The Evolution of Billing Systems in the Mobile Operator Industry

Billing systems are the backbone of the mobile operator industry, ensuring accurate invoicing, revenue management, and customer satisfaction. This blog explores the top ten stages in the evolution of billing systems within the mobile operator industry. From traditional offline billing to advanced real-time systems, we delve into the key milestones that have transformed billing processes, enabling mobile operators to adapt to changing customer demands, technological advancements, and market dynamics.

Billing Systems

Billing systems are the backbone of the mobile operator industry, ensuring accurate invoicing, revenue management, and customer satisfaction. This blog explores the top ten stages in the evolution of billing systems within the mobile operator industry. From traditional offline billing to advanced real-time systems, we delve into the key milestones that have transformed billing processes, enabling mobile operators to adapt to changing customer demands, technological advancements, and market dynamics.

Manual Billing Processes

In the early days of the mobile operator industry, billing processes were predominantly manual. Operators relied on physical paperwork, manual data entry, and labor-intensive processes to generate invoices and manage customer accounts. These manual billing systems were prone to errors, time-consuming, and limited in their capabilities to provide timely and accurate billing information.

Batch Processing and Billing Cycles

As the industry grew, mobile operators adopted batch processing techniques and introduced billing cycles. Billing systems were automated to handle large volumes of customer data, enabling operators to generate invoices and process billing information in batches. This improved efficiency and reduced the time required for billing operations, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Prepaid Billing Systems

The introduction of prepaid services revolutionized the billing landscape. Prepaid billing systems allowed mobile operators to offer pay-as-you-go plans, where customers could recharge their accounts in advance. These systems enabled real-time balance updates, call detail records (CDRs), and immediate charging for usage, providing customers with greater control over their expenses and promoting transparency.

Postpaid Billing and Rating

Postpaid billing systems emerged as mobile operators introduced subscription-based plans. These systems enabled operators to bill customers after they had used the services, based on predetermined rates and call durations. Advanced rating engines were introduced to accurately calculate charges based on various parameters, such as call duration, data usage, and value-added services.

Convergent Billing

Convergent billing systems integrated multiple services, such as voice, data, messaging, and value-added services, into a single billing platform. This allowed operators to consolidate billing processes across different service types, simplifying customer invoices and providing a unified billing experience. Convergent billing systems enhanced operational efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction.

Real-Time Billing and Charging

Real-time billing and charging systems revolutionized the industry by enabling immediate processing and charging for services. These systems provided instant updates on usage, allowing customers to monitor their balances and receive real-time notifications. Real-time billing systems also enabled operators to introduce innovative pricing models, such as dynamic pricing based on network congestion or personalized offers based on customer preferences.

Revenue Assurance and Fraud Management

To safeguard revenue and mitigate fraud, billing systems evolved to incorporate robust revenue assurance and fraud management capabilities. Advanced analytics and algorithms were deployed to detect and prevent fraudulent activities, ensuring accurate billing and protecting operators' financial interests. Revenue assurance mechanisms helped identify revenue leakages and optimize revenue streams.

Billing Analytics and Business Intelligence

Billing systems evolved to provide comprehensive analytics and business intelligence capabilities. Operators could analyze billing data, customer behavior, and revenue trends to gain valuable insights and make informed business decisions. Billing analytics empowered operators to optimize service offerings, identify revenue growth opportunities, and enhance customer satisfaction through targeted promotions and personalized experiences.

Self-Service Portals and Customer Empowerment

Modern billing systems introduced self-service portals, enabling customers to manage their accounts, view invoices, and access real-time usage information. Self-service portals empowered customers to control their expenses, customize service plans, and resolve billing queries independently. This shift towards customer empowerment enhanced satisfaction, reduced customer support costs, and fostered long-term loyalty.

Cloud-Based and Scalable Billing Solutions

The latest evolution in billing systems involves cloud-based and scalable solutions. Cloud-based billing systems offer flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency, allowing operators to adapt to changing business needs and handle increasing data volumes. These systems provide enhanced security, disaster recovery capabilities, and seamless integration with other business systems, enabling operators to streamline operations and focus on core business objectives.


The evolution of billing systems in the mobile operator industry has been driven by the need for accuracy, efficiency, and customer-centricity. From manual processes to real-time billing, convergent systems to cloud-based solutions, billing systems have transformed to meet the changing demands of the industry. These advancements have improved operational efficiency, enhanced revenue management, empowered customers, and enabled operators to thrive in a competitive market. As technology continues to evolve, billing systems will continue to adapt, embracing innovations such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and advanced analytics to further streamline operations, enhance security, and deliver even more personalized billing experiences for mobile operator customers. The evolution of billing systems is a testament to the industry's commitment to providing seamless, efficient, and customer-focused services in an ever-changing telecommunications landscape.

