7 Essential Features of Great MVNO Providers

MVNOs, or Mobile Virtual Network Operators, are a fantastic consumer option. Rather than owning their own wireless network infrastructure, MVNOs maintain relationships with infrastructure owners and then resell access to the end user.

MVNO Providers

MVNOs, or Mobile Virtual Network Operators, are a fantastic consumer option. Rather than owning their own wireless network infrastructure, MVNOs maintain relationships with infrastructure owners and then resell access to the end user. As middle-men, MVNOs handle the difficult negotiating and are able to provide advantageous packages to consumers based on the bulk pricing they receive. 

If you are considering working with an MVNO, make sure that you look for these 7 essential features. These are the things that make an MVNO provider great. 

  1. Agreements with multiple networks for high speed access wherever their clients are. Some MVNOs have agreements with just one network, but great ones have agreements with multiple networks. This ensures coverage and redundancy, so that the end user never goes without the service they need. Working with an MVNO that maintains multiple agreements means better pricing, more coverage, and higher speeds.

  2. Advantageous pricing since MVNOs do not need to pay to maintain their own wireless networks. Most people assume that MVNOs mark-up wireless communication access in order to make money off of their contracts. Amazingly, the opposite is true. Since MVNOs do not have to maintain their own wireless infrastructure, their business costs are significantly less than the companies that do own their own networks A great MVNO will then pass those savings along to the consumer, making MVNOs the more economical choice.

  3. Provide perks like hotspot data, free gifts, and pricing promotions. Most people come to MVNOs for wireless network access, but some perks and incentives can change a satisfied customer to an elated customer. A great MVNO will offer their customer more reasons to love them. Things like hotspots, pricing promotions, and free devices can really move the customer satisfaction needle.

  4. Customizable packages to meet consumer needs. The big wireless access providers that own their own networks tend to provide the same services to everyone, regardless of their individual needs. Their packages are rigid, and if they don’t work perfectly for you, you are expected to adapt as the consumer. MVNOs enjoy more freedom than that, and good ones will offer customizable packages.

  5. Fantastic customer service. Large companies can be frustratingly hard to get in touch with when support is needed. It is not uncommon for consumers to sit on hold for hours on end before ever speaking to a rep. Since MVNOs do not have to maintain their own infrastructure, good ones choose to put their resources into fantastic customer support so that their customers can always quickly and easily reach out with frustrations and questions.

  6. Easy to use online service. Most people today prefer to handle everything online, which is why the most successful MVNOs invest in online services rather than brick and mortar stores. The easier online services are to use, the happier the customer.

  7. Strong marketing. Finally, great MVNOs make sure that the marketplace knows who they are! The biggest name in the industry are the companies that own their own networks. Most consumers do not even realize that MVNOs are an option. Great MVNOs market their advantages, and market them a lot in order to convert and maintain more customers.

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Why is it Important to Have a Mobile App?

It is difficult to remember now, but there was a time when people navigated the world without a super-computer in their pockets.

Why is it Important to Have a Mobile App

It is difficult to remember now, but there was a time when people navigated the world without a super-computer in their pockets.

Drivers had to rely on local knowledge and paper maps, restaurant reviews came through word-of-mouth and newspapers, and television shows had to be watched at home at specific times. Back then, it was not uncommon for a telephone user to receive paper statements in the mail and rely on customer support lines for inquiries and issues. 

 Today, nearly everyone uses mobile data to access google maps, yelp helps us to determine whether a restaurant is worth it or not, and steaming platforms make our favorite pieces of content available everywhere. Considering everything that is afforded to us, it is understandable that telecommunication users would not want to lean on paper statements and 1-800 numbers for support. Consumers today want an app. 

In 2020, more than 3.5 billion people were smartphone users. That amount was up by 239% from 2012, and it is projected to grow by another 19.4% by 2023.

Smartphone usage is not going away. If you do not develop a mobile app for your customers, it is likely that one of your competitors will. Consumers are drawn to convenience, so make sure that you are not losing people to another service provider that is more forward-thinking.

There are numerous benefits to consumer-facing mobile apps. Here are a few of the most significant ones

  • Hyper-flexibility. Consumer facing announcements can be pushed out via mobile apps. Branding changes can be made with the click of a button. Notifications can be pushed to a user’s home screen, and so much more. Communication and company announcements have never been easier and faster than they are today with the advent of mobile applications. 

  • Improved consumer engagement. Keeping customers engaged is a great way to keep them using your service, and the easier it is to interact with your brand, the more engaged they will be. Mobile apps are super convenient for your consumers. This will keep them engaged with your service, and by extension, more likely to stay on as a paying customer. 

