Serve Every Market Better with Superior Billing Support Systems

Billing Support System

Telecom operators have evolved over the years from being product-centric to customer-centric. The shift in approach hasn’t actually changed the way things are done on a technical level, but it has transformed the business aspect considerably. Whether it is a fully-functional CSP (Communication Service Provider) e.g. Verizon or just an MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) e.g. Liberty Wireless, the change in business model is pretty evident. Especially the smaller players i.e. MVNO are increasingly focusing on the customer experience who are using their services. With MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler) handling their requirements on technical front, they are more concerned about the more visible aspects such as billing support systems.

Improving the Customer Experience with Better Billing Support Systems

A Billing Support System is the most important piece of software in the repertoire of telecom operators. It allows them to alter their monetization strategies, offer a better point of sale and at the same time improves revenue assurance.

Essential requirements of modern-day billing systems:

Real-time charging

At the least, every MVNO should have a real-time charging platform. Such a platform is an integral part of telco strategy in the modern times. It allows for consolidated billing service, which is an absolute must-have. As almost every operator nowadays deals in more than one telecom service, it makes no sense to send separate bills. Especially when your competitors are already using convergent billing, you cannot afford to stay behind the 8 ball. A real-time charging system offers greater revenue assurance and allows you to bill prepaid, postpaid, broadband services at the same place.

Greater control over monetization strategy

The complexity of telecom domain is rising as we speak. There is no avoiding the technicalities if you want to be successful in the domain. Hence, it is essential that you have an intuitive telecom billing platform that allows for greater control over monetization. You should be able to monetize every service at the same place and serve your customers better. For example, intuitive platforms like Telgoo5 abstracts you from intricacies such as interconnect billing, tax application, vendor partnership payments etc. All you need to do is mix and match different services to create telecom services plans that appeal to your customer base.

Not only that, a real-time charging system also implements credit limits accurately. It means customers get timely alerts when they are about to exceed their allotted quota. Also, you are provided APIs, which offer turnkey solutions to emerging requirements. Whether you are a Data MVNO or a dedicated ioT services provider, Telgoo5 can do wonders for your telecom services.

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Improvise with Innovative Monetization by Using Top Billing System Software

An intuitive billing and provisioning software solution is needed.

Improvise with Innovative Monetization by Using Top Billing System Software.png

Monetization and billing hold special place in the day-to-day operations of telcos. There are many promising technologies in the market that need to be packaged and delivered in an innovative manner. 5G and IoT are two key technologies that need to be delivered in an attractive manner to the customers. These technologies put heavy burden on the shoulders of telcos, especially Data MVNO and other smaller players in the market.  An intuitive billing and provisioning software solution is needed.

Transform Plans into Action Faster

The whole marketing team of a telecom operator tries to exploit market conditions. This is done by analyzing the immediate needs of customers and coming up with plans that fulfill those needs.

Operating a Billing System Software Solution is not the easiest thing to do. To devise a plan, many configurations need to be tweaked. A telecom system should allow for the different tweaks and should be intuitive enough, so that a less technically sound operator can also make the changes.

Real Time Charging For Maximum Impact

A telecom operator needs to get his basic rights if he wants to make the maximum impact with his plans and offers. A real time charging is the minimum requirement in today’s time as it helps in:

Convergent charging for consolidated billing

As both event-based services like SMS and session-based services like voice call are charged at a centralized location i.e., an Online Charging System, it becomes easier for telcos to create consolidated bills. All the charges can be reflected on a single invoice. Consolidated billing provides the necessary incentive for subscribers to stay with a single operator. They can subscribe to voice, SMS, data, broadband and even video streaming services as part of a single vendor partnership. The simplicity and convenience of Convergent Charging is crucial for a modern-day telecom operator.

Accurate implementation of credit limits

If a telecom operator is also performing the role of an IoT billing provider, the implementation of credit limits becomes even more important. Customers of today want complete transparency and do not want to pay a dollar extra. A real time charging platform keeps complete track of every transaction and ensures customers are sent timely reminders about their quota completion. Whether it is prepaid or postpaid services, real time charging is crucial in today’s time.

Revenue assurance

Ensuring proper revenue is the main concern of a telecom operator. Top billing systems like Telgoo5 are unwavering in terms of accuracy of charging. Hence, there is complete accountability for every service and total revenue assurance.

Telgoo5 provides a reliable platform, which is easy to use and completely accurate. It allows telcos to monetize their services in any way, shape or form with minimal efforts.

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Telgoo5: The MVNE You Never Knew Your MVNO / MNO Needed

With 15 years in the industry, (v)WeCare is very well aware of the ever-changing landscape the telecommunications industry is facing today. That’s a decade-and-a-half of providing BSS, online charging, MVNE, Diameter and other expert technical and sales support, and as you’ll see, much more.

With 15 years in the industry, (v)WeCare is very well aware of the ever-changing landscape the telecommunications industry is facing today. That’s a decade-and-a-half of providing BSS, online charging, MVNE, Diameter and other expert technical and sales support, and as you’ll see, much more.

We’ve partnered with countless telecom organizations to transform their MVNO/MVNE by optimizing operations, expanding their reach, and growing their subscriber base overall. Furthermore, (v)WeCare has empowered companies just like yours to globally launch their MVNO/MVNE in a matter of weeks instead of months, and we even provide dedicated account managers as well as 24/7 NOC Support.

However, these partnerships actually evolved into a bit of symbiotic relationship as well. As our clients learned from us, we learned a lot more about their operation’s deeper needs.

That’s where Telgoo5 comes in. An end-to-end billing support system (BSS) and Online charging system (OCS) that is tailored to fit the specific needs of telecom companies.