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Prepaid and Postpaid billing for ISP's challenges and Telgoo5 Solutions

Telgoo5 is a telecom billing provider that supports Internet service providers (ISPs) with both prepaid and postpaid billing. With Telgoo5 services, ISPs can accurately and reliably charge their clients without service interruption.

Prepaid and Postpaid billing

Most people do not think about their Internet connection until it fails them. Every day, people everywhere access the Internet hundreds if not thousands of times. People check their Twitter feeds, look up directions to a new restaurant, read the news, and even do their jobs online. No thought goes into their connection, how it is supported, or even how it is paid for. The only time most people consider the infrastructure behind their Internet connection is when they are unable to access the Internet.

Fortunately, Telgoo5’s billing services help ensure that interruptions do not happen.

Telgoo5 is a telecom billing provider that supports Internet service providers (ISPs) with both prepaid and postpaid billing. With Telgoo5 services, ISPs can accurately and reliably charge their clients without service interruption. 

Benefits of Telgoo5’s prepaid billing:

When clients pre-pay for Internet data, they expect it to work when they need it to. Think of it this way - if you prepay for a meal and then arrive at an empty restaurant with an absent chef, you are not going to be too happy. Similarly ISPs need a way to track whether or not they have been paid, how much their clients have remaining on their account, and if or when services are paid for again. Consider it this way, if you are a restaurant owner serving customers who pre-paid for their meals, you need a way to reliably track which courses your clients have been served in order to ensure that one person isn’t being served two entrees when he only paid for one.  In order for ISPs to provide reliable prepaid service, they need a billing company that handles the payment to connection relationship seamlessly. 

Telgoo5’s prepaid features include charging, billing, automatic workflows such as degradation or plans, suspension and cutoff of services and restoring of services. Complete financial integration and reporting, Notifications via email, & SMS. With Telgoo5, ISPs will receive payment, and end-users will receive exactly what they paid for, nothing more and nothing less. 

Benefits of Telgoo5’s postpaid billing:

When clients post-pay for Internet services, their monthly bill varies based on services rendered. Let’s revisit the restaurant example. Most dining experiences represent post-paid models. Throughout the meal, customers can order as much or as little as they want. Once the meal is complete, they are billed for what they consumed. Someone who ordered only a few items will be billed less than someone who ordered a full 5 course meal. In order for ISPs to handle postpaid contracts reliably, they need billing partners who can track exactly how much data has been used, and which accounts are using data services when. 

Telgoo5’s postpaid features include complete control over the process of provisioning, activating and deactivating customers, a multitude of billing applications for charging, billing, and discounts, full control over postpaid tariff plan creation, and more.

At Telgoo5, we help ISPs to separate themselves from the competition by supporting whichever billing system they or their clients prefer. We have got your back regardless of how you choose to handle billing.

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Harness Power of Innovative Next-Gen Telecom Billing Services to Succeed in 2021

To overcome the numerous challenges, it is vital that a modern-day telecom operator uses telecom billing systems that have the necessary functionalities.

Harness Power of Innovative Next-Gen Telecom Billing Services to Succeed in 2021.png

In this age of technology, you need to be one step ahead of your competitors at all time. When it comes to the telecom industry, the competitive struggle is more intense because there are different types of operators in the industry. MNOs, MVNOs, ISPs and OTT service providers collectively form the entire telecom domain. Every player in the industry needs to be competent when it comes to telecom billing solutions, if it really wants to make a mark.

The Challenges for Telcos in 2021

2021 is expected to be extremely challenging for telcos, especially for the smaller players like MVNOs. Have a look at some challenges for telcos in the present times:

Revenue assurance

You simply have to deliver services as per your contract with the customers. Therefore, it is important to have complete revenue assurance. Considering the number of telecom services delivered these days, it is quite a challenge to be 100% accurate with revenue assurance.

Quick monetization of innovative plans

To break away from the crowd and provide unique telecom services, you need to have a billing system that allows flexibility in monetization. As a telecom operator, you should be able to combine disparate services and deliver them in an attractive manner. Also, the monetization needs to be quick if you want to exploit the trends prevailing in the market. For example, in the times of lockdown, you can provide conference calling as part of the package as more and more professionals are looking to connect remotely with their peers.

Management of third-party partnerships

There are simply too many things that an operator has to manage these days. It is impossible to grow one’s service catalogue – horizontally and vertically – at the same time without third party partnerships. Therefore, the complexity and challenge is huge, unless you have access to pro telecom billing services that offer APIs for third-party partnerships. A flexible system can manage various third-party partnerships with suppliers, video streaming vendors, payment gateways and shipping services. You can even manage an interconnect partnership for roaming services through an intuitive telecom billing platform like Telgoo5.