  • Increased customer satisfaction. Considering that consumers are drawn to convenience, it makes sense that the more convenient things are, the more satisfied they will be. Satisfied customers are more likely to stay with your customer, pay their bills on time and in full, and refer your service to their friends and family.

  • Easier customer management. A mobile application can double as a customer self-service solution. Giving customers the ability to track their service usage, pay their bills, manage their accounts, and submit customer support tickets through a mobile app is a fantastic way to reduce your own customer-service costs. Put the power in the hands of the consumer and transition your own team members to larger, more strategic initiatives. 

Mobile applications are incredibly pervasive. If you do not already have one, you are behind. If you do have one, Telgoo5 can make sure that it delivers on the benefits listed above. Your customers will thank you.

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MVNA, MVNE, MVNO, BSS and OSS, mvne bss, Data MVNO, MVNE AND MVNO, mno and mvno Telgoo5 Contributor MVNA, MVNE, MVNO, BSS and OSS, mvne bss, Data MVNO, MVNE AND MVNO, mno and mvno Telgoo5 Contributor

What is the Difference Between a MVNA MVNO and MVNE? +Why Telgoo5 Software is Pivotal

MVNO stands for Mobile Virtual Network Operators. It describes a telecom service provider that does not actually own the wireless network infrastructure it uses to provide services to its customers. It is common for MVNOs to access mobile data services via MVNA.


When it comes to the world of telecom services, there is a lot of jargon to learn. The acronym-heavy language can look like greek at first, but once the vocab is demystified everything can be understood. A major part of the difficulty is that a lot of the acronyms look similar, but the systems they represent have distinct differences. Today, we both define and highlight the differences between MVNAs, MVNOs, and MVNEs, along with explaining why Telgoo5 software is pivotal for each.


MVNA stands for Mobile Virtual Network Aggregators. It describes a telecom provider that operates in a wholesale capacity. An MVNA provides mobile and data services to Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs, to be covered in the next section), who then provide billable services to their end users. MVNAs can be challenging to manage, which is where the Telgoo5 platform steps in. Telgoo5 streamlines the billing and operational side of any MVNA business. We help to ensure that services get delivered and that the operator gets paid. Our end-to-end cloud based SaaS platform powers the entire telecom industry, including MVNAs.


MVNO stands for Mobile Virtual Network Operators. It describes a telecom service provider that does not actually own the wireless network infrastructure it uses to provide services to its customers. It is common for MVNOs to access mobile data services via MVNA. If you have access to mobile data, there is a chance you are accessing it through an MVNO. Every day, people interact with the telecom business without thinking much about the systems in place to make their connection possible. Telgoo5 offers a fantastic support system to MVNOs. Our modular platform offers an Omni Channel CRM, billing, online charging, and payment engines that drive the global networks that users lean on every single day for data access. 


MVNE stands for Mobile Virtual Network Enablers. It describes a company that provides network infrastructure like provisioning, administration, operations support systems, and business support systems to MVNOs, who then provide data services to their clients. MVNEs do not actually interact with end-users. While MVNEs are busy supporting MVNOs, Telgoo5 supports MVNEs with our top-notch AT integration that anticipates MVNE needs before they even appear. Telgoo5 appreciates the complexities of the Mobile Virtual Network market and can support companies that provide data services in any capacity. 

You may have noticed that the acronyms described above are similar because all three business types operate in the same space - the Mobile Virtual Network space. In many cases, an MVNA provides data to an MVNO, who leans on an MVNE for operational support. The user performing a Google search on his mobile device will have no idea how many companies are involved in making his search happen...unless something goes wrong. Telgoo5 provides an end-to-end cloud-based platform that powers everyone in the MVNE space, with the goal of always providing uninterrupted service to the end-user. 

Do not slog through this complicated space alone. Lean on Telgoo5 for all of your telecom needs. We will smooth out the process and make sure you look good along the way.

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Give your MVNO Network a Boost with Proven Telecom Billing Services

Telecom Billing Services

An MVNO network is procured via an MVNE partnership. As an MVNE represents several MVNOs, it can broker a good deal for small-scale MVNOs. However, to make the most of the same network, it needs MVNO service providers that can provide it both billing and B/OSS services.

Why Every MVNO Type Needs a Technical Service Provider?

Most MVNO type are technically challenged. They get into the market to serve a particular niche of customers. Their expertise is more in marketing than in handling the B/OSS or telecom billing. With a dedicated partner like Telgoo5, it becomes possible for an MVNO model to simplify the overall operation. It happens because the MVNO mobile virtual network operator no longer has to struggle with highly technical operations. It can concentrate completely upon exploiting the marketing trends by understanding exact customer needs and serving them.