The Telgoo5 Difference

There’s no denying that the ever-changing environment of the telecommunications industry can make proper management more than a bit of a challenge. With Telgoo5, that becomes a whole lot easier.

Imagine having the ability to provision and activate features on the fly, monitor service performance, track customer usage, bill for content, ensure revenue capture, and so much more. And we really, really mean so much more.

With Telgoo5’s BSS, you get a subscriber management system that is efficient, quick, responsive, and provides subscribers with excellent customer service. You also gain the ability to setup custom sales chain based on your business needs with sales chain management that supports 3 levels and has the ability to be customized for more.

Furthermore, with Telgoo5 and the BSS features, you have access to the following:

  • A config and admin panel that facilitates effective user management and enables you to define permissions, create plans, and gain greater control overall.

  • Reporting and analytics that provide in-depth subscriber data, giving you further insight and helping you manage and monitor your sales more easily and efficiently.

  • Expanded abilities to manage inventory status, reassignment, and reconciliation, spawning more efficient management and distribution of inventory units.

Even if that was the end of the list of benefits of Telgoo5 it would be rather impressive, but as we said above, there’s much more.

The key features of the BSS side of Telgoo5 are not only impressive, they can actually be critical in helping you meet the demands of today’s industry. Efficient billing is key to the survival of any organization but this can be evermore so true for telecom organizations.

Telgoo5’s Postpaid Billing System has a slew of impressive tools that are destined to transform your operations, including:

  • Payment gateway integration.

  • Real-time or manual invoice generation.

  • Postpaid tariff plans.

  • CDR rated bills sent in XML.

  • CDR mediation process.

  • Call barring services.

  • Call exception services.

  • And More!

Need a wholesale billing system? Telgoo5’s Online charging system has that covered too with additional key features for MNOs/MVNAs:

  • API controls.

  • Ability to create ‘n’ number of MVNOs.

  • Separate logins for MNOs/MVNAs and MVNOs.

  • Built-in online user guides that provide instant assistance whenever needed.

  • And once again, much more.

Have a little better understanding for why we said that your MVNO/MNO needs Telgoo5? If you’re ready to move forward with transforming your telecom into an entity ready for both today and tomorrow, give us a call at 206-384-4669.

If you still have questions about Telgoo5, you can visit our website or contact us directly and we’ll reply as quickly as possible.

Put years of experience and expertise to work for you with Telgoo5 augmenting your telecom business.

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Is Your Billing On Point

Billing is one of those things that businesses sometimes don’t give a lot of thought to, but smart companies in the telecom industry know that consistent and accurate customer billing is one of the cornerstones of a successful MNVO.

Billing is one of those things that businesses sometimes don’t give a lot of thought to, but smart companies in the telecom industry know that consistent and accurate customer billing is one of the cornerstones of a successful MVNO.

Some MVNOs handle billing in-house, tasking one or two staff members with what should realistically be the job of an entire department. The truth is, your if your billing is not on-point, your customers will suffer and look for other MVNO’s to get their service from. Since telecom billing is notoriously tricky, smart companies trust their billing to expert MNVEs.

Look For Flexibility

The telecom industry is always shifting and changing, which puts MVNOs in a challenging situation when it comes to billing, especially if they are poised to start scaling. As you get more end customers, your billing needs are going to adapt to different business situations. You need an MVNE that can adapt with you and offer real-time solutions to your customer’s needs. Smaller organizations simply don’t have the bandwidth to be able to support the level of growth that most MVNOs will experience, leading to customer frustration and annoyance on the part of the MNO.

At Telgoo5, we understand the importance of flexibility and ability to scale. Our sophisticated infrastructure was built to withstand shifting company demands and rapid scaling. What’s more, we can offer all of our MVNO partners CRM and BSS as well as a real-time view of business performance and trends!. Many of our long-term MVNO partners are US based companies that love working with us because they know that they will be able to scale with us and, we will be there to support their needs in a prompt and outstanding manner!

Look For Added Value

If you have an in-house billing department, or if you contract out to a smaller or less flexible MVNE, you won’t necessarily get bare-bones service, but you also won’t get all of the perks that come alongside working with a company that can address all of your needs on multiple fronts. Distribution and inventory management goes hand-in-hand with billing, and if your chosen MVNE doesn’t have the capacity to handle all three, you’ll have to find another one to attend to these services. Anyone who runs a business knows that dealing with multiple vendors can be costly and time-consuming.

Telgoo5 offers distribution and inventory as value added services to their billing plan, so you won’t need to be hopscotching between different vendors to get your customers the services that they need. With us, you can rest easy that it will all be handled in one secure, professional place!

Support Is Key

It’s hard to over-emphasize the importance of quality customer and tech support. You and your chosen MVNE are a team, and it should feel like a partnership. This is especially true if you’re scaling, taking on new customers or dealing with additional products. Customers depend on detailed, accurate and itemized bills for their telecom service, so you need to know that your MVNE has your back. That’s why you should be in regular contact with your MVNE about billing and other areas of your business.

At Telgoo5 we pride ourselves on taking our relationship with all of our MVNOs very seriously. You have an account manager who is responsible for handling your needs, and weekly calls to handle any concerns that might crop up. Additionally, we have an escalation procedure that is specifically designed to get to the root of any problem as efficiently and effectively as possible. We prioritize consistency and organization because we know that they are the cornerstones of a successful MVNO/MVNE relationship.

Anyone in the telecom industry knows that billing can be the trickiest part of the business. When you’re dealing with multiple customers and a host of different services, getting billing down perfectly poses something of a challenge. That’s why it is imperative to make sure that your billing is on point. The best way that you can do that is linking up with a smart MVNE that has your best interests at heart. Let an MVNE like Telgoo5 take billing off your plate so that you can focus on growing your business!

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