it can fully function. Both MNO and MVNO being mobile networks, they are able to provide services such as voice calls, billing services, and customer care services (among other services) to end-users. An MNO can be able to provide these services to end-users on its own, but since an MVNO cannot be able to use its own frequency, MVNO results to buying radio spectrum from Mobile network operators. Below are the features of both of these communication services.

Features of an MNO vs those of MVNO

1. MNO operates from its own radio spectrum and has a license from the government to operate through it. When it comes to the assets that the MNO requires in order to provide services to its end users the MNO owns them all.

When it comes to the MVNO assets; MVNO either owns some of these assets – it ends up getting a lease for some of the assets from the MNO. There is also the possibility of an MVNO owning none of the assets and it ends up leasing all of the assets from MNOs. When MVNO leases assets from an MNO it is either in bulk or at a wholesale price. The MVNO has the option of letting the MNO provide customer care and billing services for them or MVNO provide the services themselves.

2. MNO buys its Network equipment from willing sellers and uses them to set up their own cellular or mobile network.

MVNO on the other hand purchases bulk packages at wholesale prices; these packages include data and minutes. MVNO basically acts as a reseller. After buying the packages they are branded and the services now offered belong to the MVNO. The communication services are then offered to users by MVNOs.

3. MNO offers support and customer care services to subscribers. MNO can offer customer care services to MVNOs subscribers. However, MVNOs can also offer customer care support services of their own and offer their own subscribers the support that they need, this includes answering any questions that they are likely to have in regards to the services being offered by the MVNOs.

4. Before making the equipment available MNOS first tests them to see if they are working and if they are in good condition. MVNOs being resellers do need to test if any equipment is working since they buy bulk packages to sell to their own end users. The types of equipment that they use for their own network coverage are already tried and tested.

5. Since MNOs have to bear the cost of putting up their own towers and so they can ensure that their clients have access to network coverage they are likely to charge more compared to MVNOs.

MVNOs will give cheaper services to its end users since it does not have to bear with the cost of putting up any equipment. They lease the equipment of the MNOs at a certain cost and they are able to give their services to subscribers in the same way.

Advantages and disadvantages of both network providers

Advantages of MVNOs

  • Since the MVNOs do not have to bear the cost that comes along with putting up towers, they can be able to offer cheaper services compared to those offered by the MNOs.

Disadvantages of MVNOs

  • As a subscriber using MVNO you are likely to have a low reception if you are in a place that is crowded. This is because postpaid customers are likely to get priority from towers compared to clients using MVNOs or those using prepaid services.

Advantages of MNOs

  • Since they have their own towers on the ground they have wide coverage and can offer high-speed connection.

Disadvantages of MNOs

  • Due to the cost associated with the putting up of towers their services are likely to be more expensive.

There are people who see MNOs and MVNOs as competitors; however, they are not – they both need to work together. Both network providers with their differences, advantages, and disadvantages can only work together successfully if they maintain a strong partnership with one another.

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Billing for MVNOs and MNOs

Both MVNOs and MNOs offer communication services to their subscribers even through MVNO have to buy bulk minutes and data from MNOs in order to cater to their users. MVNOs and MNOs perform similar functions such that most users do not know that MVNOs needs to purchase bulk packages from MNOs in order to cater to them.

Both MVNOs and MNOs offer communication services to their subscribers even though MVNO have to buy bulk minutes and data from MNOs in order to cater to their users. MVNOs and MNOs perform similar functions such that most users do not know that MVNOs need to purchase bulk packages from MNOs in order to cater to them.  They perform functions such as;

  • Issuing and activation of Sim cards

  • Have branding and marketing

  • Billing

  • They set their own tariffs

  • Offer customer care and support to subscribers

Due to the services offered by the two network providers to their subscribers, it is important for them to have a billing system. MVNOs rely on MNOs interconnect billing services.

Interconnect billing system for MVNOs

A majority of the MVNOs depend on the MNOs Interconnect billing system because they do not have their own. The interconnect billing system keeps track of income and spending as well as the demand in the price for airtime. Since the MNO will have a part in the operations of the MVNO, they can outsource an independent vendor. The vendor who will keep track of how data is being processed will help to ensure that both the MNOs and MVNOs get a fair share of their earnings.