To overcome the numerous challenges, it is vital that a modern-day telecom operator uses telecom billing systems that have the necessary functionalities. Telgoo5 is an outstanding telecom support platform that simplifies day-to-day tasks and makes the challenge in 2021 simpler. The system comes with cutting-edge APIs that add new functionality and help in the evolution of telecom businesses.

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What Is Next For The Telecommunications Industry In A Post-COVID World

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a widespread impact on people, communities, and businesses around the world. The fast-paced outbreak has already rendered a lot of business contingency plans null and void due to its unexpected and unpredictable nature

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a widespread impact on people, communities, and businesses around the world. The fast-paced outbreak has already rendered a lot of business contingency plans null and void due to its unexpected and unpredictable nature.

Telecommunication companies have also been caught in the crossfire. Companies relying on store footfall to enhance their revenue and subscriber base have had to hustle to come up with other plans. On the flip side, the need to stay connected and social has skyrocketed with people having to stay at home. This can be a good opportunity for businesses implementing the MVNO model to find success.

In fact, both for consumers and businesses, there has been a massive surge in voice calls, data use, and streaming. A lot of telecom companies have already tried to help by removing data caps and introducing new packages. For the telecom industry, this situation can be an opportunity to build a much more loyal and dedicated customer base and to emerge from the other side of the pandemic with a much more established business presence. For those offering or considering offering MVNO solutions, working with a reputed service provider like Telgoo5 can be a smart, insightful option.

Important Focus Points

Businesses in the telecom industry would be best served to focus on specific short-term goals to survive and grow in these conditions. Some important focus points can include:

  • Efforts to expand the customer base

  • Bringing together customer data from all relevant channels

  • Reducing support costs by dramatically improving customer experience

  • Developing new strategies to enhance ARPU (Average Revenue Per User)

Unifying Customer Data

As things get back to normal, customers are more likely to start engaging with telecom companies over different channels. Implementing a CDP or Customer Data Platform can help companies merge all this data and provide a seamless and consistent experience to customers.

This can be a salient way to provide cohesive solutions to customers in online and offline environments alike. Contextual experiences can enhance the value companies offer to customers.

Expanding the Customer Base

A deep understanding of how customers can use your services during these times can be a key component in being able to expand your customer base. For example, you can analyze exit intent on your business website to find product and service offerings that really resonate with new customers during the pandemic and its restrictions.

Simple changes in your acquisition strategy, like free home delivery of SIM cards or driving the installation and use of your mobile apps can be a great way to enhance customer lock-in and engagement. MVNO companies can take advantage of streamlined MVNO billing solutions and other features from a provider like Telgoo5 to leverage customer acquisition efforts.

Increasing ARPU

Providing new, unique, and varied user experiences can be an excellent way to engage existing customers and drive revenue while people continue to largely stay at home. You can use social proof displays to drive and expedite purchasing decisions, provide a fun, gamified experience across your website and apps to enhance the lead collection, and focus on time-appropriate messaging to provide customized, tailored solutions to customers who are staying at home or working from home.

Looking Ahead

The Wuhan virus or COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the notion that being connected is a highly prized commodity. Keeping this in mind, it can be a good time for the telecommunication industry to embrace innovation and cater to a rising need for more customized experiences. In this environment, reacting to changes in customer expectations can be the most important element for telecommunication companies to keep growing and thriving. Forging partnerships with a company like Telgoo5 can prove to be decisive in such situations.

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Transition From Legacy Systems To Modern Infrastructure with Telgoo5

We at Telgoo5 know that the ability to scale despite challenges and adapt to changes is crucial to your success in the telecom sector. This notion is especially true when it comes to online charging technologies – and dealing with the issues of legacy charging systems.


We at Telgoo5 know that the ability to scale despite challenges and adapt to changes is crucial to your success in the telecom sector. This notion is especially true when it comes to online charging technologies – and dealing with the issues of legacy charging systems.

With new requirements and technologies at every corner, you have to be quick on your feet in meeting customer demands. Further, you must keep an open mind to making changes at a moment’s notice. Additionally, you must stay on top of the latest advancements.

In essence, we at Telgoo5 know that you must be ready for everything that your legacy charging system will not allow you to do.

Legacy Charging Systems Set You Up for Failure

If you have made it this far with a legacy charging system, the first thing you require is substantial applause. The next thing you need is to instantly look for a better Online Charging System (OCS) such as Telgoo5.

Remember that if you stick with the limitations of a legacy charging system, you introduce your customers to a world of trouble. In a day and age where customer experience reigns supreme, your consumers will find themselves stuck with tolerating problems from the past.

