Ways to Gather More Traffic for Your MVNO Network

It is one thing to start your own Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) and it is a completely different obstacle to achieve greatness with it. Much like with other business start-ups, there is a real risk of failure that you have to come to terms with.


It is one thing to start your own Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) and it is a completely different obstacle to achieve greatness with it. Much like with other business start-ups, there is a real risk of failure that you have to come to terms with.

But, with hard work, planning, diligence, and assistance, your platform could become a revelation that the mobile industry thrives upon. That said, in order for this to be attainable, you must have a steady and reliable consumer base that continues to drive your company forward.

Gathering such traffic for your network is not going to be an overnight process but there certainly are tasks and strategies that you can execute to enhance the likelihood of it occurring.

Pay Special Attention to Your Clientele

The telecommunications industry is dominated by individuals purchasing phone network services. What one needs to remember is that MVNOs provide consumers with cheaper and oftentimes more convenient alternatives to the services and packages that are offered from major carriers.

In turn, it is vital to establish a strong rapport with every potential customer you come in contact with. Create an environment that makes each individual feel understood and  important to your company. Delivering such an experience can create a positive buzz about your company.

Consider Posting on Social Media

The MVNO platform you offer could deliver fantastic and unique services found nowhere else, but if no one is aware of your services it will be difficult to grow your brand. To combat this potential roadblock, it is wise to do all you can to spread the word of your virtual operator and all the benefits it has to offer.

One such way to do so is via social media. Popular platforms such as Instagram and Facebook can be excellent mediums to get more people to notice and discuss your brand. These platforms are a means of advertisement and provide you with the opportunity to reach more consumers on a global scale

Additionally, you could utilize this same approach for email marketing. Reach out to your consumers, offer special promotions and let them know about your services in a more personalized manner. This can be a slippery slope, however, as you need to be cautious not to spam your customers or potential customers with an influx of emails.

Be Smart About the Services You Offer

It can’t be overstated enough how critical it is for MVNO providers to carefully consider the services and mobile packages that their network promises. Providing the right services can be just as important as advertising the services to the right markets.

Mobile users will only switch to your brand if they believe they will benefit from the switch. If their current MVNO presents them with speeds, prices and overall modules that they are satisfied with, it will take some enticing to pull them towards your brand.

What you can also strongly consider is partnering with a top-of-the-line enabler that can do their most to handle the logistics and backend needs of your virtual operator. Here at Telgoo5, we offer just that and our extensive experience in the field is something you can rely on. We would love to hear from you and your company today.

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Don’t Go It Alone- 3 Major Reasons Why You Need An MVNE

MVNE and MVNO are two terms that are interchanged often in the business world, but they are totally different and understanding the distinction and the value of a good MVNE can save your business tons of money in the long run!

MVNE stands for Mobile Virtual Network Enabler. It’s a fancy term for companies that work with MNVO providers to offer a comfortable infrastructure for growth, handle administrative and billing tasks, and provide services at wholesale costs. MVNOs are Mobile Virtual Network Operators, individual companies that partner up with MVNEs to streamline their service and grow their customer base.


MVNE and MVNO are two terms that are interchanged often in the business world, but they are totally different and understanding the distinction and the value of a good MVNE can save your business tons of money in the long run!

MVNE stands for Mobile Virtual Network Enabler. It’s a fancy term for companies that work with MNVO providers to offer a comfortable infrastructure for growth, handle administrative and billing tasks, and provide services at wholesale costs. MVNOs are Mobile Virtual Network Operators, individual companies that partner up with MVNEs to streamline their service and grow their customer base.

Think about an MVNE as a trusted safety net for your business. The best ones are able to withstand rapid growth and company change while catering to your operational needs. Smart MVNEs have secure, fail-proof operating systems that are constantly being updated and monitored for any problems. They will also conduct regular meetings with MNVOs as part of their commitment to customer service and transparency. Partnering with the right MVNE can skyrocket the success of your business and solidify your customer base.

You’ll Save Money

Many MNVEs save money to providers by offering cloud based solutions and handling these transactions from start to finish. You’ll save plenty of money in server costs, and also conserve more of your time, allowing you to focus on other important parts of your business like marketing or customer sales. Essentially MNVEs provide a comfortable space for you to operate within, taking care of all of the logistics and infrastructure.

At Telgoo5, a division of (v)WeCare, we know that the bottom line is important to MNVOs. That’s why we offer weekly calls to MNVOs and constantly keep them apprised of all of the innovative things that we’re doing to help them grow. Our feature-rich system is easy to use, and we consider ourselves to be much more of a partner than a vendor. We take care of distribution and inventory, using our market knowledge to save you as much money as possible.

Your Billing Will Be Taken Care Of

If accurate customer billing is a headache that you don’t want to deal with, an MVNE with billing capabilities could be the perfect solution to your problem. MVNEs offer outstanding billing services, saving your tons of money in administrative costs and keeping all of your customers right on track.

Telgoo5’s sophisticated billing software was designed to faciliate smart, accurate billing through periodic bill cycles that keep all of your customers on track. We pride ourselves on being a one-stop-shop for MVNOs, and we know that accurate billing is one big part of that. We have also been operational since 1999, so we know exactly how to deal with mulitiple customers and handle just about everything. We’ve seen it all!

They Can Scale With Your Company’s Needs

The last thing that you need is technology failing you when you’re trying to build your customer base. Unfortunately, nothing makes customers flee faster than infrastructure that can’t keep up. Good MVNEs know that they need to be able to scale with your needs or your customers risk losing service. That’s why it’s critical to find an MVNE with no single point of failure, a rich and flexible platform and an outstanding support team who will work with you to shoot for the stars!

Telgoo 5’s platform was designed specifically to scale. It was built from the ground up and is constantly being updated and enhanced to ensure that our customers are getting the best service possible. Our feature-rich platform combines CRM and BSS for a platform that simply will not let you down. We perform over 500 million transactions every day, employ over a thousand people and have offices all over the US. Our infrastructure was designed for US-based customers, and so far the reviews have been out of this world!

MVNEs are designed specifically to help streamline the process of getting your product to your end customers. Why worry about the hassle of trying to incorporate administrative tasks like billing, inventory or shipping onto your already full plate if you don’t have to? Choosing the right MVNE to partner with will save you tons of time, energy and money!

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