When MVNOs receive incoming calls they charge the MNOs an amount of money that is less compared to the airtime charge. The fee charged can be termed as an interconnect termination fee. The termination fee of both the MNO and the MVNO is similar to the fee which the operator is charged.

In case of an outgoing call, the MNO will receive an imposed payment that is less than the airtime charge by the terminating operator.


In the present day for any business to be able to maximize the profits that it is making day in and out, they need to have a billing system that will help in the charging of prepaid services. More and more people are purchasing smartphones and using them for data. Previously, a lot of mobile users would spend a big amount of their funds on voice calls as well as messages; however, there has been a change. In the era whereby everyone is on their laptops, tablets, smartphones as well as other internet devices, data is likely to be what most users are highly spending on.

That is why network operators put up good billing systems that help them in keeping track of their earnings and as well keep a record of their client’s information. Cloud-based systems and the Internet of things help when it comes to billing operations.


MVNOs have been in operation for several decades now and even though there have been speculations that they would be run out of the market they are still growing. In certain countries, MVNOs are dominant. MVNOs still depend on MVNEs to act as intermediaries. Those who can be able to predict the future based on their own careful analysis speculate that MVNOs are moving towards a huge digital transformation whereby they will be able to have control over their own data by owning it and being able to manage their own billing systems.

MVNOs can either choose to;

  • Buy bulk services at wholesale prices from MNOs, brand them, and then resell them to their subscribers.

  • Brand their services and make them available for users to purchase with MVNEs helping them to provide the services to end-users at a fixed commission.

  • Sell their products and services and pay the MVNE based on the profits they get from their end-users.

Regardless of the options that MVNOs choose they will still be expected to pay a deposit to MVNE followed by monthly payments.

Since both of these network operators offer a variety of services, billing is not an option but a requirement. MNOs can be able to carry out their own billing hence they can be able to keep track of the progress that their business makes. MVNOs, on the other hand, will require MVNEs to act as intermediaries between them and the end-users. MVNOs should be able to choose which option will work best for them when it comes to their billing requirements.

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Step By Step Instructions For How To Start Your Own MVNO

It’s hard to underestimate the importance of MVNO virtual network operators in the market. They are starting to outpace traditional providers and it’s really no surprise why! They offer customers tailored solutions, are generally less expensive, and can focus on niche markets.

It’s hard to underestimate the importance of MVNO virtual network operators in the market. They are starting to outpace traditional providers and it’s really no surprise why! They offer customers tailored solutions, are generally less expensive, and can focus on niche markets.

It’s only logical that MVNO solutions are emerging as a powerhouse in the telecom space. Today’s customers require an unprecedented level of choice and customization, and smart MVNOs understand how to make that happen. That being said, starting up your own MVNO is a little trickier than it might seem!

Understand The Start-Up Funding Costs

You will need some capital to start up your own MVNO. There is a lot more that goes into it other than simply purchasing airtime and data. You need to partner with a company that will provide you with the support infrastructure to keep your customers happy and your business flowing. After all, you’ll need to field customer calls, implement a billing system, and account for emergencies like loss of service.

Funding is critical, so start thinking about where it will come from. There are several routes that you can take to get the money that you need to start up your MVNO.

  • Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists- if you go this route, you’ll have to have a solid business plan in place that will show your investors how they will make money on the backend. Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists are not altruists, and they want to see a clear return on their investment. Scoring venture money is great, but you need to have all of your ducks in a row.

  • Crowd-funding- you can go on any number of different crowd-funding platforms to try to raise money organically. You’ll have to present a tangible reward for people who contribute, so consider what you can offer carefully. Perhaps it’s the ability to get in at the ground floor, a few free months of service, or even a small share in the company.

  • Self-funding- if you are able to swing the startup costs yourself, do it!

Know What Sets Your MVNO Apart

Like any other business venture, successful MVNOs rely on the ability to speak directly to their niche and deliver products that they want. Think about who you want to target and offer plans directly for them. For example, if you’re targeting Millenials, you might want to have plans that are heavy on data and texting, but lighter on actual phone call time.

Additionally, think about your niche when you choose an outsourcing call center. If your customers have concerns, and they will, you’ll want to have reps who can speak with them in their language. Millennials value instant gratification, so call center employees who can use Live Chat and Social Media will be better equipped to deal with their needs. (v)WeCare reps are skilled in all new technology, which is what makes us a great partner for companies that want to reach younger demographics.