Standing by your legacy Charging System even in the face of better alternatives can expose your service to a host of issues. The following examples highlight the most glaring of these problems.

Latency Problems

You can face high-latency issues frequently if your network infrastructure is not set up for modern communication.

This can be quite a problem for data-savvy customers, which describes every customer segment in today’s day and age.

Charging Delays

Apart from overall latency, you can also face online charging delays.

This causes massive headaches for your customers and your billing department alike. Inaccuracies in billing could very well cause your whole operations to crumble with their consequences.

Poor Customer Experience

When performance issues become an everyday instance for your customers, they take pride in describing their overall experience as a bad nightmare.

Customers don’t know, and they frankly don’t care what is going on behind the scenes with your OCS. What they need is a better service, and failure to deliver on this promise can affect your overall brand.

Loss of Consumers

With better OCS services being offered at other providers like Telgoo5, it is not long before your customers start looking for a change for the better. Switching providers proves easier than sticking with your service. As a result, your customers decide to leave in favor of better service experiences.

Sticking with your legacy charging system drives your operation into the ground faster than you can think. It is absolutely necessary to get your ducks in a row and proceed towards better Online Charging Services.

The Ability to Scale and Adapt to Better Systems is Crucial Here

Fortunately, upgrading from your legacy charging system is not that difficult. All you need is an efficient online charging system provider. The rest falls in line if you know what you are doing. Most importantly, it gets easier when you show the ability to scale and adapt in the face of change.

Telgoo5 offers new technologies such as real-time charging and allows you to better serve your customers better. Along with improved customer experience, it also helps you cut unnecessary costs that come with the upkeep of legacy charging systems.

That is the reason why most companies are actively looking into upgrading their legacy charging systems.

Adapting to Change Doesn’t Cost You Much, But Provides a World of Benefits

We at Telgoo5 know that with the right Online Charging System Provider, proper upgrades will not cost you an arm and a leg. It doesn’t require you to pay a fortune in upkeep costs. And it will not ask your customers to start dealing with higher tariff prices.

Also, with that, you still receive smoother service delivery, timely modification features, and a better overall customer experience for your target market. This strategy effectively resolves any issues caused by your legacy charging system.

To understand the improvement process and its effects on your specific network, don’t hesitate to reach out to Telgoo5 today. We at Telgoo5 will be glad to answer any questions you may have and set you up with improved online charging services right away.

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Setting Up Convergent Billing? Implement These Best Practices With Telgoo5

When customers are using your services, they want to spend more time on their calls, texts, and data exchange than dealing with billing issues. We at Telgoo5 know that in today’s competitive environment, not getting this convenience can cause them to switch to another provider right away. To make matters worse, this all happens before you even have time to turn things around for the better.


When customers are using your services, they want to spend more time on their calls, texts, and data exchange than dealing with billing issues. We at Telgoo5 know that in today’s competitive environment, not getting this convenience can cause them to switch to another provider right away. To make matters worse, this all happens before you even have time to turn things around for the better.

That’s why almost all telecom companies use convergent charging for improved customer experience.

Simply put, convergent billing helps your customers deal with different charges on their accounts in a single invoice. They no longer have to pay individual payments for multiple services or devices. Everything is now present in a single bill. This presentation makes their lives that much easier in a day and age where customization is the most critical factor in utilizing telecom services.

If you are integrating convergent billing through your mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE), it is essential to ensure they are set up the right way. Being mindful of the following best practices can help you determine if you are fulfilling the crucial requirements of this segment.

Best Practices for Convergent Billing

As mentioned above, ease of use should be your guiding force throughout the setup process for convergent billing. Remember to keep this simple rule of thumb in mind. Set up your convergent charging in a way that ensures optimal customer retention.

But apart from ease of use, the following tips by Telgoo5 are also crucial in setting up this billing mechanism. This strategy allows your customers to make the most out of the simplicity you are offering to them.

Make It Simple to Understand

Since you are representing all of your charges in a single invoice, it is paramount for that bill to be as transparent as possible.

Separate and segment your invoice into different sections, such as data and voice charges. If there are any other charges that you think need a separate section, make sure to list them accordingly as well. Setting up your backend convergent billing interface with this goal in mind is the key to achieving more straightforward billing delivery.

This distinction makes the invoice easier to read, and your customers appreciate this transparency as well. This process also reduces your call and inquiry volume that is related to resolving basic billing questions.

Make It Easy to Set Up

Convergent charging should be as easy to set up as it is simpler to understand. Ensure that your customer relationship management (CRM) application makes it easy to assign different charges to your customer profile. This refinement helps your representatives in delivering on-call changes without getting into unnecessary complexities.

This also holds for your customers’ end as well. Don’t use convoluted mechanisms. Don’t go for complex interactive voice recordings (IVRs). Don’t assign complicated service codes to use. Make everything as straightforward as possible.