The Essential Functionalities Required by MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operator

An MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operator needs expertise in various fields. Some areas that MVNO service providers like Telgoo5 can help are:

Telecom charging, rating and billing

Telecom billing is probably the most crucial aspect for an MVNO. It can make or break its image in front of the customers. A good service provider will use a real-time charging system like OCS to streamline the entire process of charging and rating. An OCS charges services in real-time, and it can function with both event-based and session-based services. This allows telcos like MVNOs to create completely convergent invoices with complete description of every charge.

Quick monetization

Monetizing services is an essential part of an MVNO’s operation. The speed of monetization is also important as it allows you to bring services quickly into the market. Quicker you launch the services, the better the chance of winning customers’ interest.

Revenue assurance

Providing services exactly as per SLA is crucial, if you want to survive in the market. At Telgoo5, you get complete revenue assurance for your services. This means that customers never get a chance to complaint, and you are able to function consistently in the market without any ado.


Wholesale customizations or new purchase of software can be financially back-breaking for an MVNO. With MVNO service providers such as Telgoo5, you get plug and play APIs that can instantly add new functionality.

Telgoo5 is a seasoned pro in the telecom industry, and it can work as a reliable MVNO partner.

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What MVNO Owners Need to Know About 5G

Uncover the impact of 5G on MVNO operations. Telgoo5's insights provide MVNO owners with valuable knowledge about harnessing the potential of 5G technology.


To keep your Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) relevant and noteworthy at all times, you always need to be keeping up with the latest mobile trends. Outdated services and offerings will quickly begin to lose you subscribers as consumers are always seeking the “next big thing”.

Said “next big thing” in question here is undoubtedly 5G technology as it has created quite a buzz around the mobile spectrum as of late. For the owner of an MVNO, the vital question becomes ‘how is this going to impact your network and what are the key details that you need to be conscious of?’

There is Potential for 5G Technology to Completely Change the Game

As for what 5G technology is, it is simply the latest wireless network generation. In addition to offering vastly improved speeds, 5G also has the capability of minimizing latency issues. Additionally it is going to enhance flexibility, as it allows for more devices to be connected simultaneously.

Those in the mobile industry have even gone as far as to claim that 5G could be one of the most influential and groundbreaking technologies seen in years. Before long, it will become the standard, and inferior networks will fade out.

Its Availability is Currently Limited

As it stands currently, 5G is not widely available across the major carriers. This is likely to change, as the year 2020 is set to be a monumental one regarding the rise of the 5G technology. It is not as if everyone can get their hands on the improved network; it is a bit more complicated than that.

The true reality is that the full potential of 5G is probably not going to be reached for the next few years. That said the global 5G innovation is going to be making more of an impact than some MVNOs will be ready for.

Current MVNOs are Planning to Offer 5G

One of the potential roadblocks your MVNO network is going to experience is if and when you can get your hands on 5G technology. The carrier or carriers you offer coverage from are going to initially offer their new groundbreaking network to some of their larger partnerships.

The good news is there are smaller brands that are intending to provide 5G-based services. Several MVNO owners have gone on record to claim that their platform would be delivering such experiences to their consumers.

All this news wraps up to the reality that your Wireless MVNO needs to account for the various demographics of users that are itching to utilize such network speeds. 4G is far from extinct but you need to act fast as before you know it, the standard will be changed to the 5G network.

Additionally, one must consider which Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE) you do business through. At Telgoo5 we fully understand that the market changes and adapts oftentimes quicker than you can handle. With our constantly evolving platform and software, contact us today to connect with an enabler you can rely on.

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Does Your MVNO Give You the Best Service?

You have an MVNO that is working. So how do you know if you are getting the best service? There are several factors to consider that will help you know if you have the best service:


You have an MVNO that is working. So how do you know if you are getting the best service? There are several factors to consider that will help you know if you have the best service:

Does the MVNO support CDMA or GSM?

So you may be thinking of switching from your carrier to another. Cellular carriers use GSM or CDMA. The majority of MVNOs use both. Most phones work with CDMA or GSM. As an MVNO, you need to find a service that handles both. Take note some Motorola models, and most current generation Google-branded phones and iPhones have antennas that can use CDMA and GSM.

If you want your MVNO business to succeed, you need to connect with a carrier that supports GSM and CDMA. This way, you will ensure you do not lose clients who would prefer both systems.

Is a Mobile Hotspot Included in the Plan?