Find A Good MVNE

Finally, you’ll need a supportive partner that can handle all of your back office outsourcing needs. The last thing that you want is for your customers to suffer because you don’t have your administrative ducks in a row! Get yourself an MVNE that can support you on the backend.

Don’t try to take on MVNO billing, customer service, and all of the other infrastructure needs that go with running a successful MVNO on your own. In the best case scenario, you’ll burn out. The worst case scenario is that customers will flee and give you terrible reviews. Not working with a quality MVNE can sink your business. Telgoo5 has years of experience helping MVNOs scale effectively while handling all customer needs from soup to nuts. We deal with billing, customer problems, security, and infrastructure. Our comprehensive MVNO billing software is really second to none and offers seamless billing with all customer data backed up in the cloud. We also conduct weekly calls with all of our MVNO partners so you’re always in the loop. If you’re going through a rapid scaling phase, we’re flexible, equipped and able to transition smoothly. Our mission is to make you look like a superstar to your customers, and we have a proven track record of success! Telgoo5’s billing system was designed to be all about you- our trusted partner!

Starting an MVNO can seem a little bit daunting, but it’s doable if you follow the steps outlined in this article. Why not be on the cutting edge of a brand new industry?

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Data MVNO, mno and mvno, MVNE AND MVNO, MVNO, MVNO & MVNE Telgoo5 Contributor Data MVNO, mno and mvno, MVNE AND MVNO, MVNO, MVNO & MVNE Telgoo5 Contributor

Why MVNO’s Are offering unique solutions from Traditional Service Providers

More and more people are jumping on the MVNO bandwagon, and frankly it’s really easy to understand why! MVNOs offer so many solutions that are just refreshing in the age where we feel like we’re constantly getting nickel and dimed by our telecom provider.

More and more people are jumping on the MVNO bandwagon, and frankly it’s really easy to understand why! MVNOs offer so many solutions that are just refreshing in the age where we feel like we’re constantly getting nickel and dimed by our telecom provider.

MVNOs, or mobile virtual network operators, allow you to have substantial flexibility with your plan while paying far less than you would with a traditional provider. Let’s look at the unique solutions that MVNOs are providing- and one challenge that they have when it comes to competing with the big companies.

You’ll Save Money

The number one reason why people switch to MVNOs is to save money. Since MVNOs have less overhead, they can sell you service for a lower rate. You’ll often find MVNO plans to be far lower than those of traditional carriers, and as a bonus, they’ll come with far fewer fees!

Since many of us find our phone bill to be one of the biggest expenses of the month, a chance to cut back on this big bill is a welcome relief! Many MVNOs give you excellent service for a fraction of what you spend on a “regular” phone bill over the course of your month. That alone is incentive enough to switch!

MVNOs that partner with good MNVE’s like Telgoo5 offer you all of the services that you’d expect from traditional companies, like seamless billing, great customer service and uninterrupted service. You won’t sacrifice quality when you opt for an MNVE!

You Can Select Your Plan

Talk about getting the best of all worlds! The big telecom companies are famous for letting you customize your plan- for a cost. MVNOs give you the option of choosing your plan, but for a fraction of the cost. There are certain MVNOs that also serve niche markets, so they have specific plans that cater to different demographics. Simply by doing a little research, you’ll be able to get the right plan for you!

Telgoo5 offers itemized biling so you can see exactly what you’re paying for. This is a huge perk when you are customizing your plan!

There Are Generally No Contracts

One major are that MVNOs differ from traditional providers is that they do not hold their customers to contracts. The big providers will often rope you into a multi-year contract with big penalties if you cancel it! You don’t have to worry about that with MVNOs. If you want to switch your provider, you can.

MNVOs offer the best of both worlds. As they are generally affiliated with MNVEs like Telgoo5, you can expect professional service and white-glove treatment without the pesky contracts of the bigger companies.

You Can Use Any Device That You Want

Guess what? MVNOs welcome all different phone devices into the fold. Most of them will allow you to use any device with their plans, meaning that you don’t have to purchase a specific phone in order to tap into what your MVNO has to offer. Since phone plans are often a huge part of your monthly bill with traditional providers, consider this to be a huge bonus. MVNOs are much more flexible than the more traditional options.