This process helps your customers change their services promptly. With the assurance of a consolidated bill in mind, this easy setup translates to better customer experience.

Have a Clear Difference in Service Charges

While setting up convergent billing, you must offer a variation in charges through your MVNE.

Make sure to take a look at what your competitors are offering and develop your subscription packages to be better in delivery. With this, also ensure that your packages are different from each other to offer a diverse range of experiences.

Having little to no difference in subscription costs kills the whole concept of convergent charging. If you have a clear difference in subscription packages, it translates to a charging system telecom consumers find much easier to use. This notion also goes a long way in customer retention.

Contact Telgoo5, an Experienced MVNE, Today

To make sure that you are setting up complex convergent billing in an easy to use way, having an experienced MVNE is of paramount importance.

The Telgoo5 team can assist, with extensive experience in setting up convergent charging systems, we can help you achieve your goals with ease. Our targeted setup and delivery mechanisms setup convergent billing in a way that’s easy to use for your customers and even simpler to deploy for your company.

At the same time, we deliver these services at competitive rates, which is due to the modern infrastructure that we have built for our operations.

If you are looking for an MVNE to set up convergent billing or improve your existing online charging systems, don’t hesitate to call Telgoo5 today. The Telgoo5 team will be glad to discuss your needs and help you deploy better services for your customers in no time.

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Telgoo5: The MVNE You Never Knew Your MVNO / MNO Needed

With 15 years in the industry, (v)WeCare is very well aware of the ever-changing landscape the telecommunications industry is facing today. That’s a decade-and-a-half of providing BSS, online charging, MVNE, Diameter and other expert technical and sales support, and as you’ll see, much more.

With 15 years in the industry, (v)WeCare is very well aware of the ever-changing landscape the telecommunications industry is facing today. That’s a decade-and-a-half of providing BSS, online charging, MVNE, Diameter and other expert technical and sales support, and as you’ll see, much more.

We’ve partnered with countless telecom organizations to transform their MVNO/MVNE by optimizing operations, expanding their reach, and growing their subscriber base overall. Furthermore, (v)WeCare has empowered companies just like yours to globally launch their MVNO/MVNE in a matter of weeks instead of months, and we even provide dedicated account managers as well as 24/7 NOC Support.

However, these partnerships actually evolved into a bit of symbiotic relationship as well. As our clients learned from us, we learned a lot more about their operation’s deeper needs.

That’s where Telgoo5 comes in. An end-to-end billing support system (BSS) and Online charging system (OCS) that is tailored to fit the specific needs of telecom companies.

The Telgoo5 Difference

There’s no denying that the ever-changing environment of the telecommunications industry can make proper management more than a bit of a challenge. With Telgoo5, that becomes a whole lot easier.

Imagine having the ability to provision and activate features on the fly, monitor service performance, track customer usage, bill for content, ensure revenue capture, and so much more. And we really, really mean so much more.

With Telgoo5’s BSS, you get a subscriber management system that is efficient, quick, responsive, and provides subscribers with excellent customer service. You also gain the ability to setup custom sales chain based on your business needs with sales chain management that supports 3 levels and has the ability to be customized for more.

Furthermore, with Telgoo5 and the BSS features, you have access to the following:

  • A config and admin panel that facilitates effective user management and enables you to define permissions, create plans, and gain greater control overall.

  • Reporting and analytics that provide in-depth subscriber data, giving you further insight and helping you manage and monitor your sales more easily and efficiently.

  • Expanded abilities to manage inventory status, reassignment, and reconciliation, spawning more efficient management and distribution of inventory units.

Even if that was the end of the list of benefits of Telgoo5 it would be rather impressive, but as we said above, there’s much more.

The key features of the BSS side of Telgoo5 are not only impressive, they can actually be critical in helping you meet the demands of today’s industry. Efficient billing is key to the survival of any organization but this can be evermore so true for telecom organizations.

Telgoo5’s Postpaid Billing System has a slew of impressive tools that are destined to transform your operations, including:

  • Payment gateway integration.

  • Real-time or manual invoice generation.

  • Postpaid tariff plans.

  • CDR rated bills sent in XML.

  • CDR mediation process.

  • Call barring services.

  • Call exception services.

  • And More!

Need a wholesale billing system? Telgoo5’s Online charging system has that covered too with additional key features for MNOs/MVNAs:

  • API controls.

  • Ability to create ‘n’ number of MVNOs.

  • Separate logins for MNOs/MVNAs and MVNOs.

  • Built-in online user guides that provide instant assistance whenever needed.

  • And once again, much more.

Have a little better understanding for why we said that your MVNO/MNO needs Telgoo5? If you’re ready to move forward with transforming your telecom into an entity ready for both today and tomorrow, give us a call at 206-384-4669.