Longtime subscribers of MVNOs have some issues they would like addressed. For instance, they would like to know if a mobile hotspot is included. Users have tried to game MVNO systems with a third-party hotspot app. The problem is most, if not all, of these apps, do not work.

The truth is that a hotspot option, sometimes referred to as tethering, is not available with many MVNO service providers. Those that offer hotspots do not do so with lower-cost plans. This means you should check if the feature is included to ensure your subscribers get the service at competitive market rates.

Is Visual Voicemail Supported?

If your subscribers rely on or are accustomed to visual voicemail, make sure you can get it from your carrier. A good number of service providers do not offer the same. You may need to do due diligence to find out if they offer visual voicemail. Some subscribers find it tedious dialing into a voicemail archive to listen to one message after another.

Do Advanced Features Work?

Currently, most people have phones that support things like Wi-Fi calling or VoLTE (HD voice calls). They are great features for those who use them. However, most of the time they are network or phone-specific. Some MVNO service providers may not have them at all because advanced calling features are possible with specific phones.

Are You In Need of a Family Plan?

Most MVNOs cater to individuals. As such, a family plan may be a challenge to find. If you are getting into the MVNO business, you need to find a service that offers a family plan. Although most subscribers will not need a family plan, it is a good option to offer them. This way, you will have an extra edge over your competitors.

Bottom Line

These are five of the most crucial factors to consider when you are looking for an MVNO service provider. Not only will these increase the chances of success in your business, but they will also give an upper hand over your competitors. At Tegloo5 we have the best options to ensure the success of your MVNO business. Contact us today to get all of these features and more.

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Why MVNO’s Are offering unique solutions from Traditional Service Providers

More and more people are jumping on the MVNO bandwagon, and frankly it’s really easy to understand why! MVNOs offer so many solutions that are just refreshing in the age where we feel like we’re constantly getting nickel and dimed by our telecom provider.

More and more people are jumping on the MVNO bandwagon, and frankly it’s really easy to understand why! MVNOs offer so many solutions that are just refreshing in the age where we feel like we’re constantly getting nickel and dimed by our telecom provider.

MVNOs, or mobile virtual network operators, allow you to have substantial flexibility with your plan while paying far less than you would with a traditional provider. Let’s look at the unique solutions that MVNOs are providing- and one challenge that they have when it comes to competing with the big companies.

You’ll Save Money

The number one reason why people switch to MVNOs is to save money. Since MVNOs have less overhead, they can sell you service for a lower rate. You’ll often find MVNO plans to be far lower than those of traditional carriers, and as a bonus, they’ll come with far fewer fees!

Since many of us find our phone bill to be one of the biggest expenses of the month, a chance to cut back on this big bill is a welcome relief! Many MVNOs give you excellent service for a fraction of what you spend on a “regular” phone bill over the course of your month. That alone is incentive enough to switch!

MVNOs that partner with good MNVE’s like Telgoo5 offer you all of the services that you’d expect from traditional companies, like seamless billing, great customer service and uninterrupted service. You won’t sacrifice quality when you opt for an MNVE!

You Can Select Your Plan

Talk about getting the best of all worlds! The big telecom companies are famous for letting you customize your plan- for a cost. MVNOs give you the option of choosing your plan, but for a fraction of the cost. There are certain MVNOs that also serve niche markets, so they have specific plans that cater to different demographics. Simply by doing a little research, you’ll be able to get the right plan for you!

Telgoo5 offers itemized biling so you can see exactly what you’re paying for. This is a huge perk when you are customizing your plan!

There Are Generally No Contracts

One major are that MVNOs differ from traditional providers is that they do not hold their customers to contracts. The big providers will often rope you into a multi-year contract with big penalties if you cancel it! You don’t have to worry about that with MVNOs. If you want to switch your provider, you can.

MNVOs offer the best of both worlds. As they are generally affiliated with MNVEs like Telgoo5, you can expect professional service and white-glove treatment without the pesky contracts of the bigger companies.

You Can Use Any Device That You Want

Guess what? MVNOs welcome all different phone devices into the fold. Most of them will allow you to use any device with their plans, meaning that you don’t have to purchase a specific phone in order to tap into what your MVNO has to offer. Since phone plans are often a huge part of your monthly bill with traditional providers, consider this to be a huge bonus. MVNOs are much more flexible than the more traditional options.

Even so, you’ll still get itemized bills that go through all of your transactions in detail. Companies like Telgoo5 utilize sophisticated billing software that works specifically with each MNVO to make sure that all of their customers are being served properly.

