The Strongest Benefits to Starting Your Own MVNO

Let’s face it; starting your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) is not going to be a walk in the park. In fact, it is going to be a long, grueling, stressful, and time-consuming endeavor that will probably have you questioning whether the end game is worth it several times throughout.


Let’s face it; starting your own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) is not going to be a walk in the park. In fact, it is going to be a long, grueling, stressful, and time-consuming endeavor that will probably have you questioning whether the end game is worth it several times throughout.

Due to the competitive nature of the industry and the manner in which it evolves, you have to be at the top of your game (at all times) to maintain and build a successful MVNO network. Thankfully, Telgoo5 can be a go-to source for you (but more on that later).

For now, while you are still pondering the thought of whether or not you want to start your own MVNO, perhaps you would be interested in learning about some of the main advantages of doing so?

You Would Basically Be a Retail Business

Arguably one of the best benefits of pulling the trigger on this ordeal is your business would virtually act as a retailer. Remember, MVNOs do not provide their own cellular network coverage. Mobile network operators (MNOs) take care of this task and as an MVNO you would basically be leasing the coverage.

Therefore, the pressure of providing reliable cell service to your consumers is mitigated. While there will be a plethora of other concerns for you and your network, this is not going to be one of them.

Support is Always There

Do not make the mistake of believing that you and you alone will need to develop and start your own network. As with any business, getting it up and running can quickly become overwhelming and it is something you should not be doing by yourself.

Here is the good news; MNOs are not your enemies. In fact, they will become your best friends with the infrastructure support that they are willing to provide. However, they will not partner with just any brand, as you need to have all the technical details in hand.

Furthermore, there are also mobile virtual network enablers (MVNEs) that can help you through your journey. Backend support, such as customer service and outsourcing, can be delivered by such businesses. This is where Telgoo5 can lend a helping hand.

Our track record speaks for itself and when it comes to helping your network with the ins and outs (such as billing and customer service). Our clients are our biggest fans.

You Can Help Consumers Save Money

Not all of society is willing to pay the outrageous service charges that most MNOs offer. This is where MVNOs hold an advantage as they are able to provide cheaper monthly plans and services overall.

Chances are you have been in the shoes of such consumers so why not make a difference yourself?

No Concern of Cell Towers

This is somewhat obvious but is still worth mentioning. As an MVNO, you will simply be utilizing the cellular coverage that is provided by the larger carriers. Due to this, overall maintenance, cost, and concern of the cell towers themselves will not be under your control.

Indeed, there are several reasons why you should strongly consider starting your own network. The beginning is going to be one of the roughest periods but always know that we are here to help. Feel free to reach out, the Telgoo5 team is happy to answer any questions, anytime.

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Data MVNO, mno and mvno, MVNE AND MVNO, MVNO, MVNO & MVNE Telgoo5 Contributor Data MVNO, mno and mvno, MVNE AND MVNO, MVNO, MVNO & MVNE Telgoo5 Contributor

Why MVNO’s Are offering unique solutions from Traditional Service Providers

More and more people are jumping on the MVNO bandwagon, and frankly it’s really easy to understand why! MVNOs offer so many solutions that are just refreshing in the age where we feel like we’re constantly getting nickel and dimed by our telecom provider.

More and more people are jumping on the MVNO bandwagon, and frankly it’s really easy to understand why! MVNOs offer so many solutions that are just refreshing in the age where we feel like we’re constantly getting nickel and dimed by our telecom provider.

MVNOs, or mobile virtual network operators, allow you to have substantial flexibility with your plan while paying far less than you would with a traditional provider. Let’s look at the unique solutions that MVNOs are providing- and one challenge that they have when it comes to competing with the big companies.

You’ll Save Money

The number one reason why people switch to MVNOs is to save money. Since MVNOs have less overhead, they can sell you service for a lower rate. You’ll often find MVNO plans to be far lower than those of traditional carriers, and as a bonus, they’ll come with far fewer fees!

Since many of us find our phone bill to be one of the biggest expenses of the month, a chance to cut back on this big bill is a welcome relief! Many MVNOs give you excellent service for a fraction of what you spend on a “regular” phone bill over the course of your month. That alone is incentive enough to switch!

MVNOs that partner with good MNVE’s like Telgoo5 offer you all of the services that you’d expect from traditional companies, like seamless billing, great customer service and uninterrupted service. You won’t sacrifice quality when you opt for an MNVE!

You Can Select Your Plan

Talk about getting the best of all worlds! The big telecom companies are famous for letting you customize your plan- for a cost. MVNOs give you the option of choosing your plan, but for a fraction of the cost. There are certain MVNOs that also serve niche markets, so they have specific plans that cater to different demographics. Simply by doing a little research, you’ll be able to get the right plan for you!

Telgoo5 offers itemized biling so you can see exactly what you’re paying for. This is a huge perk when you are customizing your plan!

There Are Generally No Contracts

One major are that MVNOs differ from traditional providers is that they do not hold their customers to contracts. The big providers will often rope you into a multi-year contract with big penalties if you cancel it! You don’t have to worry about that with MVNOs. If you want to switch your provider, you can.

MNVOs offer the best of both worlds. As they are generally affiliated with MNVEs like Telgoo5, you can expect professional service and white-glove treatment without the pesky contracts of the bigger companies.

You Can Use Any Device That You Want

Guess what? MVNOs welcome all different phone devices into the fold. Most of them will allow you to use any device with their plans, meaning that you don’t have to purchase a specific phone in order to tap into what your MVNO has to offer. Since phone plans are often a huge part of your monthly bill with traditional providers, consider this to be a huge bonus. MVNOs are much more flexible than the more traditional options.

Even so, you’ll still get itemized bills that go through all of your transactions in detail. Companies like Telgoo5 utilize sophisticated billing software that works specifically with each MNVO to make sure that all of their customers are being served properly.

But… What’s The Catch

We promised that we’d discuss one challenge that MVNOs have as they stack up to traditional carriers. MVNOs usually have less on-site infrastructure, which allows them to pass on savings to their end customers but also means that they have   when it comes to customer service and billing. In short, MVNOs have trouble scaling properly because they don’t have the infrastructure in place to support large expansions.

Customers do not want to lose service, have trouble with their billing, or not be able to speak with a customer service representative when they need to. That’s why smart MVNOs turn to MVNEs like Telgoo5 that can provide them with the infrastructure that they need to run behind the scenes! Telgoo5 is an MVNE that makes sure all of the bases are covered for your MVNO, including billing with secure gateways, consistent communication, and a full service back office call center. We pride ourselves on having a billing system that’s all about you- the end customer!

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