If you still have questions about Telgoo5, you can visit our website or contact us directly and we’ll reply as quickly as possible.

Put years of experience and expertise to work for you with Telgoo5 augmenting your telecom business.

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5 Key Aspects of a Billing System

While operating a business it is important to have a great billing system. If the bills are paid on time, then it ensures that the business is running smoothly. Lateness when it comes to the release of funds will not help in keeping the business afloat. Depending on the options that you have available,

While operating a business it is important to have a great billing system. If the bills are paid on time, then it ensures that the business is running smoothly. Lateness when it comes to the release of funds will not help in keeping the business afloat. Depending on the options that you have available, which may include payments via small installments or monthly payments, it is important to keep track of the funds coming in and out of the business. A good billing system needs to have certain key qualities that will help you keep track of payments. Cellular network operators need to consider the kind the elements the billing system that they will decide to implement possesses. A billing system is key to running a good business. Here are some of the important components of a good billing system.

Aspects of a billing system

1. Does your billing system have billing codes?

It is important for cellular networks to have billing codes since they offer an array of services. They include; data, voice calls, and message among others. When you have a code for each of the services that your business provides you can be able to keep track of the payments. Codes will also help you to be able to determine which services clients prefer most since they will purchase them more than the others. You should have billing codes which are in line with your business and which can help your subscribers pick out product and services easily.

2. A billing system should be able to track payments

Tracking the payment of your clients is a very important aspect of a billing system. If the billing system is operated from a computer whereby all the details are available it will be easy to keep track of the payments. The billing system should have an option which will enable you to send reminders to users a few days to the payment so they can remember to make payments on time. Employees will be able to keep track of clients who do not pay on time and send them reminders to make their payments. If the defaulters have gone past an agreed period the employees can be able to keep track of that and they will be able to impose an extra fee. The system should be able to allow the provider to contact the subscribers who have not made their payments and remind them to pay. This can be done by sending a message or via a phone call conversation.

3. It should be able to verify the users’ information and store their data

A network provider should have the data of its providers in their database. That includes their names, their address, their payment terms as well as any other information that is necessary. After collecting the information of their subscribers, they should also collect information that pertains to the product and services that the subscriber is using. Entering this data will help with easy retrieval of information where necessary.

4. It should be secure

Information entered into the database of any network provider about a subscriber is sensitive. The information should not be shared with anyone else and it should not be easily retrieved by any third parties. It is important for a billing system to be regularly updated in order to avoid access by hackers.  The information should only be accessed by users who have permission to access it. What payment methods are you accepting? If you are accepting payment methods such as credit cards you will have to ensure that you adhere to the standards which have been set by the industry.

5. Affordability

When you invest in a billing system that seems to cost less you are likely to incur technical hitches which involve disconnections. However, thinking long term and investing in a solution that is integrated will cost you less in the long run.

A billing system will help you keep your business on track and you will be able to retrieve information easily when you need it. You should list down some of the concerns that you have as a business providing communication services so you can understand what is most important when you are considering a billing system for your business.

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Is Your Billing On Point

Billing is one of those things that businesses sometimes don’t give a lot of thought to, but smart companies in the telecom industry know that consistent and accurate customer billing is one of the cornerstones of a successful MNVO.

Billing is one of those things that businesses sometimes don’t give a lot of thought to, but smart companies in the telecom industry know that consistent and accurate customer billing is one of the cornerstones of a successful MVNO.

Some MVNOs handle billing in-house, tasking one or two staff members with what should realistically be the job of an entire department. The truth is, your if your billing is not on-point, your customers will suffer and look for other MVNO’s to get their service from. Since telecom billing is notoriously tricky, smart companies trust their billing to expert MNVEs.

Look For Flexibility

The telecom industry is always shifting and changing, which puts MVNOs in a challenging situation when it comes to billing, especially if they are poised to start scaling. As you get more end customers, your billing needs are going to adapt to different business situations. You need an MVNE that can adapt with you and offer real-time solutions to your customer’s needs. Smaller organizations simply don’t have the bandwidth to be able to support the level of growth that most MVNOs will experience, leading to customer frustration and annoyance on the part of the MNO.

At Telgoo5, we understand the importance of flexibility and ability to scale. Our sophisticated infrastructure was built to withstand shifting company demands and rapid scaling. What’s more, we can offer all of our MVNO partners CRM and BSS as well as a real-time view of business performance and trends!. Many of our long-term MVNO partners are US based companies that love working with us because they know that they will be able to scale with us and, we will be there to support their needs in a prompt and outstanding manner!