But… What’s The Catch

We promised that we’d discuss one challenge that MVNOs have as they stack up to traditional carriers. MVNOs usually have less on-site infrastructure, which allows them to pass on savings to their end customers but also means that they have   when it comes to customer service and billing. In short, MVNOs have trouble scaling properly because they don’t have the infrastructure in place to support large expansions.

Customers do not want to lose service, have trouble with their billing, or not be able to speak with a customer service representative when they need to. That’s why smart MVNOs turn to MVNEs like Telgoo5 that can provide them with the infrastructure that they need to run behind the scenes! Telgoo5 is an MVNE that makes sure all of the bases are covered for your MVNO, including billing with secure gateways, consistent communication, and a full service back office call center. We pride ourselves on having a billing system that’s all about you- the end customer!

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How MVNOs Can Increase the Bottom Line of a Mobile Network Operator?

Customer churn is a major problem associated with telecom business nowadays. Due to an increase in competition amongst CSPs (Communication Service Providers), customers are receiving newer and better options with attractive pricing and features. Hence, they are changing their telecom service providers faster than ever before. This trend has made the task of making profit for an MNO (Mobile Network Operator) extremely challenging. However, evolving technologies and development of MVNO platform has provided an innovative way to increase the bottom line for a telecom company.

Customer churn is a major problem associated with telecom business nowadays. Due to an increase in competition amongst CSPs (Communication Service Providers), customers are receiving newer and better options with attractive pricing and features. Hence, they are changing their telecom service providers faster than ever before. This trend has made the task of making profit for an MNO (Mobile Network Operator) extremely challenging. However, evolving technologies and development of MVNO platform has provided an innovative way to increase the bottom line for a telecom company.

Utilizing MVNO and MVNE for Triple Advantage

For a large scale MNO, it is hard to create customized services that meet the requirements of every mobile user in a particular area. Hence, some subscribers feel left out and show their anger by terminating their subscription. This directly influences the revenue generation of the MNO. All the effort it has put into buying frequency spectrum, procuring infrastructure and creating alliances with mobile phone manufactures is offset by subscribers’ decision to move out.

The MNO is left with vast resources that are underutilized due to customer attrition. It cannot sell the frequency spectrum and infrastructure to competing companies as it will dilute his brand. Also, it is not a wise decision to rest on its laurels and watch its business stagnate due to customer migration. In this situation, MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) come as a ray of hope for such an MNO.

Not only an MVNO can help an MNO in sustaining his business, it also offers a triple
advantage, if utilized carefully. Have a look at the three advantages below:

First advantage: Revenue from customers who have left you

For an MNO, a partnership with an MVNO is like selling your resources such as voice minutes, data, SMS etc. in wholesale. In actuality, you are allowing an MVNO to use your spare spectrum and infrastructure, so you get consistent revenue through resources that otherwise would have been unused.

So, when you forge a partnership with an MVNO that covers the same region as yours, a major share of the customers that leave you go straight to that MVNO and subscribe to its services. When this happens, you indirectly profit from the same customers that have left you in the form of the revenue generated by your partner MVNO.

Second advantage: Revenue from customers who have left your competitors

If your competing MNOs’ customers also decide to leave them, then your MVNO can become an option for them. A major share of such customers will join your MVNO and indirectly provide revenue to you.

Third advantage: Revenue from new customers

With new mobile users entering the market, your MVNOs income will grow and so will your revenue.

The abovementioned example brings to light the advantages offered by a single MVNO. However, the same advantages can be leveraged by partnering with multiple MVNOs. The best way to accomplish this is by using an MVNO and MVNE platform.

Role of MVNE in MVNO Service

An MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler) is directly related with an MVNO’s performance and service. MVNE is called an enabler of services because it plays a vital role in creation of smaller MVNOs. An MVNE provides OSS/BSS solutions to the MVNOs along with setting up their virtual network. While bigger MVNOs have their very own OSS/BSS software and are generally responsible for billing their own customers, it is the smaller MVNOs that profit the most from MVNEs. Some of the major benefits of MVNE with regards to MVNO service and performance are listed below:

Better negotiations for pricing – An MVNE can be considered as a common link between multiple small MVNOs and an MNO. It has the responsibility of buying resources in bulk from an MNO. And we all know, bulk buying is considerably cheaper than buying a small amount. Hence, MVNEs are able to negotiate better deals with MNOs and procure resources e.g. calling minutes and SMS at a lower price. This helps an MVNO greatly and it is able to survive in the competitive telecom world.

More time to handle customer-facing tasks – With network setup, accounting and  billing-related activities handed over to an MVNE; an MVNO is able to focus more on offering day-to-day services and building its brand image.

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