Even so, you’ll still get itemized bills that go through all of your transactions in detail. Companies like Telgoo5 utilize sophisticated billing software that works specifically with each MNVO to make sure that all of their customers are being served properly.

But… What’s The Catch

We promised that we’d discuss one challenge that MVNOs have as they stack up to traditional carriers. MVNOs usually have less on-site infrastructure, which allows them to pass on savings to their end customers but also means that they have   when it comes to customer service and billing. In short, MVNOs have trouble scaling properly because they don’t have the infrastructure in place to support large expansions.

Customers do not want to lose service, have trouble with their billing, or not be able to speak with a customer service representative when they need to. That’s why smart MVNOs turn to MVNEs like Telgoo5 that can provide them with the infrastructure that they need to run behind the scenes! Telgoo5 is an MVNE that makes sure all of the bases are covered for your MVNO, including billing with secure gateways, consistent communication, and a full service back office call center. We pride ourselves on having a billing system that’s all about you- the end customer!

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What Are Customers Looking For In An MVNO

With phone bills and costs skyrocketing, many customers are looking for alternatives to phone service, and one of the places that many of them are flocking are MVNOs.

With phone bills and costs skyrocketing, many customers are looking for alternatives to phone service, and one of the places that many of them are flocking are MVNOs.


MVNOs offer great service at discounted prices, which is what makes them so attractive to customers all over the country. Unfortunately, MVNOs get a bad rep from time to time. That’s because they are sometimes maligned as being less professional as traditional carriers.

Customers who switch to MVNOs are looking for providers who can give them phone service at a lower cost, as well as providers that give them consistent service. They also don’t want any nasty surprises on their bills. How can you set your MVNO apart from the rest?

Uninterrupted Service

Your customers expect uninterrupted service from their MVNO of choice. This is literally the number one thing that they want from you. If your service is spotty or their calls keep getting dropped they will go elsewhere.

It’s important to keep the end-customer experience in mind, especially when you’re scaling quickly. If you don’t have the proper infrastructure in place, you’ll wind up causing problems for your customers and losing them quickly. That’s why it’s really important for MVNOs to pair up with MVNEs that can scale rapidly. Telgoo5, a division of (v)WeCare, knows that API failures can lead to lack of service, which is why we put a special premium on being able to scale with your company. That way, you can rest easy that none of your customers are losing service!

Great Customer Service

As with any other type of business, MVNOs have to have top-notch customer service. Customer queries, questions and complaints will come in through a variety of different channels, including traditional phone calls, live chat and social media channels. Be prepared to deal with an influx of contact from your customers, especially if you are scaling.

(v)WeCare customer service reps are uniquely positioned to be able to scale with your MVNO and provide the best customer service available over a number of different channels. Our reps are also schooled in all of your product offerings and able to act independently to solve customer problems. This level of excellent customer service will set your MVNO apart from others!

Organized And Itemized Billing

One of the biggest customer fears about MVNOs is that they will get charged exponential fees for services like roaming or WiFi usage. These fears are often unfounded, but have been drilled into the heads of your potential customers by traditional phone carriers that don’t want to lose the business. It might be an unfair stigma, but it is one that you’ll have to deal with if you want to be a successful MVNO.

You will need to pair up wiith an MVNE that has a sophisticated billing system that is both professional and very clear to the end customer. Telgoo5’s billing system puts a premium on being transparent and professional, so the customer always knows what they’re paying for. There are no surprises in the bills and they come out every month right on time. As your MVNO adds more services, smart MVNEs like Telgoo5 will work with you to work them into the billing. Part of smart scaling is being able to bill your customers in a timely and accurate fashion. Telgoo5 can help you with that!

Secure Payment Gateway

Finally, your customers will need a secure payment gateway to pay their bills. Nobody wants to put their credit or debit card information into a website that might not be totally secure, so smart MVNOs will make sure that their payment gateway is secure, SSL compliant and easy to use. That way, customers will feel compeletely comfortable putting in their information.

Just like (v)WeCare, Telgoo5 prides itself on security and offers MVNO customers several different payment gateways for transactions. Your customers will know that their precious credit card information is safe when they pay onlilne. This will help them feel secure with your MVNO and be more inclined to recommend you to others!

MVNOs are relatively new platforms so many customers are a little gun-shy. Help them get more at ease with your MVNO by taking the suggestions in this article to heart!

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