Look For Added Value

If you have an in-house billing department, or if you contract out to a smaller or less flexible MVNE, you won’t necessarily get bare-bones service, but you also won’t get all of the perks that come alongside working with a company that can address all of your needs on multiple fronts. Distribution and inventory management goes hand-in-hand with billing, and if your chosen MVNE doesn’t have the capacity to handle all three, you’ll have to find another one to attend to these services. Anyone who runs a business knows that dealing with multiple vendors can be costly and time-consuming.

Telgoo5 offers distribution and inventory as value added services to their billing plan, so you won’t need to be hopscotching between different vendors to get your customers the services that they need. With us, you can rest easy that it will all be handled in one secure, professional place!

Support Is Key

It’s hard to over-emphasize the importance of quality customer and tech support. You and your chosen MVNE are a team, and it should feel like a partnership. This is especially true if you’re scaling, taking on new customers or dealing with additional products. Customers depend on detailed, accurate and itemized bills for their telecom service, so you need to know that your MVNE has your back. That’s why you should be in regular contact with your MVNE about billing and other areas of your business.

At Telgoo5 we pride ourselves on taking our relationship with all of our MVNOs very seriously. You have an account manager who is responsible for handling your needs, and weekly calls to handle any concerns that might crop up. Additionally, we have an escalation procedure that is specifically designed to get to the root of any problem as efficiently and effectively as possible. We prioritize consistency and organization because we know that they are the cornerstones of a successful MVNO/MVNE relationship.

Anyone in the telecom industry knows that billing can be the trickiest part of the business. When you’re dealing with multiple customers and a host of different services, getting billing down perfectly poses something of a challenge. That’s why it is imperative to make sure that your billing is on point. The best way that you can do that is linking up with a smart MVNE that has your best interests at heart. Let an MVNE like Telgoo5 take billing off your plate so that you can focus on growing your business!

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Don’t Let Your Customers Suffer Anymore, Switch to OSS Telecom Billing Software

Technology does not always change for the best. But, that does not mean it does not try to make things better. When we look from the perspective of telecom industry, BSS and OSS have been two pillars of technology that have transformed the way business takes place. And the good news, everything has changed for the best. Compared with platforms used in the other industries, these two solutions have been in the market for a long time and have garnered trust from most telecom vendors. So, if you are still clinging onto the telecom systems of old, it is probably time to let go and switch to OSS telecom billing software.

Technology does not always change for the best. But, that does not mean it does not try to make things better. When we look from the perspective of telecom industry, BSS and OSS have been two pillars of technology that have transformed the way business takes place. And the good news, everything has changed for the best. Compared with platforms used in the other industries, these two solutions have been in the market for a long time and have garnered trust from most telecom vendors. So, if you are still clinging onto the telecom systems of old, it is probably time to let go and switch to OSS telecom billing software.

Why Change Is Important for All Industries?

When we look at industries of today, hotel industry stands out as the one that has probably seen the biggest transformation in terms of its operations due to technology. In the past, it was tough for hotel chains to manage their properties spread over different parts of the globe. But, with the coming of PMS and cloud-based technologies, almost all hotel chains are using it or planning to use it in the future. A study has revealed that in the next 4-5 years hotel companies will invest up to 8% more in cloud-based technologies.

Compared to hotel industry, operations in telecom industry are much more complex. Monitoring of customer, interactions, provisioning, billing, meditation systems, and the list goes on and on! A telecom operator requires all the help he can get. So, when the solution is staring at you in your face in the form of OSS telecom billing solutions, why not upgrade?

Drawbacks of Legacy Systems

Legacy systems are much more cumbersome and require manual intervention for smooth operation. This may lead to recurring errors that can diminish the customer’s faith in you. Let’s say a customer wants to upgrade his plan and calls up customer support. Upon receiving a request, the agent sends it forward for execution. Now, the system employed by the service provider lacks the service assurance feature normally found in OSS applications. In this case, there is a high probability that the request may be completed but not up to the service level agreement between the provider and the customer. This may reduce the trust of the customer in the system and he may opt for a different provider.

Now, compare this situation with an OSS-backed operation. The OSS telecom billing software has service assurance as one of its primary feature. Unless, there is a terrible malfunctioning of the system (which is very rare), it is highly unlikely that the request will be mismanaged or delivered incorrectly. All the more reason to employ, quality OSS telecom billing solutions, don’t you think so?

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The One Thing You Did Not Know About Telecom Billing Software

Telecom billing is a thankless task. You can be right 99 times out of 100, but if you make a single error, all the good work you have done previously goes down the drain. Just like politics, customers have short memories when it comes to the telecom services they use. Politicians have the advantage of evoking the right emotions at the time of elections but telecom operators do not enjoy such a luxury. They have to be right all the time and then some.

Telecom billing is a thankless task. You can be right 99 times out of 100, but if you make a single error, all the good work you have done previously goes down the drain. Just like politics, customers have short memories when it comes to the telecom services they use. Politicians have the advantage of evoking the right emotions at the time of elections but telecom operators do not enjoy such a luxury. They have to be right all the time and then some.

Not so long ago, when telecom billing systems were not as evolved as today, it was even harder to provide accurate bills to the customers. But at that time, the competition in the telecom industry was relatively low. At the sight of a wrong bill, customers used to think twice before crossing over to another provider. Not anymore! In this age of information and evolving telecom market, the playing field is a lot more competitive. Every year we see new entrants who try to lure away customers with flashy schemes and minimum tariff plans. This trend makes life difficult for established players in the market, especially for those who are still using outdated OSS telecom billing software.

“Hello! Have You Heard About Our New and Improved Telecom Billing Software?”

Do you know what most telecom operators do after hearing this line from a sales representative? They disconnect the line. It is not as if all the telecom billing software solutions made by IT companies are good and work well for every business. Not at all! However, complete disdain for something that you automatically think of as an exorbitant expense. Doesn’t make good business sense!

If till now, you have refrained from purchasing OSS telecom billing solutions because you thought they cost too much, you are in for a surprise. Most telecom entrepreneurs, in spite of their vast knowledge, do not know that telecom billing software can be procured as Software as a service (SaaS). If you are still not clear how this can help…read on.

Telecom Billing Software as SaaS

One of the least expensive ways of employing telecom billing software in your business operations is via SaaS model. With SaaS, you do not have to purchase any license or acquire any infrastructure. You can even decide on whether to host the services on your company’s cloud or employ the billing platform already operating in a cloud provided by the vendor.

This approach best suits startups and organizations with a limited budget. Enterprises that wish to integrate the billing software ASAP have to wait for only a day or two before beginning the use of billing software as part of SaaS model.

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Can Blockchain Make Telecom Billing System Better?

Ever wondered how many people have invested in bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies? As per a survey performed by Cambridge University, somewhere between 2.9 million and 5.8 million people utilized a cryptocurrency wallet in 2017. This number is staggering, especially when we look at the way governments of different countries are doing their best to stop people from using it.

Ever wondered how many people have invested in bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies? As per a survey performed by Cambridge University, somewhere between 2.9 million and 5.8 million people utilized a cryptocurrency wallet in 2017. This number is staggering, especially when we look at the way governments of different countries are doing their best to stop people from using it.

Many governments deem it illegal, others tell the people that it is unsafe for their hard-earned money and some even go as far as saying that it is downright immoral (some people use cryptocurrency for purchase of drugs and illegal video content). Right or wrong, we are not here to discuss about the virtues of cryptocurrency. We are here to analyze what makes it click. Which is that unseen force behind this phenomenon that people trust? The answer is simple: Blockchain.

Bitcoin is an unregulated and de-centralized currency, which means that there is not one single entity that controls it. The power lies in the hands of people. It is the best form of democracy when it comes to financial transactions. And, it has been made possible by the use of blockchain. For a layman, blockchain is like a ledger that is made available to all users. The data and transactions are completely transparent, which is clearly seen by all the users at all times. It won’t be wrong to think of it as a Google Doc spreadsheet, which can be edited at any time and the changes are there for all to see. Due to transparency in all transactions, people are ready to put their faith in it and hence, cryptocurrency has become so popular.

Use of Blockchain in Other Fields

Although, blockchain hasn’t been used in any other field, its promising start as part of the cryptocurrency operations makes it a wonderful option for other domains. In a field like telecom, where customers are often worried about the telecom billing system employed by their service provider, it won’t be a bad idea to give blockchain a try.

However, an immediate overhaul of the system is not advised and companies should look to integrate it slowly with their telecom billing solutions. Some of the benefits that can be extracted by its implementation in telecom are listed below:

  1. Solution to the problem of roaming – Blockchain can help overcome the major hurdle of operators that require them to integrate expensive systems, so they can offer authentication/access settings for starting roaming calls. Blockchain addresses this problem by enabling complex datasets across multiple parties, in real time and with great reliability.

  2. Better Connectivity – Use of blockchain along with telecom billing and payment software will make it easier to offer several local hotspots along with Wi-Fi accessibility based on permissions. The transparency that comes with blockchain can go a long way in fostering trust amongst customers with regards to billing for these difficult-to-track services.

  3. Telecom providers can become remittance providers – Remittance is the action of transferring money in a different country. By using blockchain, telecom providers will be able to serve their clients better by offering remittance services.

  4. Reduction in cost of operation – Last but definitely not the least, the implementation of blockchain will automatically lower the requirement of infrastructure, which will in turn lower the cost of operation.

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